Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 128: Unknown mission location

Lake trout are roasted crunchy, browned and slightly curled, giving off an enticing aroma. Tear the roasted lake trout along the back, and the white and tender fish inside is steaming with steaming heat. Although it is just a simple sprinkle of salt, it is still delicious.

The lake trout in the 'Giant Lake' is unusually plump and delicious, whether it is grilled or stewed into fish soup, it is very good. But when the man of the house was roasting the trout, the twins didn't look at the delicious roasted trout, but were interested in the venison that Barrett brought.

These two little guys with the same dark skin as their parents stared at the boiled deer rib in a black soup pot, gulping saliva.

The large chunks of deer ribs were fished out of the soup pot by the hostess of the house and placed in an iron basin with a broken bottom. She placed the iron basin full of food in the middle of the table, and smiled again at Barrett and Theodore Glittering who were waiting at the table.

The sight made Barrett feel like a dog waiting for its owner to feed him.

The milky white juice slowly overflowed from the bottom of the iron basin and dripped onto the dining table. The hostess hurriedly picked up the iron basin, drained the water, and instructed the twins to pick up the rag and dry the water on the table.

After doing this, the hostess went back to the iron pot, carefully poured a bag of peas into the soup of boiled venison, sprinkled some salt, and then stirred it with a spoon, a pot of pea soup. Even if it's done.

Dinner was held in a quiet, dull atmosphere. The male and female masters of this house are not good at words and are very simple. And their twins put all their attention on the ribs. These two children were like two half-sized wolf cubs, each holding a rib, while carefully blowing, while tearing at the meat above, squinting, and eating happily.

After the meal, Barrett and Theodore Flash Gold took a walk by the lake, continuing their unfinished conversation.

"Since the treasure you said is a mage tower, what will I get?" Barrett asked bluntly. Negotiate the reward before taking the risk, so you can avoid some unpleasant things from happening.

In fact, the relationship between him and the little mage is not so much a partner, but a more appropriate employment, and it is the kind that Barrett forced himself to be hired.

"Well, I can't be sure now." The dwarf mage held the twisted staff and followed Barrett step by step. "The information, location, key, spell, and name I provided. Yes, the name, This is very important to distinguish us from those thieves and tomb robbers, so this mage tower should belong to me. And how much you get paid depends on your performance of course."

Theodore Flash Gold hiccupped, "Vinner is really good, I've been here for so long, I've been eating fish almost every day, grilled, smoked, fish soup, hum, I feel like I'm becoming A shorthair cat. To be honest, I don’t like eating fish very much, because picking the fishbone is a very troublesome thing, but the lake trout in this lake don’t have those small spines, otherwise I can’t eat it.”

"What is performance?" Barrett turned the subject back, he didn't want to discuss the fishbone issue.

"If you help me as big as you are, I'll allow you to take a few magic trinkets in the tower, or something else that interests you. If you don't help at all, I'll let you I have done everything myself, then I can only show you the magic tower, and then invite you to a cup of tea, that's it."

Although this distribution method is reasonable, it does not satisfy Barrett. He sorted out his thoughts and started the bargaining mode.

"People often say that mages are always generous, and the human mages I have met before have undoubtedly proved this." Barrett let his tone bring a little contempt, "but I am in your-West. Otto Flash Gold, a master of magic, doesn't see that."

He sighed, then shook his head, "Of course, you are a dwarf mage, maybe not the same as our human mage's habits. In the future, when your name is known to the whole continent - I believe this will definitely come true —The labels on you are bound to be countless. When people describe you, they may use 'strong', 'intelligent', 'calm'..." When he said this word, Barrett almost couldn't control his expression, " Even 'legendary', but alas, 'generous' will never be used. This, in my opinion, is undoubtedly a pity."

The other party's self-esteem is surprisingly high, which gives Barrett some opportunities. When bargaining, the IQ of barbarian adventurers often doubles, and they will break through the bottom line, do some things that are usually disdainful to do, and say some things that are usually disdainful to say.

Hearing this, the dwarf mage blushed again, and his fluffy white beard was raised in anger. He pointed at Barrett, trying to say something.

Rebut me and prove my opinion wrong. Barrett waited inwardly.

But Theodore didn't attack as he imagined, but hummed and sulked in himself. Although the guy in front of him has strong self-esteem, he doesn't seem to be stupid.

It seems that more fire is needed, and Barrett cleared his throat and continued to stimulate the little dwarf, "In the future, when people are chatting with each other and talking about mages, maybe they will talk about you, I think this will happen. , after all, you are a great generation. At that time, someone might have said, 'I just finished a task for Master Theodore before, and he only paid me 5 copper coins'."

He changes his voice, one person plays multiple roles," and the other person will say, 'Well, you're fine, I used to protect him the whole way, but he didn't even give me a single copper coin because no robbers jumped out. ', and then someone echoed, 'No, although he's a great mage, he's as stingy as he is.'" Barrett sarcastically used a metaphor that Theodore had used before.

"Okay, stop talking, you vicious fellow!" the gnome mage shouted. Not only is he blushing now, the blue veins on his forehead are also popping out, "No matter what the final result is, no matter how big or small your role is, I will let you take at least one magic jewelry, at least! If you behave well, I will also You will be allowed to take some extra things you are interested in. How about you, are you satisfied!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his head arrogantly, "Hum, I - Theodore Shining Gold - the master of magic, I will hit the legendary realm in the future, and I will never allow others to put the label 'stingy' on it. On my body!"

At least one magic trinket? Barrett thought about it in his heart, and felt that the price was okay, not to mention, "I'm allowed to take some things that I'm interested in, can anything be okay?"

"Of course not! If you take away the core magic circle that keeps the entire mage tower running, the entire tower will be paralyzed. In this way, wouldn't I suffer a lot!"

"Then, can golems be okay?" Barrett held his breath, this was a wish he had since childhood, "I can just have one golem and nothing else. I think , there should be more than one construct golem in the mage tower."

"Even if you get your hands on that thing, it's just a big piece of scrap iron." The gnome mage was full of contempt, "The construct golem will not be able to extract magic power from other planes like the mage tower. It can only rely on The magic power provided by the magic tower, mage, or magic stone to maintain the operation. A high-purity magic stone the size of a palm is only enough for the most ordinary steel golem to run a meal, and every time the magic furnace of the golem lights up, It means the consumption of a lot of magic power, which can only be met by a magic tower or a high-level mage. Believe me, that thing is not something you, a barbarian adventurer, can afford."

The gnome mage's words greatly disappointed Barret, and after that, the two slowly walked along the lake in rare silence.

"By the way, I plan to leave tomorrow." Barrett said suddenly.

"What, what did you say? You don't want to go to the mage tower with me?" The gnome mage widened his eyes, "You said so much before, are you kidding me, you dare to deceive me - Theodore Flash Gold... "

"No, I'm only away for a short time. I'll be back before June 4th," Barrett interrupted the little mage's episode. It won't be long."

"Where?" the gnome mage asked angrily.

"Yejiao Town in Sanye City." Barrett replied, "It will take two or three days to get to Sanye City from here, and Yangjiao Town is not too far from Sanye City, it should take less than half a month. return."

"Sheethorn Town? Are you sure you remembered the location correctly?" Theodore Shining Gold raised his head and looked at Barrett with a puzzled face, "I have lived in Shamrock City for several years, and I am familiar with all the surrounding villages and towns, but I But I've never heard of a place called 'Geekhorn'."

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