Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 129: 3Alvin of Leaf City

Mitsuba Castle used to exist as the capital of the Kingdom of Tomiri.

The city was once glorious in the chaotic dark ages, and its special shamrock-shaped curved walls have withstood countless wars and are still standing today.

Many human kingdoms, hordes of ogres, gnoll tribes, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of goblins, allied armies of lizardmen and war lizards, etc., etc., the armies of all creatures are in its place. The head was smashed to the ground under the city wall.

However, griffins can fly. No matter how strong and reasonable the city wall is, it cannot stop the attack from the sky. The sky-covering griffin group, carrying elite griffin knights, swooped down from the air, or attacked the city gate from the inside, or cooperated with the siege troops to directly attack the city wall, or landed in the center of the city, causing the entire city to fall into Chaos to easily win battles.

In the later period of the chaotic era, the Griffin Kingdom has developed for a hundred years. After the establishment of the Griffin Knights, it immediately became invincible on the battlefield. In just over ten years, it took more than ten years of the rest of the territory. All individual human kingdoms are annexed.

Now, the glorious history of Sanye City has disappeared with the fall of the Kingdom of Tomiri. Although it can still be regarded as a towering and majestic city, its prosperity has long since disappeared. Far less than the one more than 300 kilometers away, 'Flanders' built on silver mines; farther than that - near the two city-states of 'Satuha' and 'Revan' - relying on trade The prosperous 'Pewter City' is even worse.

But in any case, Sanye City is still a big city with a long history, special status, and a permanent population of tens of thousands. Therefore, the Magic Association has also established a branch here.

And the middle-level mage Alvin, whose mage level has reached the sixth level, is one of the several mages stationed in Sanye City by the Magic Branch.


At this time, Alvin did not hide in the mage tower all day like his fellow mages, studying the profound magical knowledge that could never be learned without leaving home, but sat in a room In the open-air pavement like a grocery store, I was bored and listened to the young man opposite him constantly complimenting him.

However, the young man with a flattering smile on his face did not compliment him for long when he was interrupted by the long queue of people behind him waiting.

"Come on, don't talk so much nonsense, we are still waiting later." Many people made dissatisfied voices.

"The great Alvin Mage doesn't need your flattery at all. He didn't come to listen to you."

"Take out your things, and then state your requirements. If you dare to say one more word, I'll beat you up!" This is one of the more hot-tempered.

The young man on the opposite side couldn't hold back the outbursts of condemnation from the crowd, and in a panic, he took out a round moonstone the size of a pigeon egg from his pocket. He put the moonstone on the oak table in front of Alvin. Although he was a little reluctant, it was more of an inexplicable expectation.

Alvin picked up the moonstone and looked at it briefly, then put it into the space ring.

"Cough~~~" He cleared his throat, looked up at the other party's eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Give me your wish, mortal."

Alvin likes to speak in such a tone of voice, but he usually doesn't.

"I want, want..." The man gasped in excitement, "I want Lydia to marry me! Lord Mage Alvin, let me tell you, we have known each other since childhood, and her family has Next door to my house, we used to play together when we were kids, we even took showers together, and I knew every mole on her body, every birthmark!" He clung to the edge of the table with both hands, "but that **** Gavin took me Lydia took away..."

This man kept recounting how good his relationship with his Lydia was and how deep the relationship was, mixed with resentment and cursing towards Gavin, the rival in love. And Alvin just listened quietly to the people in front of him, and occasionally nodded in agreement.

At the end, the young man asked expectantly, "Respected, incomparably powerful Mage Alvin, I want to beg you, this, can Lydia marry me?"

"Let this girl marry you?" Alvin smiled at the young man, and then said indifferently, "No! Alright, next." He waved at the other party and motioned him to leave.

"No? Why?" the young man asked in a panic, "Master Alvin, I..." But just halfway through his words, an invisible force blocked his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

He got up, stared at Alvin with wide eyes, covered his neck with his hands, and stepped back with fear on his face.

"Idiot." The brawny man behind the young man pushed him away, "Guy who doesn't understand the rules, when Mage Alvin asks you to leave, all you have to do is don't say a word, just leave! Stay away! After here, your voice will naturally improve."

After the strong man finished speaking, he sat down where the young man was sitting, and placed a bag of gold coins in the center of the table.

After he finished this, he suddenly felt coy, "Great Mage Alvin, tomorrow is my daughter's birthday, I have rarely been by her side for so many years, I hope that when she wakes up from bed tomorrow, You can see the rainbow from the window."


"Yes, Lord Alvin, my daughter likes rainbows the most, so I hope..." He hesitated, "it would be better if the rainbow could be closer. I mean, a little closer, not It's far away. Of course, the closer the better, the best, the best is to be close enough to touch..." The strong man said nervously.

Alpha picked up the money bag on the table and put it in the space ring, "Tell me the address of your home, tomorrow when the sun rises from 'Wind's End', a rainbow will pass through the window and shine into your daughter's bedroom The rainbow will last about half a day, hopefully your daughter doesn't sleep until the afternoon."

"Thank you so much! Great Mage Alvin!" The strong man left happily after giving the address of his home and the location of the window of his daughter's bedroom.

The next person sitting on the chair was a businessman with a gloomy expression. He put a clear teardrop-shaped gem on the table and gently pushed the gem in front of Mage Alvin.

"'Lich's Cry'?" Alvin picked up the teardrop gem with a slightly surprised expression, "Do you know its value? This is an extremely rare gem. Legend has it that it was created when a wizard became a lich. , crystallized from the last tear that shed."

He looked at the gems at leisure, and murmured, "But legends are legends after all. Although becoming a lich is not a happy thing, it's not bad, at least you don't have to worry about lifespan in the future. And the improved Lich Transformation Array can basically keep your original appearance, but your heart will never beat again."

The mage smiled and looked at the businessman opposite, "What do you hope for with such a precious gift? But you must know that even if I reject your request, I will not return it to you."

"I know your rules, Master Alpha. Everyone can only request once a day, can't lie, can't return the item, and the item must be owned by himself. I know it, I understand it." The businessman said gloomily, "This The gem is passed down from my ancestors, and has been passed down for more than a dozen generations, but no matter what, it is now yours."

"Very well, I like to deal with smart people. Your wish?"

"I hope you can use magic to block the sound. I don't want others to hear what I'm going to say later."

"Reasonable request." Mage Alvin clapped his hands and enveloped the two with a silent barrier, "No one will hear anything you say, except me." He smiled again.

"My business partner, Bradley, broke the contract and colluded with Baron Durtaza to embezzle all my property by despicable means." The merchant's low tone was full of hatred, "and this guy He was also engaged in the slave trade, and many of the female slaves kept by the nobles were smuggled from other places. Not only that, but some local missing persons were also related to him, and he smuggled them out as slaves. Also, my wife..."

The businessman's voice was choked, and he seemed to be about to cry, but he had not become a lich and could not crystallize his tears into rare gems.

"Your wife was shipped out of town by him?" Alvin's expression became a little more The businessman was stunned, "Oh, that's not it. After my wife saw that I had no money, she For a while, he ran with someone else."


"My wish is that I can get back all the property that I was deceived before. Master Alvin, I never lied, you can easily find out about this." The businessman said solemnly, "I just want to It's just to get back what belongs to me, that's all."

"No, your wish has come true." Mage Alvin said blankly.

"It's realized?" The businessman didn't know why, "When?"

The mage explained in a leisurely manner, "Just now, when I asked you what your wish was, you said, I hope I use magic to block the sound, and then I responded to your request. I promise that no one can hear you except me. what was said."

Alvin tapped his finger on the table and lifted the silent barrier, "Oh, by the way, I'll take care of the slave trade that man is engaged in. There's no extra charge for this, don't thank me. Next !" He leaned back and threw himself on the back of the chair.

The businessman's expression became demented, and after two heartbeats, he reacted. Immediately afterwards, the man's eyes widened, trying to argue something, but his lips just opened, but he held back.

In a very short period of time, the expression on his face changed several ways, from confusion, surprise, panic, and resentment, to anger, struggle, patience, pain, and then back to confusion.

In the end, he dragged his body like a walking corpse and slowly left here.

After the merchant left, a Nord dressed as an adventurer sat in front of Alvin. He put a palm-sized high-purity magic spar on the table, and said in a deep voice:

"I want to know, where is Giethoorn?"


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