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Chapter 110: Subsequent results (below)

There is no playful and vulgar ambiguity of bards, and there are no charming and scantily clad waitresses. In the pub in the hot spring village, there are just a group of villagers and farmers who don't want to go home too early to sleep with their yellow-faced woman in their arms. A tavern owner with some knowledge, and a storyteller with a blacksmith profession.

"Why did the Nord discover the problem of the hot spring in the first place?" a villager asked, "Why not Sir Arman? I thought that Sir was the most powerful person in your team."

"Although I don't want to admit it, that Nord is indeed much more powerful than Sir." Drucker said, "He kills monsters as naturally as eating and drinking, and those mephits are rarely able to make him go out again. Erjian. He is an elite adventurer, I can tell, and I heard that he has been in and out of the foggy forest countless times before. Yes, it is the strange forest that eats thousands of people every year. He can come out alive again and again from there. The adventurer of , certainly not ordinary."

"That Nord seems to be really powerful!" Some villagers expressed the same emotion, "I heard that the Nord killed at least thirty winged monsters. Really?" He asked Duruk .

Druck shook his head, "Thirty? No, it's more than that! That Nord adventurer killed more mephits alone than the rest of the party combined. To be honest , without this Nord, at least half of the entire team would have been seriously injured, and many would have lost their lives."

"If the sergeant was younger, he wouldn't be any worse than that Nord." A villager said unconvinced.

It can be seen that Yarman is very popular in the village.

"Maybe it was 20 years ago." Another elderly villager sighed with emotion, "I still remember Jazz's heroic performance in the turnip plucking competition. There are more than 100 strong boys in three nearby villages, but No one can beat jazz, no! I've never seen a turnip plucked so fast that the bards should have written a poem about it for posterity to sing! But now" he Shaking his head, "Sir is a little old, older than me, so it's not suitable for him to fight like this, and little Yarman should be in charge."

"But little Yarman became an adventurer. After falling out with Sir, he left." Drucker said. He looked at the tavern owner who was sitting across from him. "Little Yarman is what I call a smart guy who would never be trapped in an old castle, a small estate, or a woman."

"What's smart." The villager with the broad-brimmed felt hat sneered at first, "If I were to inherit such a large castle and this village as a territory, I wouldn't be foolish to be that adventurer. I I will hold lively banquets and parties every day, and invite all the elegant noble ladies around me, and let them surround me, and then" he smiled, looking very wretched.

"Then you will soon be out of money, go bankrupt, and become a run-down aristocrat, sitting in an empty castle, reminiscing about the good old days, and the situation is not much better than your current situation." Another villager said. Satire.

"No money? It's very simple. I will increase the tax and let you guys take out the last copper coin in your pocket." The fantasy lord said proudly, "I am the lord, in my territory, Of course everything is up to me!"

"Fortunately, you're not a lord.", "I think you're a bad guy!"

"Do you still want to be a lord? Well, being a farmer is the worst kind." A villager said disdainfully, "The yield of corn in your field is always much lower than that of others, as well as soybeans and potatoes. , even sometimes, rye can make you wither." The speaker pointed at the fantasy lord, "Rye can be withered, you can really do it!"

"There's something wrong with that piece of land in my house, it's cursed! Really, since my grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's, long ago anyway, that land has been cursed! I heard my grandpa say that a long time ago, this neighborhood used to be There was a mage who lived there, and then he had some accidents, and my land was related to that accident." The villager in the broad-brimmed felt hat defended loudly, "So, it has nothing to do with me! Otherwise, I would not You'll owe money everywhere." Only he could hear his last words.

The other villagers obviously didn't believe this man's "sophistry", and they retorted loudly, making the whole tavern noisy again.

The tavern owner ignored the chatter and looked at Duruk. "Dennis finally dropped the word "apprentice"? This young man has been in the village for three or four years, and the sergeant finally agreed to make him a knight. I heard that it usually only takes a few months for others to go from apprentice knight to full knight, and the longest is no more than half a year. But Jazz dragged him for four whole years."

"No way, the sergeant is very strict with Dennis." Drucker replied, "you know, since little Arman left, Dennis has become the half son of the sergeant. That young man always thinks of the serge A role model, learn from his words and deeds, and learn that now, the whole person is as old-fashioned as Sir Arman."

Duruk shook his head and smiled, "After he becomes a full-fledged knight, he should leave here. The old sergeant didn't say it, but he was definitely reluctant to part with it." The blacksmith took another sip of whole malt wine. After smacking his lips, "To be honest, whole-malt beer does taste better than rye beer."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, the price of malt liquor is much higher than that of rye beer." The tavern owner leaned back and found a comfortable position, "Have you participated in the ordinance ceremony?"

Drucker nodded, "Although I didn't attend the evening banquet, I did attend the noon ordaining ceremony."


What is the ceremony like? "A villager asked curiously, "Is it solemn? The most solemn ceremony I have ever seen was the succession to the title of Count Galano more than ten years ago.”

"You mean you've seen it before?" Another villager asked, "The hall of the succession ceremony can let you, an ordinary farmer, enter?"

"I'm cheering outside!" said the villager, holding out his chest. "At that time, more than a dozen circuses and jugglers came from all over the country, those who breathed fire, played flying knives, walked upside down, and walked on stilts. Acrobats and clowns of all kinds fill the streets. Not only that, but there are at least three bards in every tavern, and these singers even fight for territory. Lyre and recorder are not only musical instruments, they are It also became a weapon, and that scene was really lively. After all, everyone knows that the Benson family has money, and even the blood flowing in its blood is golden, so they all want to come over and ask for some money."

"Are there any elephants at your consecration ceremony?" the villager asked Duruk, "At the succession ceremony of Earl Galano, there were twelve elephants standing in a row, presumably the king was crowned. That's all it is."

"There is no elephant, but a white goose." Duruk replied with a smile.

"Paul Knight?" asked the tavern owner.

"Paul Knight!"

"It was earlier than Dennis was sealed." The tavern owner also laughed.

"Hey, Duruk, you haven't said what the consecration ceremony is like." The villagers who asked the question seemed to like the lively scene.

"What else could it be? It's very simple." Duruk recalled, and then began to narrate, "All the militiamen, adventurers, cooks, housekeepers and other chores in the castle stood as two men in the castle hall. Row as witnesses. Ser Arman stood in the middle of the two rows with the Code of Knights in hand, Dennis knelt in front of him on one knee, and then he read the chivalric manifesto on the title page of the code, and Dennis followed each line he read. ." He stopped talking again.

"and then?"

"Then the sergeant asked, Dennis Elijah, would you swear before the code and the world, to guard the weak for life, to protect women and children, to obey the rulers, the lords, and the kings, no matter how difficult, how low, how dangerous the future may be, always Fighting bravely and not humiliating the mission?"

"Then I thought Dennis would answer normally, I will, my lord!, but he suddenly shouted that honor is my life. Everyone was stunned, including Ser Arman, but he still used it calmly. The tip of the sword lightly tapped Dennis' At this point, the ceremony of receiving the seal is completed, followed by chatting, rewarding, and finally the banquet."

"You ran away after taking the money? Why didn't you attend the banquet?" the tavern owner asked curiously.

"I originally wanted to participate, but the Nord said that since the matter here has been settled, he intends to leave. He said that he has other tasks, and he must hurry up and not miss the trip. He also said If there is any trouble here, you can go to him at any time, and it is best to hang the corresponding task on the Adventurer's Guild by the way."

"I thought that adventurers prefer to pick up jobs in private, so that the guild can't get a draw." The tavern owner was a little puzzled.

"Who knows, maybe it's for prestige." Drucker replied nonchalantly, "Then Ser Yarman asked me to send the Nord out of the village on his behalf. He may think that I am the same as that Nord. He is strong and strong, I thought there would be some common language, but in fact we didn't say anything along the way. Because besides me, the person who sent him was that charming woman in the adventurer team. That woman looked at Nord People's eyes are full of nostalgia, to be honest, they both have adultery at first sight, but the Nord still patted his **** and rode away."

Duruk drank the last bit of whole malt beer. "After the Nords left, the woman found a stone at the entrance of the village and sat on it with her knees in her arms. I don't know what she was thinking. As for me, I thought to myself. The banquet should have already started, so I won't go over there to find a seat, let's come to you for a beer and chat with you guys who have nothing to do."

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