Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 119: Bandit Buster Barrett

Leaving from the fresh and pleasant Vanilla City, Barrett rushed to the next mission location non-stop.

Since he got a new powerful skill from the [Mission Log], he especially wanted to find a target with sufficient strength to try it out. It's a pity that there were no wild monsters to start with along the way, which made Barrett miss the giant stone element that chased him everywhere in the foggy forest.

The giant stone element has been running rampant in the foggy forest for a long time, relying on the factors such as its thick rough skin, amazing resilience, and no predators willing to eat stones. However, its attack method is very monotonous. It is not like the giant boiling water element, it will use so many kinds of attack magic, but it is a good training object.

Barrett, who was a little itchy at this time, really wanted to have a few tricks with it.

No wild monsters were encountered along the way, but there were three groups of humans blocking the road and robbing them, which could be regarded as allowing Barrett to ease the itch after acquiring the new skills.

The journey from Vanilla City to the quest location was uneventful. It can be seen that whether it is Vanilla City or the town where the next mission is located, their managers have not taken the time to clear up the robbers on the road, which is rarely encountered on the main roads of other cities.

The first group of robbers were three robbers armed with long swords and daggers. They very insidiously buried a trip rope on the road. One end of the rope was tied to a maple tree beside the road, and the other end was held on the road in the hands of several robbers.

They squatted in the grass behind the tree doing nothing, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

When they saw Barritt's single horse and horse approaching in the distance, these robbers who blocked the road suddenly pulled up the stumbling rope, and wanted to let our barbarian adventurer fall off the horse, it is best to break the neck, so that Saved some effort.

At the critical juncture that seemed to have been slowed down at that moment, Barrett's mount, 'Carrot', seemed to burst out the blood of the Nightmare Beast that seemed to be missing in his body. I saw that it immediately noticed the existence of the rope, and then raised its front hooves high, jumped over the tripping rope nimbly, and then followed the trend with its rear hooves, and jumped over with Barrett.

The 'carrot' that jumped over the tripping rope did not continue to run forward, but turned around and made an emergency stop on his own initiative, almost overturning Barrett to the ground.

The young stallion was furious. It looked up angrily, its two front hooves kept stomping on the ground, and it neighed loudly, as if to say to Barrett, "Hey, what are you waiting for? Hurry up. Go down and **** these little thieves who don't have eyes!"

At this time, Barrett was scared out of a cold sweat on the horseback. His riding skills are very general, and he can ensure that he will not fall off his horse when he is in a hurry. Although he also discovered the existence of the tripping rope in time, he did not know what to do, so that the handsome operation above was all caused by 'Carrot' did it on its own.

After regaining his senses, Barrett also flew off his horse angrily. He stretched out his hand and patted the 'carrot', motioning it to stay away to avoid accidental injuries during the fight.

"You are looking for a dead end, you know?" Barrett pulled out the saber from his waist and faced the trio of robbers who emerged from the grass.

"Seeking death? Hehe, who wouldn't talk big!" The robber in the lead was wearing a gray cloth cloak, and under the cloak was a worn-out iron breastplate.

The robber leader smiled disdainfully, "I tell you, I have killed two big men like you this month, and you are the third."

Barrett strode forward, narrowing the distance between everyone, "Have you never heard of the truth of three things?"

"You think you are very powerful? Can you deal with all of us at the same time?" The leading robber stepped back, while the other two robbers surrounded Barrett from the side, "You know how I dealt with the few before you. What? I cut off their legs, made them shorter than dwarfs, and made goblins **** their asses, lol, I hope you like it."

The robbers smiled grimly, trying to destroy Barrett's will.

"Of course, I'm a compassionate person who will always give others a choice. If you don't want to die, take out all your valuables and leave the horse behind, and I'll let you Leave alive." The leading robber continued, "Yes, I 'Grey Wolfskin' Caesar never lies."

"Yes, the boss never lies!" The two robbers' entourage helped.

"Your name is 'Grey Wolfskin'?" Barrett asked, standing there, frowning.

"What, have you heard my name?"

"No, I just want to know, since you have a nickname and are still working as a robber, have you been offered a bounty?" Barrett asked.

It's common sense that any wanted person has a nickname. The bounty robber 'Caesar' is far less loud than the bounty robber 'Grey Wolfskin'.

"Of course!" said the leader of the robber proudly. "There is a bounty posted at the gate of the city of 'Olansing', with a full fifteen gold coins. Sometimes I want to collect the bounty myself. Why, you also have this an idea?"

The city of 'Olansing'? Barrett reviewed the map in his mind and found that the city was not only a little far from here, but also not near his route, so he was slightly disappointed.

Barrett shook his head and continued walking towards the bandit chief. "Forget it, let's do good deeds."

"You still want to resist? You'll regret it!" The robber leader winked at his companions, and the two robber followers rushed towards Barrett from both sides.

Three steps, two steps, one step, Barrett sideways dodged the long sword on the right, and the 'Iron Bride' in his left hand slashed horizontally, instantly slitting the throat of the robber with the long dagger.

Blood spurted out immediately, and a few drops fell on Barrett's leather armor, which made him frown in disgust.

The leader of the bandit in front took advantage of the opportunity to attack, and the two weapons collided in the air. This little leader-like guy stabbed and slashed with all his might.

After only two strikes, the robber leader could only passively defend.

On the left, right, and above, every time Barrett slashes, it brings a great threat to the opponent. This guy can't resist the fierce attack of the Nord Don't be stunned, idiot! Go up and chop him, or we'll all die here! "The leader of the robber shouted anxiously in his busy schedule, wanting another companion who was afraid to come forward to attack him.

The man shouted and rushed forward under the persecution of the leader. Barrett swung his sword away from the attack of the 'Grey Wolfskin', handed the weapon in his left hand to his right, and stabbed through the chest of the robber's entourage.

Immediately afterwards, the right hand weapon drew a semicircle and returned it to the left hand, and the left hand swiped with the right hand. The sound of steel intersecting came again, but it was not the two swords hitting each other, but Barrett's long sword biting the opponent's worn breastplate.

The sword was supposed to disembowel the robber, but the breastplate faithfully performed its last duty, only allowing the robber to be scratched and not killed. The leader of the robber took a few steps back, looked down at his chest where blood was oozing continuously, his face was full of fear and fear. Then he threw his weapon hard at Barrett, then turned and ran into the grass.

"Handing your back in front of the enemy during battle is a very stupid act." Barrett said, taking out a throwing axe from the space ring, just taking a few glances, and then casually Throwing axe out.

The throwing axe struck the back of the grey wolfhide's head in a deadly swirl, causing him to fall into the grass and never stand up again.

Battles are short-lived, and the loot is similarly meager. The corpses of the three robbers brought Barrett 1 gold, 16 silver and 30 bronze, plus three worthless weapons.

Barrett sighed and threw the corpse to the side of the road, then stepped on the 'carrot' that seemed to be a little relieved, and continued to run towards the destination.

Along the way, he cleaned up three batches of twelve robbers in total. Although the harvest was not much, the security in this area improved a lot for a while.


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