Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 117: Lady Sabell of Vanilla City (Part 2)

The woman was wearing a long black velvet skirt with a white jeweled bodice. The hem of the long skirt is also dotted with some ivory-colored plant patterns. On her head, her long black hair was pulled up in an elegant, voluminous updo typical of a lady, and covered by a white hairnet studded with pearls.

"Are you Mrs. Sabelle?" Although the situation was very obvious, Barrett still asked with certainty.

"What do you think? Young man, Sabelle is not a famous person, just an old woman with a dead husband. Why would anyone pretend to be?" She poured a cup of black tea with her own hands, and moved elegantly and calmly. Then he put a small piece of sugar and a little clove in the tea, and pushed the cup of black tea in front of Barrett, "Who do you think I am? A shapeshifter in disguise? Secret?"

"No, I'm just..." The aura and words emanating from the woman in front of him made Barrett unable to resist.

He never knew how to deal with women.

"Don't say more, I understand." Mrs. Sabelle interrupted Barrett's futile explanation, "but you also need to know that older women are always a little weird. I hope you don't mind." She He smiled self-deprecatingly, "Try this cup of tea, the Manzhu black tea from Perello in the Highland Kingdom, with a strong aroma of lily of the valley and pine tea. Oh, are you allergic to cloves?"

You should have asked before adding, "No, ma'am, I'm not allergic to anything," Barrett replied obediently.

"Strong guy." Mrs. Sabelle looked Barritt up and down. "My husband wouldn't have died so soon if he had half the size of yours. He's allergic to a lot of things, I mean my husband. Allergic to peanuts, shellfish, most nuts, and even eggs, alas, what a poor fellow." She sighed, no sadness in her eyes.

Barrett didn't know how to respond, so he could only take a sip of black tea with Mrs. Sabelle's eyes, and nodded solemnly, "Well..., this tea is very good and delicious."

In fact, Barrett drank nothing but a strange smell, and a sweet mixture of sugar and tea. He never drank tea, and his keen senses couldn't tell the difference between good and bad tea.

"You didn't taste it at all, young man." Mrs. Sabelle shook her head and pointed it out, "That's a tea tree that is more than two thousand meters above sea level... Forget it, my fault, I should have brought you a bottle. The 'Golden Wine' of Qingting Island, it's really a bit weird for a big man like you to drink tea." She turned sideways and looked out, as if she wanted to call a maid over.

"No, ma'am, don't bother, I'm just here to deliver a letter." Barrett hurriedly handed over the letter in his hand. "Other than that, there is nothing else to do."

"You're welcome, I don't always have a sturdy man like you in the residence of this eccentric old woman." Mrs. Sabelle said with a smile without any scruples, "Even at the Herb Festival, few children come to the door. Ask for vanilla biscuits. By the way, do you like vanilla biscuits? Thyme and rosemary are added to the dessert on the table, you can try them. If you like, I can give you some before leaving."

"Thank you!" Barret obediently took a cookie from the snack tray, stuffed it into his mouth, and shook the letter in his hand again, "This letter is for you."

Mrs. Sabelle looked at the letter in Barrett's hand, but did not take it. Her eyes focused on the sealing wax of the envelope from the outer skin of the envelope, and her calm expression suddenly changed.

The pattern on the sealing wax is a peculiarly shaped flower. Barrett had carefully observed this pattern before, and the small flower should be a flower bud, a flower bud of vanilla that has not yet bloomed.

"It turned out to be his letter. I didn't expect that he would dare to write to me at this age." Mrs. Sabelle's ironic tone was filled with sadness, and seemed to be somewhat relieved. "How is he?" The owner of the house asked. the messenger asked.


"Who else could it be? The person who entrusted you to deliver the letter, is it a brown-haired... Maybe it's turning white now." Mrs. Sabelle was in a trance, and then continued to ask, "Is the person who entrusted you a right-hand man? An old man with a scar on his side forehead?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Sabelle, my client is not an old man, but a young man in his twenties." Barrett said honestly, "He looked a little sad at the time. Listen to the meaning in his words. , it seems that some relatives in the family have passed away. And this young man found this letter in a box that kept valuables when he was packing up the belongings of his relatives. My client believes that this letter should be his Therefore, an unfulfilled wish of his relatives, so he intends to help the deceased person to fulfill this wish. The recipient written on the envelope is you, and the old man you mentioned, I think..."

Barrett took the letter and said a long list of words in embarrassment.

After that, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly quieted down. Barrett's hand holding the letter hung in the air, and Mrs. Sabelle's eyes fell on the letter, but her thoughts drifted somewhere.

Well, could you please take the letter first, please? Barrett moved uncomfortably.

With his small movements, the still picture suddenly became active again.

"It turns out to be like this, hum, I knew that coward never dared to do this." Mrs. Sabelle said suddenly, with a trace of pain in her words, "Coward, coward! Coward!! I dare not do anything until I die. The matter of Passover." Her tone gradually increased, and the frightened barbarian was at a loss.

Barritt saw a tear drop from the corner of his slightly wrinkled eyes when he saw the woman who was absent in his years. He hurriedly took another sip of tea, his eyes floated in other directions, and he pretended to look at the scenery everywhere.

Mrs. Sabelle lightly wiped the corner of her eyes, as if recalling, and as if she was talking, "When my parents betrothed me to someone else, I thought he would hold my hand and say everything, but he chose to over my wedding, I thought he would protest and protest for me, and take my hand and run away together, but he remained silent. Even after the wedding, he chose to move out of Vanilla City , went to Galano, and finally married a woman he didn't love..."

Following Mrs. Sabelle's words, a red-haired girl suddenly appeared in Barrett's mind.

"Why? Is etiquette so important? Is other people's gossip so terrible? I want to see what was written in your letter?" Mrs. Sabelle snatched the letter from Barrett's hand~ and opened the letter and read it.

She held the letter with one hand trembling, and covered her mouth with the other, tears flowing uncontrollably. After seeing such a scene, the maids outside the hall swarmed in and surrounded Mrs. Sabelle.

Some of them held mops, some dusters, some spoons, and even a little maid who was only in her teens, holding a baguette nervously, and put the hard The bread hit Barrett directly in the face.

These women of all ages made serious accusations against the barbarian adventurer, as if he was the murderer who made their ladies cry. This scene made Barrett very embarrassed, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, these maids were eventually driven out of the parlour by Mrs. Sabelle, leaving only her and Barrett in the hall.

In the quiet hall, the barbarian adventurer sat on a chair, daring to move like a statue; outside the hall, many maids were whispering to each other with "weapons", as if ready to come in at any time to provoke this man. The barbarians who cry about their wives are doing the Fa on the spot.

And Mrs. Sabelle looked sad and kept looking at the letter without blinking. After a long time, Barritt heard her softly and nostalgically murmur a word, "Brother..."

ha? Wait, what did you just say?


When Barrett left Mrs. Sabelle's residence with a groggy head, there was one letter missing from his space ring, but an extra bag of fragrant vanilla cookies; and on the [Task Log], there was no letter left. One task, 30 more soul energy.

The soul energy has 110 points, and the purple stripe representing the skill can finally be filled. After filling up, what kind of things can [Mission Log] give out? Barrett thought expectantly.


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