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Chapter 133: charming eyes

It was a young girl with a delicate face, wearing a light blue silk corset embroidered with gold patterns. The waist that was as white as pearls descended, and coiled, was a long snake tail embedded with tight green scales.

Her full head of snake hair danced softly in the air, like ivy swaying gently in the breeze. His eyes were as clear and deep as lake water. Clear, as if it can illuminate the dim night sky; and deep, as if it can inhale the human soul.

And in the deepest part of those eyes, Barrett's figure was reflected.

When our barbarian adventurer looked at this Medusa, the corners of her mouth rose and her eyes narrowed. Following Barrett's attention, Medusa leaned slightly, and her snake hair dipped slightly in response to this movement, and saluted Barrett slightly.

Her eyes are not fatal, no, her eyes are very "lethal".

"Okay, I just let you take a look at her to make sure that I didn't lie to you. Instead of letting you watch it all the time." The mage's voice sounded from Barrett's ear again, "You are like this now. , makes me wonder if you are really petrified."

"Cough, sorry." Barrett looked away again. He leaned over and picked up the 'Blast' on the ground to hide his embarrassment. Fortunately, the kraft paper bag was still tightly wrapped, and none of the snacks inside fell out.

"Trust is the first step in getting along with other people. Although we took this step a bit bumpy, we still made it." The Master smiled and said, "Gereth, give me a cup of sweet plum wine. You know , a cup of sweet plum wine after 'work', which is perfect. Let's name this one of ours..."

"Barritt." The barbarian adventurer replied.

"Bring some more to our guest named 'Barritt'..." The mage looked at him, "What would you like to drink?"

"Rye beer, thanks."

"Then give our guests a cup of sweet plum wine," the mage said to Medusa.


Medusa smiled and nodded slightly, then twisted her waist and slid in front of a wall cabinet filled with all kinds of weird bottles.

Barrett wondered if the bottles in the wall cabinet contained alcohol. Because he saw that the liquid in one of the bottles was constantly tumbling and bubbling like magma, but the bottle seemed to be sealed well, and no trace of gas escaped; and the liquid in the other bottle occasionally There is a shimmer of light, like a swimming fish, from the bottom of the bottle to the mouth of the bottle, and then disappears again; some bottles, the liquid in it is like asphalt, giving people a viscous, thick Feeling; more bottles will shake from time to time by themselves, as if there is a bottle inside, which can realize people's wishes...

Demons? Ha, that's an interesting idea. Barrett imagined the scene of putting the mage in the bottle, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the Medusa named 'Greth', reached out and took out a long column-shaped wine bottle containing dark blue liquid from the cabinet, opened the mouth of the bottle, and removed the inside of the bottle. The liquid was poured into two wine glasses.

Are you sure that's sweet plum wine? Instead of some magical potion of unknown function?

"Come and sit, unless you have hemorrhoids on your butt." The mage sat on a strange chair that seemed to be flowing slightly like a gelatinous monster, and waved to Barrett, "This mage tower is in addition to me, There are actually two other mages. As you may know, every mages tower built by the magic branch will not have only one mages. But I don't think you should want to see them, and they will not come to see them. You. Trust me, those two guys aren't as talkative as I am."

Barrett suddenly felt that this sentence sounded so familiar, it seemed that a certain eccentric mage had also said so.

He obeyed the mage's call and carefully sat on another chair next to him. The flowing rubber chair sank slightly, but it still easily supported his weight and fitted Barrett's figure, slowly and continuously adjusting and changing its shape so that he could sit more comfortably. .

It doesn't feel bad. Mage things may be too peculiar and difficult to understand, but they will never be useless.

When Barrett sat down, the Medusa silently slid in front of him and handed over one of the dark blue liquids with a smile.

Barrett thanked politely and took the odd glass. At this moment, his fingertips accidentally touched Grace's finger, a cold, delicate and soft touch, which spread from the fingertips in an instant.

In an instant, all the snake hairs on Medusa's head turned to Barrett at the same time. They stared at him with scarlet vertical pupils, opened their mouths, spat out snake letters, and made a threatening sound.

"Shh..." Medusa named Gris soothed her little snake hair and smiled apologetically at Barrett.

Her eyes were so bright that Barrett could clearly see his own reflection, and from the reflection's eyes, saw her eyes again.

"I said, no man will ignore Grace's eyes." The mage's complacent voice sounded from his ear, interrupting Barrett's impolite gaze, "Men look all day, I don't get bored for a week, a month, or even a year, and I know that."

"Cough, you're right." The barbarian adventurer admitted generously, and then changed the subject, "but I want to know my answer more, you said you would tell me."

"Gereth, take that donkey away and send it to Mei Li. I'm going to taste the 'dream' tonight, it must be very good." Mage Alvin instructed Grace.

When Medusa left with the donkey, he turned his head to look at Barrett, "Sheethorn Town? Oh, this name has not been mentioned for a long time." The mage in front of him said in an unintelligible tone, " It is no exaggeration to say that it will take at least a hundred years.”

"Why?" the barbarian asked suspiciously.

"Because, this town has been sealed and sealed in another space." The mage's face became a little serious, but then he relaxed again.

He picked up the glass and gestured to Barrett, "Try this sweet plum wine. I added some energy potions, and added some blueberry juice and aloe vera juice. Trust me, the taste is very good."

The taste of the wine is quite just like the mage in front of me, but it is not too bad to drink. It's just that Barrett's current mind is obviously not on this, "Why is this town being sealed?" He strongly wanted to know the answer.

"More than 300 years ago, the 'Yangjiao Town' was located more than 200 kilometers north of Sanye City. It was a fairly wealthy town, because it was rich in goats that could grow four horns." The mage said, "The horns on the goat's head are of good quality, hard and tight, and feel good to hold. Many pipe dealers and weapon dealers like to go to small towns to collect horns and make them into pipes or daggers. The handle. Of those horns, the horns of young goats, especially one or two years old, are the best..."

"Sorry, Mage Alvin." Barret had to interrupt the mage's eloquent talk, "This, what I want to know is why this town was sealed, and as for what it was originally rich in, I don't care. "

Afterwards, the barbarian adventurer showed a self-proclaimed "friendly" smile.

The mage looked at Barrett with a displeased expression on his face, "It's really disappointing. If you were the other two guys, you'd be kicked out now. Fortunately, you're lucky, because I'm a good talker."

Mage Alvin took another sip of the weird sweet plum wine, "Why was it sealed? Something bad must have happened. What bad thing? It's very simple to say, the space near the town is cracked. The hole is not a crack, nor is it a small hole, but a very large hole."

"It's like a person's body was pierced by a spear." Mage Alvin gestured at Barrett's heart with his fingers, "and on the other side of this hole, is connected to the dark realm - the negative energy level. Noodles, also known as..."

"The plane of death."


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