Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 121: Battle in the Cave (Part 2)

The sudden roar frightened everyone who was hiding outside the cave. Behind the stones and in the bushes, panicked inhalations and low murmurs rang out one after another.

In the dense bushes, some town residents who lost their balance between courage and curiosity suddenly stood up and ran to the distance, wanting to escape quickly. The chief knight behind the stone and some militiamen also seemed to want to join these people, but after being scolded by the baron in time, they stayed where they were.

And these people who stayed in place, no matter whether the depths were behind stones or bushes, all pressed their bodies even lower.

The sound in the cave was getting louder and louder, and the roar of the monster seemed to be mixed with some human shouting and shouting, as well as some strange sounds of "ping ping pong pong" like fighting. Those chaotic roars, shouts, and sounds kept ringing off and on, and it was very lively.

After a while, the people outside the cave seemed to get used to the sounds, and behind the big rock, a stack of overlapping heads appeared again.

Baron Coles stuck his head out from behind the stone again, "Rodney, you say, can that person kill the manticore?" He asked the chief knight behind him without turning his head.

"This is..." Knight Rodney lifted the visor, took a deep breath, and then closed it again, "My lord, I can only say, I hope he can kill that monster, sincerely Hope. Otherwise, we'll have a hard time. That's a terrifying manticore, a manticore! We don't have anyone here who can handle this monster."

"What is this." Baron Coles frowned, "Then what can you guys deal with?"

"The thieves, the goblins, the tax evaders, and the honest peasants, in the end, all of us are very single." The chief knight and the militiamen behind him laughed, "Of course, robbers, maybe, but not too many. More. One is best, two are barely, if three..., my lord, you should know how strong we are."

"I've decided that if that person can't kill the monster, you will lead them all to the cave. If you don't kill the monster, you won't be allowed to come out!" Baron Coles said to his chief knight. This kind of behavior seems very dissatisfied, "Otherwise, next month, no, the entire first half of the year, you will never get a copper coin from me."

"If you don't give it, don't give it, anyway, I'm not going. I'm your family knight, I live in your house, I can live without money. What's more, the first half of this year has passed in less than two months. "This chief knight named 'Rodney' is very open.

The knight's answer made Baron Coles even more annoyed, "Damn it, why did I make you my chief knight? I must have drank too much beer that day, and my head became numb!"

"Sir, you didn't drink alcohol at that time, and your head was very clear." The chief knight corrected in a low voice, "When you heard that I was going to swear allegiance to your family the other day, you were so happy that you almost cried, and then you couldn't wait to ask for it. I knelt down and was canonized immediately. To be honest, I appreciate your appreciation, but I always thought that the canonization ceremony was too hasty at the time. The witnesses at the ceremony were not your baby. There is no one else except the crying son and the wet nurse who coaxed your son with ****."

When Rodney Knight said this, he couldn't stop complaining in a low voice, "And you didn't read the "Code of Knighthood", you didn't let me follow you to recite the Knight's Oath, and I still wanted to shout 'Glory is my life' Well, you didn't give me such a chance. Look, after all, I'm also an orthodox knight lord, although I'm only the sixth in the family, although I've only been a squire for a few years, and I spend more time wandering around , but you can't let my canonization ceremony be so simple. When I went home and told my dad that I was a knight, he didn't believe it at all, and he also told me, if you are a little bit promising..."

"Idiot, how many times have you nagged me, I tell you, there is no such sentence in the code!" Baron Coles interrupted his chief knight's chatter and cursed in a low voice.

"Which sentence?" Knight Rodney didn't know why.

"It's the phrase 'Glory is my life'. I tell you, there is no such phrase in the entire "Code of Knights", nor in the oath of the ceremony!" The baron turned back and poked the chief knight's helmet fiercely, "Really Yes, since "The Lonely Knight" became popular in recent years, it has affected too many brainless young people like you."

"I said, two adults..." Among the militiamen behind the baron and the knight, an experienced guy suddenly persuaded, "Should we focus on the cave and the monster, and then discuss it later? If that person fails and becomes the Manticore's snack, what should we do? Should we continue to go to Galano to release the mission? Or should we issue a bounty in the town and find some adventurers who are not afraid of death to deal with it? "

The militia did not put "Will it be eliminated by us?" as an option at all.

"To be honest, the adventurers around here can't deal with the manticore." The baron shook his head. "If the big guy can't deal with it, we'll have to go to Galano to find some more powerful adventurers. I At first, I thought it would be a whole team of seven or eight adventurers, but I didn't expect that only one person would come in the end." The baron sighed, "Although that guy seems to have some skills and a strong physique, But he is only one person, still fighting in a dark cave, and the monsters he is dealing with are even more ferocious manticores..." The baron sighed deeply again, "It's really worrying!"

"Perhaps, when we release the mission next time, we should explain the situation more clearly." The mature-faced militiaman said cautiously, "Look, my lord."

"What do I see! It is clearly written in the mission that there is a manticore here? And there may be more than one. Do you think there will be adventurers coming, and even if there is, how long do you think it will take? You can Guarantee that the monster only attacks the sheep and deer, not the residents of the town?" Baron Coles has his own calculus, "Just let them come here first, and then we will increase the pay to make them satisfied, so Isn't everyone happy?"

"You are as wise as the 'King of the Moon and Sun'!" The chief knight rubbed the baron's shoulders with his hands on the baron's shoulders.

"Your Excellency is wise!", "When you say that, things are really simple.", "Your wisdom is comparable to that of a mage."

The militiamen praised the baron one after another, only the mature-looking militiaman quietly pouted when no one was paying attention, as if he was a little disdainful.

At this moment, the noisy voice in the cave suddenly rose, it was the scream of some kind of creature, and it was unclear whether it was a human or a monster. Then all the sounds disappeared, and the cave was quiet, like a huge mouth in the abyss, attracting everyone's gaze.

The waiters outside the cave held their breath, anxiously looking forward to the final result.

After a while, there was a slight, staggering sound of footsteps in the cave again, and the dull sound of something rubbing the ground. The footsteps are getting closer and clearer, and people's eyes and mouths are opening wider and wider.

Finally, a tall and sturdy Nord slowly appeared at the entrance of the cave under the fiery gazes of everyone.

"My God, he won!"

"I knew he could do it!"

"The monster was wiped out? It should have been wiped out..."

"Of course, look behind him!" People were discussing joyfully and eagerly. The tense and restrained atmosphere before was swept away like the first snow in the sun.

The Nord's cheeks and leather armour were covered in blood and dust, and the leather armour was stamped with scratches that looked like monster claws. He walked to the entrance of the cave and subconsciously blocked the sunlight with his right After getting used to it, he glanced outside the cave again, and then walked heavily towards the big boulder—that is, the direction of Baron Coles come.

The reason why he walked heavily was because his left hand was pulling the manticore's half-broken tail, dragging the manticore's body step by step, moving forward slowly.

There were not many wounds on the corpse of the monster on the ground. The only fatal wound was on the neck, and blood was flowing along the wound. As the Nords approached slowly, a scarlet carpet appeared on the ground. A pungent, **** smell wafted out.

Many town residents in the bushes were all surrounded by them at this time, but they were scared by the aura or murderous aura of the Nord, but they were afraid to approach.

A daring young boy waited on the road that the Nords must pass. When the Nords passed by, he summoned up his courage and stretched out his hand to the blood-stained leather armor of the Nords, and touched it gently. One, and then quickly backed back.

"Did you touch him? Andrew?" The little friend next to the young boy asked enviously.

"Of course, you can also try, he will definitely not hurt you."

"I don't dare." The little friend shook his head, "Look at him, his whole body is covered in blood... God, your hands are also stained with blood!" The young boy exclaimed exaggeratedly, "You said, Whose blood is this? The Nord's, or the Manticore's?"

"It should be the manticore..." The young man named Andrew looked at his hand and said uncertainly.

The Nord ignored the applause and cheers of the people around him. He walked up to Baron Coles, threw the manticore with his severed tail forward, and then looked around for a week, and finally set his eyes on the Baron's face. .

He said to Baron Coles expressionlessly:

"I, Barrett, give the money!!!"


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