Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 116: Lady Sabell of Vanilla City (Part 1)

Two days later, Barrett arrived at Vanilla City.

In fact, he could have arrived here earlier, at least half a day earlier. However, in response to the repeated, repeated, and cry-like pleas of a certain fat man, Barbarian had no choice but to follow the motorcade he met that night and acted as a free bodyguard.

He didn't expect that one day he would be persuaded by a fat middle-aged man with tears and snot on his face, but the appearance of that man was so pitiful, and even more ridiculous, and the help of other people made it difficult for Barrett reject.

Anyway, this is not a difficult task for Barrett, so he simply agreed.

As for the young shadow lynx, it was adopted by the little girl after all. Its mother was missing, and her mother condoned it.

Yes, indulge.

In Barrett's view, the shadow lynx should not be a little girl's playmate. It is a bloodthirsty, ferocious and ruthless beast. Even though it is still small, when this cub grows older, the fangs in its mouth will easily tear its throat apart, just as the man was worried.

No matter what, he has said everything that needs to be said, and whether the other party will accept it or not is not something he can control. Maybe the whole thing was because he thought too much. Maybe one day, there will be another beautiful legend in this world, and the protagonist of the legend is a young girl with a black night saber by her side.


Vanilla City also belongs to the western region from the perspective of the entire Griffin Kingdom. The vicinity is dominated by plains, with few swamps and forests, and monsters and monsters rarely show up. Listening to the coachman, this city has not been burned for more than 2,000 years. Even in the darkest chaotic era, the city has not been attacked by other monsters or aliens, and it has changed from the Tomyli dynasty to the lion. The Eagle Dynasty was also carried out without bloodshed.

The barbarian adventurer Barrett came here for the first time, but he quite liked the city.

Many households along the street don't display traditional flowers such as tulips, calendulas, violets, but a wide variety of herbs on the flower stands outside their windows.

Dill, thyme, rosemary, sage, mint, lavender, and Barrett's favorite, basil. The air of the whole city is filled with a distant fragrance. This fragrance is not strong, light, but unusually fresh. At the same time, it refreshes his mind and calms his nerves, and he can't help but open his appetite.

Barrett intends to have a good meal in the city famous for its herbs after completing the mission of delivering the letter.

There are many restaurants, hotels and bakeries on the street, and each restaurant has its own signature dishes on the windows: roast lamb with crispy herbs, rosemary kebabs, chicken stewed with thyme and lemon, noodles with basil green sauce, fragrant Baked pork neck, lavender bread, and more.

If he wasn't about to arrive at Mrs. Sabelle's address, he really wanted to stop first, go into any restaurant on the side of the road, and talk about it.

Barrett held the reins tightly in his hand at this time, and walked forward, repeatedly preventing the 'Carrot' from wanting to secretly nibble on the herbs on the street. When the young horse was not running or grazing, he would never calm down obediently.

There are sycamore trees on both sides of the road. After passing three intersections with statues of griffins, a square with fountains and bards playing lutes, Barrett asked six more local people. The passers-by finally came to the residence of Mrs. Sabelle under the guidance of a kind lady wearing dark rose silk clothes.

It was a four-story building with a double-vaulted attic on the roof. The exterior walls of the building are covered with bright green ivy, occasionally dotted with some wisterias with purple flowers and orange buds.

Outside the house there was a small gracious, serene garden, surrounded by a fence of iron lacquered copper, and planted with laurel and sweet cherry trees, in addition to various herbs. Next to the cherry trees is a short oak promenade, tangled with vines just budding. On the other side of the promenade are several stone chairs and a stone round table, which are covered with sun-dried petals and herb leaves.

Barrett tied the 'carrot' to the sycamore tree next to it, fed it two more carrots, and warned the young horse not to make trouble and wait here quietly for him to come back.

Then he walked up the stone stairs outside the garden, reached out and pushed open the bright copper fence gate, walked through the garden, and came to the light black metal gate. Barrett briefly glanced at the exquisitely carved patterns on the door, then grabbed the heavy dill flower-shaped clasp on the door and knocked several times at an even speed.

During the waiting time, he took the letter out of the space ring again, and tidied up the leather armor on his body for the first time. The tranquil and serene atmosphere emanating from this building and garden furnishings makes barbarian adventurers involuntarily "pay attention".

The door is divided into two layers. After the wooden door on the inner layer is opened, a woman dressed as a maid sticks her head out vigilantly from the door, looks up and down at Barrit, and then politely asks, "What do you have? What's the matter?"

Across the iron railing of the outer door, Barrett coughed and lowered his body slightly to make himself look less oppressive, "I'm here to find Mrs. Sabelle." He looked serious and pretended to be A decent person, "Here is a letter from Galano, the client needs me to hand the letter to the lady."

The maid looked up and down at Barrett again, and then looked at the letter in his hand. After a few seconds, the vigilant look on her face did not fade away, but she still opened the outer door for Barritt.

"Please come with me." The maid raised her head, said politely and indifferently, and walked towards the door first.

The barbarian adventurer followed the maid and walked on the white marble floor in the house. His dragon leather boots abruptly stepped on the ground with black footprints one after another, which made him a little embarrassed.

Why lay such pure white marble on the ground? Isn't this uncomfortable for yourself and your visiting guests? Barrett was a little confused about this.

The floor of Sir Arman's castle is also paved with pieces of marble. But the marbles were dark brown, and if a piece of mud fell on it, it wouldn't be visible unless you looked closely.

The maid led Barrett to a room similar to a parlour, "Please wait a moment, I will inform Madam." As soon as the voice fell, the maid turned and left, leaving Barrett alone in the room.

The fireplace on the wall of the living room is made of round and shiny obsidian, like a finely designed Even the matching poker has been wiped clean.

A large oil painting hangs on the wall above the fireplace. The oil painting should look like a landscape painting, with hills, streams, trees, and a few wooden houses in it. Barrett doesn't understand art at all, but he can still feel that this painting should be a painting. It's not bad, at least the scenes depicted are very real, especially the girl in red outside a wooden house and the young man in blue next to her. With just a few strokes, Barrett can feel the difference between them. kind of nostalgia.

Before Barrett could finish examining the painting, three other, younger maids entered the parlour. One of the maids served Barrett with a pot of hot black tea and a pot of milk, while the other maid put down a plate of delicate snacks and a beautifully made condiment box divided into several partitions on the table. .

He glanced at the condiment box. Each partition contained different tea condiments, sugar, cloves, cardamom, honey, lemon slices...

And the last maid was holding a white cotton mop. Little by little, she wiped all the footprints that Barrett stepped on when she came in.

Hey, what's the use of mopping the floor so clean now? I'll be out in a while! When you go out, you will still step on the ground and get dirty! Could you please wait until I go out and wipe it again? Barrett was speechless at this futile move.

Afterwards, the three maids all exited the living room, and after half a cup of tea, a luxuriously dressed and elegant woman walked in.

The woman seems to be a little old, but she is very well maintained. The wrinkles on her face are light and few, and it also exudes a kind of graceful and noble after the precipitation of the years.

She came to Barrett, and Shi Shiran sat opposite him.

"I heard you have a letter for me?" she asked. "Who wrote the letter?"


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