Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 134: Giethoorn

Grace returned to the room and stood beside Mage Alvin, which made Barret a little distracted.

He had to force his attention and fix his gaze on the mage without moving. Otherwise, as long as he is not careful, his eyes will naturally slide to the Medusa again.

"Hey, adventurer, don't stare at me like this, it makes me feel bad." Mage Alvin was a little dissatisfied, "I know what you're thinking, it's no big deal, you don't need to worry about it. Shame on this. Goreth's eyes have been transformed by Mage Colbert, and the racial talent has been changed from 'Petrified Gaze' to 'Charm'. You know, Medusa's 'Petrified Gaze' and Petrified Lizards It is not the same, it will always exist without casting. Therefore, after the transformation, the 'charm' in Gores' eyes will also continue to affect all those who make eye contact with her."

As it turned out, Barrett was a little surprised.

"I have to say that Mage Colbert is a genius in biological transformation, a genius among mages. Not only skills, but more importantly ideas, do you understand what I mean?" Mage Alvin sighed, "Let people be one Mesmerized by Medusa's eyes, can you imagine how absurd, how ironic, how funny this thing is?"

No matter how funny it is, you shouldn't at least say it while the person is still there. Barrett looked up at Medusa Grace, but found that the latter's expression had not changed, and was still so peaceful. Those eyes are still so moving, like poppy milk, sweet and addictive.

Damn it! Barrett forced his gaze away from Medusa's eyes again.

"But I have to say that all of this is Gereth's own wish, and no one forced her." Mage Alvin added solemnly, but instead gave people an indescribably weird feeling.

"She's a kind girl who likes people to look at her, watch her, admire her, not dodge in fear and flee in panic. Of course, as long as you don't look too obscene. I remember there was a guy..."

"Your Excellency Mage Alvin, this, I'm very sorry, how about let's return to the town of Sheephorn?"

"Dirty guy, I don't understand the style." The mage curled his lips and agreed with Barrett. "Where did we talk before? Yes, the space around Sheephorn Town was torn apart by a big hole. I can't tell you. How the hole came about, because there are a lot of hidden things involved. All I can say is that it was the result of several unexpected coincidences that no one could have predicted."

His voice was a little low, "In short, the torn scar in that space is too big, and the negative energy overflowing from the dark plane of death is surging like a mountain torrent, and it is difficult for a powerful mage to repair it in a short time. So, the mages who dealt with the matter at that time decided to seal the entire area, like this..."

Master Alvin grabbed a crystal clear packet from the plastic chair with his hands, "First, isolate this area." Then, he made another thread and wrapped it around the bottom of the 'tape packet' And tightened the action, "In this way, although it is still integrated with the entire space of the main material plane, it is sealed separately. Do you understand?"

Barry nodded.

"Actually, the real operation and principles are more complicated than this, but I am afraid that if you are more specific and detailed, you will be confused immediately. I have seen too many expressions of that kind - half mouth open. , his eyes were dull, for fear that others would not know his ignorance."

The mage's metaphor is very vivid, but the words made Barret a little uncomfortable, although what he said was not wrong.

"I want to know, how can I get there?" The barbarian adventurer took a sip of the liquid from the glass, "to this sealed town?"

"No matter how tight the bag is, there will still be an entrance, isn't it?" said the master, "but this entrance requires certain conditions to be opened, and the time for each opening is extremely short. More importantly, if you want to It will be more difficult to get out of that sealed space than to get in."

The Master ate a small snack, and frowned as soon as he chewed two bites, "It's actually wrapped in celery, I don't like eating celery, this first bite is really disappointing." He took a big mouthful of sweet plum wine, To dilute the taste of celery in the mouth.

"Can you help me get in? Your Excellency Mage Alvin, I will be grateful for that." Barrett said sincerely.

"You should understand that the conditions in that sealed space are terrible. It is filled with a large number of undead creatures, skeletons, zombies, ghosts, wraiths, ghouls, and death knights, and there may even be liches. Of course. , even if there is a lich, it is the aborigines of the negative energy plane, not the transformation of our mages."

Master Alvin ate another piece, "Although the torn space has been repaired several times in the past few hundred years, the scar has become much smaller than before, but the negative energy inside is still thick and difficult to Imagine. The whole space will continue to **** the vitality of all living things, and keep sucking!"

"You will become weaker and weaker because of this, and it won't be long before a thin little skeleton can easily kill you. Once you die in that space, your soul may be completely lost, forever Trapped in the plane of death, there is no escape or resurrection. The remaining body will become an unreasonable undead. Do you like to be a skeleton or a zombie? Or a vampire?" The mage asked in a relaxed tone, " To be honest, the transformation ritual carried by the plane of death itself is very complicated, and I am not sure what kind of thing you will become in the end."

The words of Mage Alvin silenced Barrett, the task was more difficult than he thought. He originally thought it would be enough to just sleep in a dilapidated building for a night, but he didn't realize that this building was actually in another space.

Even so, Barrett still doesn't want to give up.

"Thank you for such a detailed introduction, but I still want to enter that town." Barrett said seriously, "I hope you can help me."

"Even so, do you still want to go in even though you already know the details? Ha, that's funny! I don't know how you got that quest, but I have to admit, the quest's poster did choose a Good goal," said the wizard. "Help? Sure, but at a cost."

"What's the price? Gold? I don't think you'll need it? A specific item, material? Or something else?" Barrett asked, "I'll try my best to find it."

He was a little uneasy in his heart. The values ​​of mages were not quite the same as ordinary people. Barritt didn't know if he could afford the price offered by the mages in front of him.

If time is too late, he plans to go to the lake village first, help the gnome mage get his mage tower, get paid, and then slowly gather what the mage wants.

"Ordinary items and magic materials, I don't really need them, so..."


"So, since you are an adventurer, the price you have to pay is - help me complete a task!" The mage had a certain inexplicable smile on his face, "an ordinary drop-in task! This is for you, It's a very familiar job."

"Deal!" Barrett nodded in agreement, just like before, he didn't have much choice.

"That's great." The mage clapped his hands happily, "Greth, fill up the glasses for me and Mr. Barrett, and celebrate that under the supreme 'equivalent exchange' rule, we will be satisfied with both parties again. The deal is born!"

The beautiful Medusa smiled and nodded, and slid softly towards the wall cabinet.

"Actually, if you change the name to inquire, maybe someone will know the existence of that small town." The mage said casually to Barrett.

"Change your name?"

"Yes, change the name! The name 'Geezhorn Town' has gradually disappeared over time. Generations of people who are familiar with the town have passed away, and everyone has forgotten its original name. But what happened in the town However, some people still remember it." The mage said lightly, "People who still know the existence of that small town like to call this town - Deathstroke Town."

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