Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 137: Small Town Horror - Gordo

This is an undead creature larger than the ogre Moglock in full body armor.

Its whole body is made up of many broken corpses and blood, and the stitches are clear and worn, revealing its identity as a magical creation. At the connection between those corpses and flesh and blood, dark black blood and dark green pus continued to seep out.

Not only that, but it exuded a stench that was so strong that it could make Barrett nauseous. You must know that our barbarian adventurers have killed and dissected countless corpses, and they have extremely strong endurance in this regard.

The undead creature held a boning knife covered in blood stains in its left hand, and a rusty iron hook in its right hand. The iron hook was attached to a sturdy chain, and one of the chains was wrapped around its bloated and dirty arm, and the other dragged on the ground, making a rattling sound as it turned around.

What shocked Barret most was that its huge belly was actually ripped open, opening a terrifying huge wound that filled the entire belly! Although the wound has been closed by the ribs of some unknown creature, the dark black and turquoise intestines inside are still clearly visible.

It has a prominent jaw and jagged teeth. One eye is intact, the other is half-squinted, and it looks extremely hideous and ugly, and I don't know why its maker's aesthetics are so distorted.

Barrett had never seen or heard of this terrifying undead creature, and just as he was hesitating whether to kill it or go around, the undead creature actually spoke, and he used the correct words. The common language of the cavity.

"Hello," it greeted Barrett.

Barrett's eyes widened in surprise, "You, hello." He has no experience in talking with the undead.

"My name is Gordo, and I'm an abomination." His voice was thick and low. "What's your name? Human."

"Ba, Barrett" He didn't expect this terrifying undead creature to be quite polite.

"Oh, hello, Barbaritt," said Gordo the hated. "Are you trying to get through here, to the town over there?" He scratched his **** with the hook, and then scratched again. scratched his head.

My name is... well, there's nothing to argue about, there's no point in arguing about your name with an undead. It is already a very difficult thing for it to remember its own name, which shows that its brain is not rotten enough to be used.

"Yes," Barrett replied. "Is there a problem? Are you trying to stop me?"

"Stop? No, the master didn't give Gordo such an order," said Abomination. "Gordo remembers everything the master said! 'Don't let those undead in the town run around, you know.' Master. Said this, 'Especially don't let them swarm to the other side of the road, who knows if the mages who reinforce the seal will be lazy in the future!'".

"The master also said, 'After the whole space is repaired - who knows it will take hundreds of years - then you will tell me my name, or those mages who came to repair the space, understand. Then ask them to take you back to my mage tower, if those hairy boys don't kill you by then.'"

Abomination was quite agile when imitating his master's speech, "Master said when he left, 'Hey, Indar, do you want to stay here forever? Hurry up, we have to go. I've found a few interesting souls here these days, so I want to try some new experiments. Hurry up! Stop clinging to those negative energies like a beggar, when you reach the higher tiers, the death plane will become You can go to your back garden at any time. Yes, I know it's very far away, but you can learn how to make undead first. Look, I named this kind of undead -- abomination, isn't it very appropriate! Maybe someone One day, you too can make an undead as perfect as an abomination.'"

"The master thinks that 'Goldo' is perfect!" Abomination showed a proud expression on his face.

"Wait, you just mentioned a name, 'Indal'? Yes, I heard it right. Who is he?" Barrett asked, frowning. He didn't know if this 'Indal' was the same person as the 'Indal the Silent' who had resounded across the continent a few years ago.

"He's the master's apprentice," replied the hated Gordo, "a very proud young man. But Gordo didn't like him because he always said that Gordo was a defective product, not worthy of 'perfection' at all. This word." It swung the iron hook angrily, and the chain rattled again, piercingly resounding in the quiet night.

In fact, Barrett wanted to ask more about 'Indal', but after thinking about it, this guy is dead anyway, and it is useless to inquire about his previous deeds. What's more, now is clearly not the time to say these things.

"Since your master didn't ask you to prevent others from entering," he said, "then, shall I go?"

After speaking, Barrett planned to bypass Gordo from the left and continue onward.

Not far behind Abomination was the half-open door of the town, where Barrett was on his trip. This hideous undead creature seems to be a magical creation created by a certain mage. Barrett does not know how powerful it is, but since he was sent by the unknown mage to guard the gate in this space, it should not be too much. weak. So he's glad he doesn't have to fight the big guy because he's not too sure.

But this hated suddenly moved its bloated body and blocked Barrett, "But, Gordo wants you to do me a favor."

Barrett didn't answer, but changed direction, wanting to go around again. But the hatred of Gordo also followed his actions, once again blocking his only path.

This guy! ! Barrett looked sideways at the door behind Gordo, and sighed helplessly, "What do you want me to help you with?"

Hate smiled happily, which made its appearance even more uglier, "Goldo has already stayed here..." It was suddenly stunned in the middle of the sentence, and seemed to fall into memory. "Gordo can't remember, it was a long time, a long time, anyway."

"At first, there were some undead in that town who wanted to come out, so Gordo ate them all, Gordo likes meat, and rotten meat is the best! But after a while, they just roamed around in it. , how can it not come out. But Guerdo's hooks are very accurate, you can hook them out and eat them." He swayed the iron hook in his right hand, hehe smiled, "After that, the undead will be farther and farther away from the gate. , wouldn't come any closer. Gordo's hooks weren't long enough to reach them. So Gordo was hungry, hungry for a long, long time."

It looked at Barrett and swallowed involuntarily, which caused the latter to take two steps back subconsciously, and clenched the weapon in his hand again.

"The master needs Gordo to stay here, and Gordo can't leave even one step!" It said solemnly, "So, I hope you can help Gordo find some food."

"Then you have to let me in first, don't you," Barrett said. "After all, the carrion you like is in the town."

"No, this, in fact, Gordo wants to eat something else." A sinister smile appeared on his hated face again.


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