Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 135: Town Fright - Enter

Barrett rode his young and strong stallion all the way north, and it took two days to reach the entrance of 'Death Bell Town'.

"You can go all the way along the main road leading to 'Ash City', and when you see a lonely mountain like a bamboo shoot, you can get off the main road and head towards the mountain." At that time, Master Arwen Said so to him.

"Actually, there used to be several paths leading to Deathstroke before it changed its name. But hundreds of years later, these paths have long been overwhelmed by weeds and no longer exist. So neither do you It takes a lot of effort to find, but I can only choose to walk slowly through the gravel piles and bushes to reach the foot of the mountain..."

When the master said that he was rising, he also dipped his finger in the dark blue sweet plum wine in the cup, and gestured in the air with this liquid-soaked finger.

Where his fingertips crossed, a thin dark blue line will be left. The thin line will first converge into a symbol of a three-leaf leaf with the movement of the mage's fingertips, and then the mage will dip the wine in the cup again. , in the distance of the three-leaf logo, another small 'fork' is drawn.

Immediately afterwards, more and more thin lines were drawn, slowly extending from the location of the three-leaf sign to the location of the 'fork', and the scenery along the way was marked bit by bit, a vivid and vivid map. It slowly takes shape in the air.

After painting the mountain in the shape of bamboo shoots, the mage suddenly stopped and frowned again.

"How many peaks does this mountain have? Do you remember, Geress?" He asked Medusa behind him, "How do I remember that there are two peaks, one big and one small?"

Medusa nodded and extended **** towards the mage.

"It seems that my memory is not wrong, but I don't know why I think it looks like a bamboo shoot?" Master Alvin shook his head, and drew another small stroke next to the top of the 'Bamboo Shoot Peak'.

"At the base of this mountain, you need to find a thick oak tree," the wizard said to Barrett as he drew. "This tree is easy to identify because it is the only one that exists in that area. Hundred-year-old oak. Exactly how old is no one knows until we cut it down and count its rings."

"After you find that old oak tree, you need to use that tree as a coordinate point and go two kilometers west. Are you sure you can know which direction 'west' is at that time?" the mage asked Barrett .

After getting the latter's affirmative answer, he continued to draw and said, "After about two kilometers to the west, you will see a pond full of purple water chestnuts. But now this month, the fresh water chestnuts are estimated to be Even the flowers haven't opened, you don't have this kind of good fortune."

"And after finding the pond?"

"After finding the pond, you are already very close to Deathstroke Town." The mage tapped the location of the pond in the air, and then tapped the 'fork' not far from it, "If you can perceive the magic power, , you can easily perceive the location of the seal, can you perceive the magic power?"

Barrett shook his head. There was indeed such an opportunity before me, but I did not choose it. Because in my opinion, 'Claw' is more effective!

"Then you can only look for it slowly," said the mage, "but it's not difficult to find it, because there is a large flat field covered with all kinds of creeping grass nearby. Those plants stick to the ground and grow constantly. Spread, but it will bypass the area where the seal entrance is located."

"Don't you think this is a very interesting thing!" The mage said happily, "It's as if the creeping grass can feel the difference in the nearby space, or the instinct of life makes them repel the negative energy plane. Breath? But I can tell you for sure that the seal is very stable, and there will be no trace of breath. So, you see, there are many interesting things in the world, as long as you are good at observing."


At this time, Barrett was standing on a strange land with no grass.

The surrounding lush vines surrounded this land into a circle, but like a polite young knight who kept his knight's oath, although he had already stood outside the thorn tent, he was stubborn and refused to go deep. half step.

Our barbarian adventurer stood in the center of the circle and looked out into the distance. The 'carrot' was not tied to the trunk of a tree by him, but stopped by him near the pond, leisurely eating the water plants in the pond.

Maybe the young stallion had gone somewhere by the time I came out of Deathstroke, Barrett thought, maybe I'd never get out at all.

Afterwards, he laughed at himself inwardly, took out a piece of parchment with a complicated array drawn from the space ring, and placed it under his feet.

"Activate this magic circle, and then 'Dawn' will pass through the magic circle and open the seal for you." The Mage's expression was a little serious at that time, "but the time was only a very short moment. When a door of light lit up from the magic circle, All you need to do is to walk over without hesitation!"

This kind of parchment, which uses magic potions to draw complicated magic circles, also has one in his space ring, which he needs to use when he returns from the sealed space.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you hesitate." When the Master said this, he put on that playful smile again, "Anyway, there is only one chance, otherwise you will not be able to come out. The right to choose is in your own hands. ."

In fact, Barrett may not complete the task of the Alvin mage. He can choose to leave Sanye City directly after finishing his mission and escaping from the space, staying far away from the mage. Some rookie adventurers who don't care about prestige might choose to do this, but that's not Barrett's style.

Moreover, he didn't want a mage who was very eccentric to remember him. That's not a good thing.

He took a deep breath and took out Eve's mini tombstone and a small light blue magic spar the size of a fingernail from the space ring, and placed the small tombstone in the lining of the leather armor. Next to the bust.

Now even if the small tombstone is in close contact, it will not make him feel some kind of extremely subtle tingling like before. This is because a square wooden pendant with three rows of magical runes on its surface hangs around Barret's neck.

This amulet-shaped pendant was given to him by Mage Alvin, who picked out a piece of wood that seemed to be used to pad the legs of a table from an unknown corner, and spent the time of a cup of tea.

There is a constant magic called "Resist Negative Energy Damage" on the jewelry, which can help Barrett effectively resist some sustained and small negative energy damage, such as the constant erosion of vitality in that space. But because it is a temporary handmade, this magic can only last about three to four days.

"Ornament making is not my forte, otherwise, the duration of this magic will be fixed by adding zero. But it should be enough for you." The mage said casually at the time, "Death Knell Town The area is not large, and you can travel through the entire town in half a day, if there are no other undead harassment during this period..."

The light blue little magic spar was bought by Barrett from a grocery store in Sanye City. He bought five pieces in total, and also bought several disposable luminous stones for the constant light spell. , and other small bits and pieces that may be used.

Because the size of the magic spar is small and the magic power it contains is quite rare, the price is not expensive, but if it is used to stimulate the underground magic circle, it is enough.

Barrett placed the small magic spar in the center of the magic circle, and then, the magic spar began to slowly fade, and all the blue contained in it flowed onto the magic circle.

When all the lines and symbols on the magic circle were filled with blue, Barrett's keen senses suddenly noticed that in the distant horizon, there seemed to be some kind of power suddenly watching over.

The next moment, under the gaze of that power, the magic circle suddenly shone with light. The light gathered into a hazy and thin light curtain, which stopped in front of Barrett.

Without the slightest hesitation, our barbarian adventurer stepped directly into the light curtain.

And the light curtain immediately dissipated like rain and fog after Barrett entered. The parchment on the ground and the little magic spar on it also shattered at the same time.

A gust of wind blew past, like smoke and dust, and disappeared.

And the 'carrots' by the pond are still happily eating the fresh green grass in spring, as if nothing happened.


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