Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 111: send

On the flat road, Barrett rode a carrot at a gallop, the cold wind whistled in his ears, and the pines and cypresses flew by on both sides.

Carrot was the name of his young pony. In fact, Barrett didn't want to call it that. He originally wanted to give the horse a louder name, such as Flamehoof. If it really had Nightmare blood, as the merchant who sold it said, Flamehoof would no doubt be a good name.

Perhaps in the Nightmare Beast family, Flamehoof is a name with a high rate of repetition, like Andrew or George, but it is at least much better than Carrot. But it is a pity that this stallion, who is greedy and has a bad temper, never responded to this good name.

In addition, Barrett has called it Herder, Courage, Falcon, and even Half-Blood, etc., but no matter what name Barrett uses to call it, this four-legged partner only regards him as a Farting, never responding.

Except for carrots.

Yes, only when Barret called it carrots would it lean over and rub Barrett's cheek with the horse's face affectionately, neighing softly like a coquettish coquettish, rummaging through his palms and asking him for it. Something with the same name.

There was nothing Barrett could do about it.

The task of the boiling hot spring has been completed. Although the ending is not satisfactory, it is still completed.

On the elegant, quaint translucent parchment in the mission log, the number 80 was displayed in the column of soul energy, which made Barrett quite happy.

As long as he completes one more task, he can collect at least 100 soul energy, and then it will fill that purple stripe with this strange energy and see what happens.

This was one of the reasons why Barrett was in a hurry to leave the Hot Springs Village. From fear to curiosity, he couldn't wait to see the result.

As for filling the yellow stripes with soul energy and upgrading this quest log? Hehe, Barrett doesn't think he's going to have such a plan, at least for a long, long time.

The boiling hot spring was completed without any risk, but when he thought about it later, there were still some details that made him palpitate. Especially at the end of the mission, a terrifying big guy actually emerged from the bottom of the hot spring, which really startled Barrett.

That thing is also a boiling water element, but it is more than five times larger than the other boiling water elements. It is really a big guy, and I don't know how such a body type ran out of the crack in the plane.

This large boiling water element is called this name for the time being. The most special part is not its huge body, nor is it a shackle-like neck ring around its neck, its most special place is its head. department.

The head of an ordinary boiling water element is just a flowing water mass, and there is no obvious difference in facial features. And this large boiling water element, the entire shape of its head is like a worm's crack. The center of the head is a dark water hole that seems to be constantly rotating, and the surrounding of the hole is covered with tentacles. The flow of water looks terrifying.

As soon as this large-scale boiling water element emerged from the bottom of the hot spring, it released a thick steam shock around it regardless. Both knights held large kite-shaped shields, and they squatted halfway at the same time, shrinking their entire bodies behind the shields to resist the roaring steam heat wave.

Although Barrett also has a shield, the small round shield on his right hand can withstand swords and sharp claws, but it is not very useful to deal with such a large-scale and large-area steam impact.

However, as an elite adventurer, Barrett would not sit still and let the hot steam cover his face. He judged the form in an instant, and then quickly released the corpse of a steam melee from the space ring, spread the corpse's wings, and wrapped himself.

The corpse of the mephit was one of the rewards that Sir Arman gave to Barrett. Originally, because Hannah's adventure team was employed by the Benson family, Sir Arman did not need to pay any other payment. However, because Barrett's performance in the entire clearing battle was too outstanding, after clearing the monsters in the fourth hot spring, Sir allowed Barrett to choose the spoils at will.

Of course, Jazz did this not only because he really wanted to reward Barret, but also in order to make him work harder in the future battles. After all, it is foreseeable that the number of monsters in the last hot spring will be extraordinarily large.

Although Sir promised to pick and take it at will, Barrett only took two elemental cores and the corpses of several mephits. The corpse of one of the mephits was used as a shield by Barrett.

It has to be said that the body of a monster from another world like the steam mephit is not strong at all in defending against swords, but in the face of steam and hot water, it can resist very well.

This is a very tortuous battle.

Originally, Sir Arman planned to kill this large boiling water element with his own efforts, just like the younger brothers who killed this large boiling water element. But this big guy is not only tall, big, and terrifying, but also has a lot of attack methods.

It seems to be relying on the energy supply in the cracks of the plane, and various spell-like abilities take turns to release 360-degree steam shocks with no dead ends, boiling water splashes, group boiling water arrows, water jets, and so on. It is extremely difficult for the three of them to get close, let alone eliminate this big guy.

More importantly, Barrett's weapon is not a magic weapon and cannot cause damage to this big guy. He can only dodge and avoid like a butterfly under a storm, but he can't do anything else.

After many attempts, Sir Arman and the others received a bunch of not-so-serious burns and embarrassment from their attacks.

Other than the status, it has no other effect.

In the gap between tumbling, jumping, galloping and moving, Barrett managed to persuade Sir Arman to give up his plan to kill this large boiling water element. But this doesn't mean the end and retreat, because Jazz still needs to know if this big guy is like other boiling water elements and won't leave the hot springs.

At that time, Barrett was very angry at the situation where he could only avoid but not fight back. He actually wanted to give a positive answer directly, but he knew he couldn't do it.

Because this large-scale boiling water element is not a monster he is very familiar with in the foggy forest, and if he makes a mistake, the entire hot spring village is likely to be wiped out.

In the end, they made various attempts to stimulate and tease this big guy. However, Dennis had already been unable to hold on at that time, and was even shot twice by the big guy with his thick arm. The state was very bad, and the Jazz asked him to retreat first.

Soon after, due to his vision, Jazz was hit by the Boiling Water Arrow several times. Fortunately, his full body armor was exceptionally strong, and it seemed that he had used magic constantly. With the protection of the shield, he was not seriously injured.

However, Sir Arman also became weak because of this, and soon After that, only Barrett was left in the entire hot spring.

After he used many kinds of temptation methods such as throwing stones, throwing corpses, throwing copper coins, throwing recommendation tickets, running away, returning, running away, and returning again, in the end Barrett was finally able to speak to the Jazz in a tone of affirmation against his conscience. "Don't worry, that guy can't get out".

At this time, Barrett was driving his horse to Vanilla City, the location of another mission.

This is a task of delivering letters. Although most of the delivery of letters belongs to the work of coachmen who travel between towns, there are also many people with more money who like to entrust it to adventurers. Because the adventurer will send the letter directly to the recipient, instead of putting the letter in the car dealership like the driver, and then the car dealership will send the person to distribute it uniformly.

mission log

old letters

This seems to be a letter that has been eroded by time. The surface of the envelope has been slightly yellowed, and the edges and corners around it are slightly worn. The dark red wax seal in the middle is covered with tiny cracks as small as hair due to time. Still, it's flat, without a crease, and if you sniff it carefully, you can still smell a hint of vanilla on the letter.

Please deliver this letter to Madam Isabelle in Vanilla City, this quest needs to be completed before April 20, 687 of the new magical calendar

Quest reward: 30 soul energy

Note: Love is a vanilla growing on the edge of a cliff. If you want to pick it, you must have courage!

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