Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 136: Small Town Fright - First Encounter

A deadly quiet night, eerily silent.

A pale crescent moon hung diagonally in the air, and the cold and hazy moonlight shone on a path paved with gravel. One end of the road is connected to the darkness of nothingness and chaos, while the other end leads to a shadowy town in the distance.

In the small town, an ethereal whisper would occasionally be heard, and it seemed that something was constantly narrating its hatred for "sheng". The air is also filled with a kind of extreme greed and hunger, as if the entire space is longing for the body and blood of living creatures, longing to **** their marrow, plunder their vitality, and devour their souls...

A locust tree beside the road has faded from its original turquoise color, and withered like a scrawny old woman. The 'old woman' stood on the side of the road, stretched out her sinister arm, and begged for money from passers-by.

A split-leaf flower sunflower grows in the middle of the path, but it has already withered and died. I don't know how many years, just because there are no insects, no breeze in this space, and even time seems to have frozen, so that it will not stop Disturbed to maintain the original beauty.

At this moment, a dragon leather boot suddenly appeared in the air, and the boot stepped on the body of this split-leaf flower sunflower, smashing it from the eternal "withering".

The owner of the boots stood on the "corpse" of the flower that had been dead for hundreds of years, standing still, as if looking around. After a long time, the "perpetrator" seemed to make up his mind and slowly moved forward along the gravel path.


Barrett remembered that Mage Alvin once said that although this space was sealed, it was still connected to the main material plane. But the time before he came over was clearly a sunny noon, but when he stepped into the light curtain, he came to a dark and quiet night.

Of course, the mages must have their own set of mysterious and mysterious theories to explain these weird and weird things. For Barrett, however, these theories didn't matter. Even if he explained it repeatedly and in detail, Barrett estimated that he would not understand too much.

Night is night, he doesn't have the right to choose.

Unless there are other villages and towns in this space, otherwise, the town in the distance with a vague outline under the moonlight should be the target of his adventure - Deathstroke Town.

As the barbarian adventurer walked towards the town in the distance, he put a small round oak shield on his right arm. Immediately afterwards, he pulled out the 'Iron Bride' from his waist and held it tightly in his hand.

Just before arriving here, Barrett immediately felt an indescribable disgust and unease in his heart. Just like the creeping grass outside, he instinctively rejected this space. However, starting with the familiar blade at this time, the feeling of heaviness and blood connection made his heart extremely at ease.

Moving forward cautiously, Barrett knew that he had to be cautious, because it was not easy to get out of here. He needs to complete the task of Mage Alvin before he has a chance to leave.

"I will help you enter the sealed space, you will help me complete the task, and then I will help you escape. You see, this is fair enough, isn't it." Mage Alvin suggested at the time, "As for This task itself is actually not very important to me. When I have free time, it will take me half a day to complete it. However, I am a warm-hearted person, and I am very busy every day, and you are just on the way. Isn't it a kill two birds with one stone? Anyway, for me, if you succeed, I have less to run; and if you fail, I have nothing to lose."

What the mage said was sincere and straightforward, which made Barrett very depressed.

The town is getting closer. In the distance, there was a huge stone in the middle of the road. Suddenly, Barrett felt a strange itching sensation on his back, as if something was gazing at him repeatedly. The emotion contained in those eyes was so strong that it became real.

Killing intent, and hunger, something longing for his flesh, he could feel it. It is a normal thing to encounter such a creature with extreme emotions in this space. After all, it is connected to the plane of negative energy, and Barrett is mentally prepared for this.

He stopped, turned to look at the pitch-black withered grass behind him, and met a pair of scarlet, beastly eyes in the waist-high wormwood.

When the murderous creature saw Barrett discovering it, it bared its teeth and paced from the dead grass into the moonlight.

It was a strangely large dog with huge claws and a long, narrow muzzle like a wolf's snout. It has a gray-black mane on the back of its head, and the mane extends from the back of the head to the back, and gradually decreases.

Its fur is mottled and tattered, and from those dilapidated holes, you can still see the white bones hidden inside.

'Dark Dog', undead creature, a large number of aborigines in the negative energy plane, Barrett once heard a brief introduction from Mage Alvin.

"Dogs, be careful with dogs," the wizard said at the time. "It's more dangerous than most zombies and skeletons. Trust me, you don't want to be bitten by it."

The bite of this creature is highly poisonous, and as long as it is scratched a little, the wound will immediately fester. The fester also continues to spread to other parts of the body and debilitates the victim in a very short period of time.

"Hey, puppy, are you hungry? I can ask you to taste your own ass." Barrett provoked the dark dog with his weapon across his chest.

As soon as he said that, he immediately felt that his behavior was very stupid. This dark dog is not the very human old dog raised in the family. As an aborigines of the negative energy plane, it is likely that he does not understand the common language at all.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Barrett's words, the dark dog was still driven by instinct and charged towards Barrett with his teeth bared.

Because we often deal with winter wolves, our barbarian adventurers have a lot of experience in dealing with large dogs. He squatted slightly, lowering his weight. At the moment when the dark dog rushed up, Barrett pushed up the round shield in his right hand, blocking the dark dog's claws, while the sharp sword in his left hand attacked diagonally from the bottom of the round shield.

The round shield blocks the attacker's line of sight, making it difficult to detect the murderous intent hidden beneath it. Barrett's sharp sword pierced through the dark dog's jaw as he wished, and then pierced through his forehead. A peculiar energy accompanied Barrett's attack, shot out from the sharp blade in his hand, and instantly shattered the fire of the dark dog's soul hidden in his head.

The big dog fell to Barrett's feet with a plop, and those scarlet eyes instantly darkened.

Killing this undead creature was easier than he thought, and Barrett couldn't tell whether it was due to the innate ability he chose - [Devil's Blade].

After all, he didn't have many opportunities to deal with undead creatures before.

Although the foggy forest is agitated with magic power and rich in various monsters, it hardly produces undead. Because the flesh and bones of every corpse there will be digested to the extreme. And the soul, the people of the Bay of Pigs believe that the soul of those who die there will become one with the mist.

After getting rid of the dark dog, Barrett looked at the spoils subconsciously, estimating its possible value.

It has good teeth, and it is also highly poisonous, so it may be sold for a satisfactory price. But the fur on the body is so bad that it can't be used at all. And the dead flesh under the fur is even more useless, and no one wants to taste the flesh of the undead, except themselves.

Our barbarian adventurer resisted the urge to include this dark dog in the "Song of Saran" and continued to walk towards the town. He was worried that the smell of corruption and decay on this trophy would spread to the entire space ring, so he simply left it in place.

But it didn't take long before Barrett stopped again.

Because he found that the huge obstacle in the middle of the road not far away was not a stone, but a half-human-shaped object made of flesh and blood, as fat and bloated as a hill.

The half-human creature sat with its back to Barrett and sat motionless in the middle of the road with its head down. It seems to be sleeping soundly, and it seems to have been dead for a long time.

No, all the creatures here died out hundreds of years ago. It's just that this space refuses to let them sleep quietly for a long time.

Barrett held his saber and approached cautiously step by step. When the distance between the two sides was less than five meters, the unknown object suddenly moved. He took a few steps back, watching the unknown creature swaying and slowly standing up with all his attention.

The huge shadow continued to extend as it stood up and covered where Barrett was.

After the huge creature stood up, it stood there for a while, then it slowly turned around, looked at Barrett, and said in a low voice.

"Hey, hello."


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