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Chapter 123: Common tasks (below)

"However, according to the previous agreement, you can't leave for the time being, Barrett of Nord, a powerful adventurer." Baron Coles said seriously, "I told you that there may be more than one scorpion tail nearby. lion."

Barrett nodded, that was indeed what was said before, but…

"But there is really only this manticore in the cave, and it has been killed by me." He pointed to the corpse of the monster underground, "and the traces inside and outside the cave also prove this - this cave does not have its of its kind, only itself."

Large beasts like manticores, even if they can fly, inevitably leave a lot of marks around their dens, and Barritt believes he has no reason to ignore them.

"To be honest, most of us have only seen this one." Beneath the oddly shaped barrel helmet, the Baron's serious expression was a little worried, but a little comical, "but Crayford He told me once that he saw two of these monsters. By the way, Crayford was the one-eyed guy, and he was the first to discover the dead manticore."

The Baron beckoned behind him. "Come here, Crayford, you stupid fellow. One day you're going to be blinded by seeing too many things you shouldn't see." He pointedly said. .

The one-eyed militiaman followed the order and came over, "If there is such a day, it will be fate, my lord, because fate always likes to make fun of people with extraordinary talents like me."

Barrett found this militiaman named 'Creyford' looking at him with his only right eye, and said to himself in a very vicissitudes tone, "Listen to my mother, she is pregnant with me. We were still living as a family in a small seaside town in the southern part of the kingdom when we were there. The mackerel harvest was great that year, a real bumper harvest! It was as cheap as turnips."

What are you telling me about this?

"My mom ate too much mackerel, grilled, fried, deep-fried, stewed, all sorts of things. And by the way, apricots and tomatoes, which she never left her mouth. So I After being born, although he is a deformed child, he only has one eye that works well, but he can see more clearly and farther than ordinary people. This indicates that my life is destined to be ordinary!" The militia kept staring at Barritt.

When he found out that the barbarian adventurer did not understand the meaning of his words, but looked at him with an idiot's eyes, he had to explain further, "This, you are talented and destined to be extraordinary, you Don't you see it? I, you, we are actually a kind of people!" He said seriously.

I don't see that, unless you have something weird on you too, or, you can kill the manticore on your own. Barrett looked at the man blankly, without saying a word.

"You are extraordinary now, Cryford." The baron interrupted the chatter of the One-Eyed Militia. "As long as you can take care of your only eye, or your stinky mouth, or your stupid, stupid brain."

"I can be more useful, my lord." The one-eyed militia turned to the baron and smiled as if to please the baron. "Although I am not suitable to be an adventurer, I am born to be a tax officer. Believe me, any tax evader. Can't escape my eyes."

The baron patted the one-eyed militiaman's head, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, tell our 'manticore natural enemy' again about what you saw before."

'Manticore' is a so-so nickname, but at least better than 'The Feeder'. Maybe I should kill more of this monster to live up to the nickname, Barrett thought.

"I was going to Bancroft that day, to urge him to pay the taxes he owed last year. Bancroft usually herds sheep on the other side of Cow Mountain, and he goes out early and returns late, and he never touches him. To him. What? Let me go to him at night? No, no, no, I'm a humble, upright, brave good militiaman who wouldn't do such a nasty thing as knocking on doors at night to collect taxes." The one-eyed militia raised his eyebrows as he explained.

Then Barrett saw that the baron's face suddenly turned a little ugly, and it seemed that these humble, upright, and brave men under his command did not satisfy him too much.

"When I went over 'Cow Hill', I immediately saw Bancroft and his sheep. Fifty or sixty sheep were grazing leisurely on the grass on the other side of the mountain, while Bancrow was hiding He slept in the shade of an oak tree. As I walked towards him, out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw two black dots flying from the north horizon. Yes, out of the corner of the eye, that's the angle." He gestured to himself the corner of his eyes, "I didn't care at first, I thought it was some kind of falcon or a great tit. Let me tell you..."

The one-eyed militia took a step towards Barrett, as if trying to get close and get approval, "The great **** around here are very fierce and cruel. They are bigger than owls and eat all kinds of birds that are smaller than them. Yes. Yes, the great **** in this area will also use their hard beaks to peck open the brains of small birds and eat their brains. This bird also eats bats, and enters the caves where bats hibernate in winter, catching bats to eat, very fierce! "

"Speak monsters!" The baron tapped the militiaman Crayford on the head again, "I think your brain was eaten too!"

"Yes, monster." The one-eyed militiaman clapped his hands. "As the black spot got closer, I gradually realized that it was not a falcon, nor a great tit, but some kind of monster much bigger than a large bird. ."

He swallowed, "I'm a little thirsty, how good would it be to have a glass of rye at this time, let's find a tavern and talk slowly." Then he continued to narrate under the baron's angry eyes, "The two monsters Attacked directly at Bancroft and his sheep, I shouted to wake Bancroft and told him to run quickly, but the shepherd did not listen to me, but lay on the grass on the spot Among them. The sheep fled in all directions, but the monsters still easily knocked them down. Each monster had a sheep in its claws, and they flew into the air again. The larger one It flew towards our town, and another smaller one flew east."

It's enough for you to say the last sentence directly. Barrett looked at the one-eyed militia who was talking endlessly in front of him. Do you think your role is too small and you are forcing it?

"The manticore that flew east has not been to the town?" he asked the baron.

"It's true that it hasn't come before, but we can't guarantee that it will come in the future," said the Baron. "We don't know why the two monsters separated, or whether the monster will be killed by the death of its kind. Crazy, or happy? Anyway, we can't guess what the monster thinks, so I need you to stay in town for a while in case something unexpected happens."

"But you should know that I can't stay in the town all the time." Barrett pondered, "How long do you need me to stay."

"Three days, no, five days." The baron looked at the face of the barbarian adventurer.

"Three days." Barrett insisted, "I will use these few days to inspect the entire surrounding of your town and teach you how to fight the manticores with these humble, honest, and brave knights and militiamen."

"Deal!" The baron nodded happily, "Teach me these 'brave' guys!"

Three days later, Barrett rode on his young pony on an almost endless adventure. UU reading

After all, the town of 'Gandros' did not attract the second manticore. After Barret arrived at the agreed number of days, he was greeted by the reluctant gazes of the baron and the townspeople, as well as the relieved expressions of the chief knight and the militiamen. , left the town.

This common task allowed Barrett to earn a total reward of 350 gold coins (100 gold coins for the task reward, 200 gold coins for additional difficulty, and 50 gold coins for three days of defense and training), which can be regarded as a real big profit. a sum.

The town lord, Baron Coles, was quite generous. At first, Barrett was really angry because of the concealment of the baron when he released the task. He blurted out that he wanted to increase the extra reward of 200 gold coins. Thinking of the baron, he agreed without even thinking about it. And three days later, Baron Coles gave Barret an additional 50 gold coins, which made the original dissatisfaction and complaints in the hearts of our barbarian adventurers completely disappeared.

Since this family became a noble, dozens of generations of people have lived in trepidation, and they have not had any scoundrels (mainly because no other nobles will take them to play), but the Coles family has saved quite a lot of money.

Originally, Barrett also wanted to show his generosity and wanted to give the manticore's head and a pair of wings to the baron.

If these parts of the manticore are made into specimens and hung on the fireplace, it is actually a good decoration, and it can also show the majesty of the owner.

But this "brave" baron, who is not too many with him, did not dare to ask for it. The baron politely rejected Barrett's kindness at the time, and implicitly stated that if such a vicious thing hung in the house, he would have nightmares at night.

Nightmare? But it's just a dream.

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