Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 130: Devil in a Bottle (Part 1)

The mages are the richest group of people on this continent. There is no doubt that they have extremely rich means of making money.

You can go to mysterious areas that are difficult for ordinary people to reach, and collect various scarce resources; you can also earn huge profits through various branches of alchemy, such as potions, jewelry making, and enchanting; you can also rely on your own strength. Power, respond to the request of the king or nobles, with a snap of your fingers and strength, you can get a sky-high reward.

However, what Mage Alvin is doing at this moment is not to make money.

The reason why he set up an open-air pavilion in the corner of the city, acted like a swashbuckling charlatan, but fulfilled people's wishes by doing what 'the devil in the bottle' did in the bedtime story Just because this guy is boring.

Yes, boring.

What kind of creature is the scariest? The answer may be bizarre.

Some people will say that cunning and evil devils are the most frightening; some people will say that brutal and violent monsters are even more frightening; some people will say that after three times, the wife who wants to come again is the most terrifying. ...

However, Mage Alvin believes that in this multiverse, the most terrifying thing is the boring person with powerful power, such as Mage.

One day, some mage suddenly felt a little tired and tired from the endless study of magic, so he raised his head from the vast pile of old papers, moved his muscles and bones, wanted to relax and have some fun.

At this point, what would make these powerful but somewhat eccentric crowds interesting is the big question.

Is it to turn all the men of the whole village into women? Or turn all the women in the village into men? Or both at the same time? Let these "lucky" villagers experience a different beautiful life?

To be honest, it was really fun, and it made my blood boil just thinking about it.

There are many more interesting things, but if the trajectory of order is not followed, there will be incalculable consequences. Fortunately, such a thing rarely happens, after all, the mage is still synonymous with "reason".

And the way Alvin chose to relax was to listen to all kinds of people confiding in him all kinds of strange wishes in this open-air pavement.

He liked to listen to the chatter of these people, to see the purest desires, the anger, the hatred and the dissatisfaction, the fiery hopes and the longings on their faces.

As for whether Alvin would respond to these people and fulfill the wishes they poured out of their mouths, it all depended on his mood at the time. Of course, if the value of the items placed on the table is high enough, it will greatly increase the possibility that he is in a good mood.


"If, I heard correctly, what you're asking is—Shofar Town?" Alpha put his right hand on the table and tapped lightly, "This is a bit strange, where did you hear this name? "

'Geezhorn Town', Alvin knows the exact location of this place. However, this name should not be uttered from the mouth of an ordinary adventurer.

"Is this important?" The Nord frowned. With this action, the simple tattoo on his forehead became a little hideous, "Dear Master, I just want to know where it is, that's all."

"It depends on the situation. If you want to hear the answer from me, it's important. Otherwise, it's worthless." Alvin spread his hands, "Of course, if you don't want to say it, you can After all, everyone has little secrets that they don’t want to know. We should respect those secrets.”

Just as Alvin uttered the word "secret", the Nord's body suddenly tensed subconsciously, but then relaxed, as if the instant stiffness never happened.

After three heartbeats, the Nord said, "In the [mission..." He coughed, "I mean, I received a mission, and this mission requires me to go to Sheephorn Town in Sanye City. I thought this This small town should be near Sanye City, but..."

"But after you came here, you tried hard to inquire, but you found that no one knew where this town was." Alvin took the words of the Nords, "They didn't even hear the name 'Geithorn Town'. However, it's as if this town doesn't exist at all, doesn't it?"

The Nord was surprised, then nodded silently.

With a smile on his face, Alvin reached out and picked up the azure blue spar on the table and played with it at will, "A good magic spar, there is a lot of magic in it, but to be honest, for me It's not very useful to talk about. Because in the area shrouded in the 'morning light'..." He pointed to the towering magic tower in the distance, "My magic power is almost unlimited."

Although he said that, he still received the magic stone into the space ring, "It seems that the quest you received, the publisher of it did not tell you everything. If this quest really exists."

"Of course it exists!" the Nord said with a blank expression, "I can guarantee it."

The corner of 'The Devil in the Bottle' raised his mouth, "If possible, I would like to know, what exactly do you want to do when you go to Sheephorn Town? Or, which mission requires you to do? Don't ask me whether this question is important, I said Yes, it's up to you to answer or not, I won't force it."

Forcing is the most boring thing, Alvin thought to himself.

His mentor, who has reached the ninth rank and is about to enter the legendary realm, always likes to force others to do things they don't like to do. For example, the mentor always wanted Alvin and the other apprentices to remember every word he said, whether it was useful or not.

But Alvin didn't want to be that kind of person. If he was asked to do it, he would make the apprentices willingly remember all the words he willingly abide by the rules he set, just like the people in line.

After a brief silence, the Nord spoke again, "I'm going to look for a house in that town and spend the night in that house, and that's it. Don't be surprised, don't doubt, though it sounds very Absurd, but that's what my mission is about. You know, if I wanted to deceive you, I could make up a better reason."

"I think the person who posted your quest must have some kind of weird taste, and I can smell it from what you said about the quest." 'The Devil in the Bottle' pointed to his nose, "The same as me Bad taste, or in other words, the same bad taste as many people who do nothing." Alvin laughed.

"I'm an adventurer, I take on quests, complete quests, earn rewards, that's all." The Nord's face twitched, "Even if the person who issued the quest really has some kind of weird hobby like you said, That also has nothing to do with me." His expression was very strange, "So, will you tell me the answer?"

"What if I didn't tell you?"

"Even if you don't tell me, I will find other ways to find out." The Nord insisted, "I think that since this town does exist, you must not be the only one who knows about it."

"You must go?"

"must go."

Alvin nodded, "'Persistence' is a good quality, but sometimes, you don't know whether the road ahead is smooth, thorny, or full of deadly traps."

He looked at the crowd lining up behind Barrett, "If you really want to know, just find a place here and wait for me, to be honest, it's not something that can be explained in a sentence or two. ."


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