Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 109: Subsequent results (middle)

The atmosphere in the tavern was unusually quiet, and all the villagers were listening to Duruk telling about the experience of killing monsters in the hot spring.

When Duruk described the constantly churning water surface and the huge bubbles emerging from the bottom of the fifth hot spring, and described the tense and terrifying atmosphere at that time, he stopped talking again without any accident, and then drank Shi Shiran. A sip of ale.

"You bastard, you always refuse to tell the whole story." The tavern owner said helplessly again, "I asked you last time if you could make a silver-plated cane for me, and you said it without a word. I've been talking a lot, and I'll stop every few words, so I can't stop asking questions, like you are now. But you finally told me that it's okay to make iron crutches, but not silver-plated, because you No silver plating. Ha, that's a really disappointing answer. I hope your next answer is a little more satisfying, and it's not a waste of this whole malt beer I bought you to drink."

"I'm a blacksmith, not a goldsmith." Duruk spread his hands and gave a helpless expression, "You can't let hens lay duck eggs, isn't it, this is too hard for a man to do."

"Forget it, it's all in the past." The tavern owner returned the topic to the hot spring, "What exactly is that? It's the guy who is about to emerge from the hot spring. How big is it?"

"Can it fly??", "Is it very dangerous?", "Can it spray water or steam? Is it fire? No, it shouldn't be possible." Other villagers asked all kinds of strange questions.

"I don't know." This is Drucker's unified answer to these questions.

"What don't you know?" The tavern owner didn't respond.

"I don't know what that thing is about to come out of," Drucker repeated.

The people around were disappointed and uttered all kinds of dissatisfied condemnations, and the tavern owner also frowned, "How could you not know? Didn't you see it? Or did nothing come out of the bottom of the hot spring at all?"

"Actually, this is what happened." Drucker began to explain, "it was the Nord who first realized that something was wrong, when the largest hot spring had not started to bubble up continuously. Yes, the Nord were One of the group of adventurers who came to the village the day before yesterday, the strongest one, but he is worse than me." He smiled proudly, "The Nord first walked to the hot spring with some doubts, and then frowned at the hot spring. Looking in the water, yes, just like you are now." He said in the same tone as the tavern owner.

The latter glared at Druck, but he just smiled and continued, "Then the Nord stopped everyone to cheer, and called Ser Arman to the hot springs again, and said something to Ser. Shaking his head, his expression seemed to be somewhat unconvincing. Then the Nord seemed to want to argue, but then, huge bubbles began to bubble out from under the surface of the hot spring, and the entire water surface tumbled. It also became more and more intense, and waves of hot steam rushed towards the face one after another, and the scene suddenly became a little flustered."

"Then what?" the tavern owner asked as soon as Duruk stopped.

"Then the Nord started shouting, and he told everyone to get out, get out of the hot springs. But without Ser's orders, everyone stood there in a daze. Seriously, Ser Arman trained those lads. It's very good, so that they can be banned like real soldiers. However, Jazz immediately shouted the same words as that of the Nord, he ordered everyone to leave as quickly as possible, and asked everyone to stop The place 500 meters west of this hot spring has been reorganized and prepared for battle."

Duruk scratched a red mark on his shoulder that looked like he was scalded, and continued, "Most people followed the order and left, including those among the adventurers. However, three people remained in the original place. Land, Ser Arman, Knight Dennis, and the Nord."

"We stopped about 500 meters west of the hot spring and formed a defensive formation according to our previous training. Although I was the captain of the militia, I couldn't deal with this situation alone. I never led them to fight alone. I was a little flustered because of my experience, so I asked the woman in the adventurer and the boy George to assist me. I tell you, the boy George did a good job this time, shooting and killing eight mephits in total. Even if I only killed five monsters. I have to say that the giant hammer is not a good choice for those winged and flexible mephits."

"Speaking of which, no one cares how many monsters you killed. We want to know what happened to Sir and them?"

"Although the answer doesn't satisfy you, it's still the answer." Drucker smiled, "I don't know what happened to the Sirs, because I couldn't see what was going on in that hot spring. You all You know, the hot springs are always full of steam lately, and the visibility is very low, and the situation at that time was even worse."

"Did they escape?" a villager asked nervously.

"Isn't this nonsense." Another villager said disdainfully, "Otherwise, why would Sir hold a banquet in the castle?"

Duruk looked around again before continuing to tell with a smile, "You're right, they all ran out. First, Dennis Knight, we saw him coming out of the hot spring not long after we formed a formation. ran out. I found that he was not wearing a griffin helmet on his head, it looked like he had lost it in the hot springs, he looked a little embarrassed, but more like depression. Then there was Ser Arman, he His face was also not very good-looking. In the end, the Nord came out. He was soaked all over, and his exposed skin was red and red, like a boiled lobster, but he didn't seem to have suffered any serious injuries. ."

"After I heard that the Nord came out, I said something to Sir, I'm relieved,

That guy won't come out. Then the Jazz nodded blankly and told us to close the team and prepare to come back. The Jazz also informed his squires to put up warning signs around the last hot spring, forbidding everyone to approach. "

"So, only Ser Arman, Dennis, and the Nord know what happened there?" the tavern owner concluded.

"Yes, there are only the three of them." Duruk nodded, "Of course, if you are really curious, you can also go to the hot spring to have a Anyway, I have no such idea. ."

"No one will go." The tavern owner shook his head. "The monsters have been entrenched in the hot spring for a long time, and all the surrounding villages and towns know about it. Even if the Sir does not make a clear announcement, he will not stand up. Warning sign, I don't think anyone will approach there yet."

"Is the last hot spring a forbidden place?" asked the villager with the broad-brimmed felt hat at the beginning. "Can't everyone ever get close to there? Like the pit near the Breed Vineyard?"

"No, no, no, you're exaggerating! It's far less terrifying." Druck said with a smile, "You should have heard that the appearance of this monster is related to the plane crack near the hot spring, you ask me What is a plane crack? Actually, I don't know, anyway, it gives me the feeling that the plane crack is like a crack in the wall, and those monsters are the little bugs that came in from this crack, that's it."

The people around nodded involuntarily, and seemed to agree with his metaphor.

"Sir Arman told everyone at the knight's ordination ceremony of Dennis that it won't be long before the rift in the plane will close. It is estimated that it will take no more than a week at most, and then all the hot springs will be restored to their original state. The largest hot spring The same is true, no matter what's in there, no matter how big or how powerful it is, after the rift closes, it has to go back to its hometown obediently."

"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure it works?" Drucker pouted, "That's what Sir said anyway."

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