Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 118: 1st skill

Barrett's sumptuous dinner at Herb City consisted of pan-fried lamb chops with lemongrass-ginger gravy, marjoram beef kebabs, grilled vegetables with herbs, and dry-fried herb prawns.

He likes all the dishes here.

Among them, the fried lamb chops with lemongrass **** sauce is made of adult goat ribs, and the meat is firmer and more tender. The restaurant owner said that the best season to eat this dish is actually late autumn, because the lemongrass and coriander in the late autumn are the season with the strongest flavor.

The marjoram beef kebab is a highly recommended dish by the restaurant owner, and it is also the signature dish of the restaurant called "Tongue Guides You". The beef skewers are made of beef stuffing, chopped onion, diced pickled cucumber, salt, chopped black pepper, egg liquid, and chopped marjoram. After mixing, wrap it on a bamboo skewer and slowly fry it with butter. The taste is layered. Very full.

"As long as you have eaten our beef kebabs once, your tongue will always remember the taste." The restaurant owner boasted to Barrett proudly at the time, "That wonderful taste will make you even more than your first kiss. Unforgettable. No matter where you are, just stick your tongue out of your mouth, release it, let it search freely, and your tongue will guide you here again." He kept sticking out his tongue and raising his eyebrows, looking both arrogant and disgusting.

Herb Roasted Vegetables include fresh mushrooms, red bell peppers, yellow bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, small onions, corn, and carrots and other seasonal vegetables. When roasted, they are drizzled with olive oil, flaky sea salt, and sprinkled with rosemary. fragrant. This dish is not only colorful, but also tastes fresh and relieves greasy. It is the best with lamb chops.

As for the dried pan-fried herb prawns, the owner of the restaurant said that the prawns used for this dish were shipped from the sea in the far south of the kingdom and were only available for a few days, but according to Ibarit, the prawns were actually nearby Just prawns in the river.

In addition to food, there are also many types of beer in this city. After all, the hops (hops) used for brewing beer are actually a kind of vanilla. Among these beers, a white beer brewed with barley malt, wheat malt and oats, won the favor of Barrett with its refreshing and calm taste, so he bought two large barrels and put them in the space ring middle.

After eating and drinking, Barrett lays in a room at a hotel called Serenity Dreams, ready to start acquiring his first skills.

Skillfully calling out the [Mission Log], Barrett began to add soul energy to the purple stripes.

It took him a long time to figure out how to add soul energy. The method is quite similar to identifying items. As long as his eyes are fixed on the purple stripe, the soul energy will be slowly poured into it, neither fast nor slow.

If I accidentally become blind one day, will this so-called [task log] be abolished? When Barrett added his soul energy, he suddenly thought in a bored way. Or can I still perform these inexplicable operations when I only have one eye to use?

The answer is unknown, and Barrett doesn't want to know.

After he changed the number at the end of the purple stripe to [100/100], a large piece of content appeared again on the translucent parchment of the [Mission Log].

【Task log】

【Congratulations, you have finally obtained a skill point through hard and excellent efforts. 】

He saw that a purple circular crystal pattern suddenly appeared on the upper edge of the obsidian border of the parchment. In Barrett's view, this crystal pattern should refer to this magical thing called 'skill points'.

[Every time you get a skill point, the system will randomly assign three skills for you to choose from. You can use skill points to acquire new skills, use them to upgrade existing skills, or save them for the next upgrade. 】

[Note that the skill you choose for the first time will evolve into your only special talent. Talent upgrades do not require skill points, they will automatically upgrade each time you gain new skill points. 】

[The following are the three skills that the system "randomly" assigns to you for the first time, please choose carefully! 】

The word "random" written on this piece of parchment was clearly enclosed in double quotation marks, which made Barrett wonder. He didn't understand whether the double quotation marks meant "highlighting", or was it actually trying to express a special "irony"?

If it is irony, does this thing want to show that the skills that the system assigns to him for the first time are not random? He was a little unclear, so he could only continue to look down.

【Skill List】

[1. Anti-Magic Blade: This skill is a passive skill. After possessing this skill, your attack will make the neatly woven magic power and various energies formed based on magic power return to the most primitive state of chaos.

Skill details: Your weapon attack will directly damage various insubstantial creatures such as ghosts, wraiths, night shadows, elemental creatures, etc., and can cause more damage to creatures and magical creations containing magic power. Eliminate various magical effects to a certain extent, and the damage and effects increase with the improvement of the skill level. 】

[2. Body of Resonance: This skill is a passive skill. With this skill, your body will be recognized by magic.

Skill details: When the buff magic effect acts on you, the effect will be enhanced; when the negative magic effect acts on you, the effect will be weakened. Not only that, this skill will reduce the hostility of all magical creatures and magical creations to you, and the effect of the skill will increase with the level of the skill. 】

[3. Eye of the Betrayal: This skill is a passive skill. With this skill, you will perceive the omnipresent magic of the entire multilingual, but cannot use it.

Skill Details: Magic power will be invisible in front of you, and it will appear in front of your eyes like flowers, clouds, and the earth. You can intuitively see whether certain places, certain people, certain creatures, and certain items have magic power, as well as various information such as the location, strength, and amount of magic power. The perceptual effect is not based on the eyes, so closing the eyes does not block the effect. But you can use mental power to control the ability to turn on or off, similar to the space ring. The specificity and distance of UU reading perception will increase as the level increases.

Special Note: Because human mages store magic in their own souls, you will be able to perceive the soul of each mages. 】

[The above are the three skills "randomly" assigned to you by the system. You can activate the skill successfully by moving the skill point to the corresponding skill through mental power control. After activating one of the skills, the remaining skills will disappear. As for whether it will appear again, we can only see the "random" distribution of the system. So, please choose carefully! 】

[Note: Which talent should I order? This is a really annoying thing, especially if it can't be 'reset'. 】

This [Mission Log] said "choose carefully" twice, but what about it? Barrett didn't care about it at this time, because he was stunned by the three skills in front of him.

These three skills are undoubtedly very powerful, and they are not much more powerful than the most powerful magic that Barrett knows. But to be honest, these skills are not strong enough for goblins to challenge dragons, and maybe even pseudo-dragons can't deal with them, but if they are in the right hands, they may have an inestimable effect.

The magic of the mage is various and varied, and the effects it plays are even more bizarre and all-encompassing, but the three skills in front of them don't have too many tricks, they are mainly practical, but very powerful.

Which one to choose? Barrett would love to have all three skills at the same time, in fact any normal person would have thought, but he knew it was impossible.

Choose one of the three, and the [Task Log] explains it clearly.

Which should you choose? After hesitating for a long time, Barrett suddenly smiled. He found that, in fact, his choice had already been made.

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