Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 122: Common Tasks (Part 1)

[Task Log - Common Tasks]

[In this ordinary town, there is an ordinary cave in which an ordinary monster lives; pull out an ordinary saber, move an ordinary shoulder, and have the most familiar ordinary exercise.

We do ordinary tasks in ordinary ways, and ordinary residents around them say ordinary things; ordinary gold coins will flicker in ordinary ways, and they will be squandered in ordinary adventure journeys. 】

[Quest Reward: 25 Soul Energy]

[Note: It would be great if there was a bard next to me who could sing a cheerful ditty while reading the quest description. 】

[Task Status: Completed]

Afterwards, Barrett saw that on the translucent task parchment, the completed task turned into a piece of fluorescence and fell on the number representing the soul energy in the lower right corner of the parchment, and then the number changed from 10 to 35 .

35 points of soul ability, if you want to gain skills again, you have to need more than 100 points. Yes, that's right, over a hundred points.

Barrett looked at the purple stripe representing the skill upgrade. The number at the end had changed to [0/120]. The soul power required to obtain skill points was actually 50 points more than before. Could it be like this in the future? Increase? This could not help but wake him up secretly.

"You are a very powerful adventurer, Nord, there is no doubt about it!" The baron in front of him pretended to be deep, "You proved this to all of us with practical actions, and solved it for our town. A great trouble. Here, I, Karpas Coles, Baron of the Griffin Kingdom, Lord of 'Gandros', and on behalf of all the inhabitants of 'Gandros', thank you."

The baron nodded reservedly, and there was a burst of applause at the appropriate time, especially some young boys drumming the most enthusiastic.

To be honest, the feeling of being thanked is really not bad. Barrett's vanity has been slightly satisfied, but this does not make him forget the point.

"You pay the gold coins, and I will complete the task, it's just that everyone takes what they need, Lord Baron." He focused on the word "gold coins", "We made an agreement like this before, killing monsters and paying Gold coins, clearly." He repeated the key point again.

"Don't worry, you can't be without a single gold coin." The baron nodded dignifiedly, "How about it, Nord, are you interested in serving my family? I can make you my chief knight. You are not Not a knight? That's not a problem, the laws of the kingdom give me this right, the sacred right to make a knight of the brave. What? You're not interested in the position of chief knight? Trust me, that's a glorious..."

"This..." A guy dressed as a knight next to the baron suddenly approached, he first showed an apologetic smile to Barret, and then quietly said to the baron, "Sir, have you forgotten, this 'honor' position is mine."

"You guy can go to Zhennan to collect taxes and deal with those cunning businessmen and rogues. I think you are better at this." The baron seemed to be very dissatisfied with the person who interrupted his performance.

"That's my job, my lord." In the group of militiamen armed with spears, a one-eyed guy suddenly complained loudly, "You promised that I will always be responsible for Zhennan's taxes. You He also said that he would promote me to be your tax collector, yes, you told me that the day I found you peeking at Miss Daisy's bath!"

Before the one-eyed militia could finish speaking, Barrett saw the baron, whose name he didn't remember before him, jumped in front of the one-eyed militia at a speed that was very incompatible with his own shape. Covered the latter's mouth.

"Shut up, you idiot, I should have dug out your only eye!" After the baron finished scolding, he smiled awkwardly at the people around him, and explained aloud, "Crayford What I saw was Rodney, Rodney, a guy who has nothing to do all day, is peeking at Miss Daisy taking a bath, isn't he!" He stared at the one-eyed militiaman in his hand with a fierce expression.

The latter also seemed to realize that he had said something he shouldn't have said, so he nodded hurriedly following the movements of the baron's hands.

"Sir, don't talk nonsense!" The former chief knight quickly explained, "I am a humble, upright, and brave knight..." When he said the word "brave", everyone around him laughed, but This did not interrupt the brave knight's self-redemption, "So, I won't do such an infamous thing as peeking at the lady's bath!"

"You are the knight that I canonize myself, I know what kind of thing you are." The baron also said loudly, and his face did not have the pretentious deepness before. As if in this absurd debate, whoever has the loudest voice will take the lead, "I am the lord, and do you still want the position of the chief knight!"

"Then you can't speak of me like that." The brave knight's voice became lower, "Miss Daisy is a noble lady who is known as the 'Flower of Ganziros', you slander me so much, and change it to other knights or nobles , even your retainers are going to duel with you! That's me, so generous..." He said in dissatisfaction.

At this time, the surrounding residents also began to whisper. From the silent staring at the beginning, they turned into whispering to each other, and then pointed at the baron, the one-eyed militiaman, and the chief knight from time to time.

The various black histories of these people were whispered one by one, and quietly spread and circulated among the crowd, making the scene awkward.

Hey wait, what are you guys doing?

The barbarian adventurer found that the guys in front of him had ignored him - the hero who saved the town from the shadow of the manticore, and then discussed some inexplicable and messy things. This really made him a little depressed.

I just fought hard for you in the cave! Can't your attention and praise last longer?

Do you know how terrifying the manticore is, do you know how fast its attacks are? Do you know how difficult it is to fight in a cave? Did you know that if you let it out of the cave, the fight would be more dangerous and it would be hard to kill it completely? Do you know that it actually has wings to fly, to escape, and to attack other targets? Did you know that its scorpion-tailed poisonous needles will kill people with just a slight touch?

Um? Do you all know this?

He coughed heavily, but found that the gangsters in front of him still hadn't noticed him, so he had to raise his voice and shouted loudly, "I said, everyone!" His thick voice finally made the scene quiet. Down, "Before you guys decide on that..., that guy who peeps at the bath, shouldn't you have paid my share of the reward first?"

The half-dried blood on his face was very uncomfortable. Barret wiped his face and kicked the manticore corpse in front of him. "I think this thing should be more important than the things you talk about."

"Cough, sorry." The baron pushed away the chief knight in front of him, and in the contemptuous eyes of the people around him, he walked calmly in front of Barrett, "You should be able to see that I am an unassuming nobleman. , I often joke with my subordinates and the haha, haha." He smiled "kindly", "You really don't want to be my chief knight? Trust me , it's definitely a well-paid position."

"3 gold, 18 silver and 26 bronze a month, but you can't always get it on time." A guy behind the baron complained in a low voice, "Sometimes a certain adult will use food and vegetables to deduct his salary, my house There are still hundreds of kilograms of turnips piled up in it, but they are not easy to rot."

"If you come, you will definitely take more than some useless guy, and a lot more, I promise!" The baron smiled awkwardly.

"I just want to get the reward I deserve right now, that's all!" Barrett was expressionless.

"Of course, this couldn't be more reasonable!" The baron looked down at the manticore's corpse carefully, "What a terrible guy." He muttered to himself a little scared. Then the baron raised his head and stretched out his hand to Barrett, and a sturdy linen bag suddenly appeared in his hand.

"It's ready for you, adventurer. What's your name, you told me your name, don't remind me, Barrett, yes! Barrett of Nord, I knew you could kill this A monster, but no one else believes it." He gestured around with his other hand, then pointed to himself, "Only I believe in you!"

The space ring, he was showing off to me, and Barrett pouted inwardly.

"Thank you for your trust, but this is indeed a dangerous job. Even I can't guarantee whether I can get out of the cave alive." No, no matter how powerful the manticore is, if there is only one manticore, it is still difficult. Throw me, "So..." It's natural to give more gold coins!

Barrett reached out and took the purse from the baron's hand, opened it and looked at it, smiled with satisfaction, and let it disappear into his hands.


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