Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 139: Small Town Cry - Deathstroke Town

The night was dark, and the dim moonlight obscured everything. In the small town, a desolate and dilapidated scene.

The houses in the town are very dense, but under the erosion of negative energy for many years, they have become old, crooked, and deformed, like a gloomy beast hidden in the darkness, opening its mouth wide, waiting for the arrival of food itself.

The 'creaking' sound from the squeezing and breaking of the wood added a touch of horror to this deadly town. Many buildings have collapsed and become ruins, and many more are still standing stubbornly.

Undead creatures of various colors dragged their blurry and dark figures, wandering aimlessly on the streets. Occasionally, there will be a little green or blue fire, and in the dark night, it will flicker quietly.


"Hey, wake up, since I've acceded to your request and came to this ghost place (it's really a ghost place). Then you should at least tell me where is your home?" Barrett was hiding in a car. Next to the cart full of dry hay, he tapped his right hand on the small tombstone on the inside of the leather armor, and asked in a low voice.

Before coming here, Barret could only faintly feel that there was indeed something in the tombstone. And only on a completely silent night, when he concentrates all his energy, can he occasionally vaguely feel something in the tombstone, conveying an emotion to him - hunger.

But when he entered the town, Barritt suddenly felt that the little ghost imprisoned in the tombstone seemed to be much more active than before. I don't know if it is because of the small town or because of the special influence of the negative energy plane.

"Front..." An ethereal and childish voice sounded from Barrett's mind.

"You mean ahead? Do you mean to go further down the street?" Barrett asked again.

"Ahead..." the voice repeated.

Well, a ghost transformed from a child of a few years old can maintain a vague sense of reason. What else can I expect?

He shook his head, walked around behind the hay cart, walked a short distance next to a private house, and then jumped into an empty corral. Immediately afterwards, he carefully crossed the corral and cut off the neck of a zombie. Because the zombie hiding in the corner found him and wanted to come over and give him a warm hug.

Barritt quietly passed two more buildings, then pressed himself against the wall of a private house with a garden, cautiously leaned his head to the side, and looked at the spacious main road in the town again:

Among the various undead creatures in the town, the most numerous are all kinds of zombies.

Barrett had heard from Mage Alvin that there were nearly 5,000 residents of the town who were sealed at the same time as this town. It happened very suddenly at that time, and most of them did not survive the roaring attack of negative energy. Even if a very few people survived due to physical reasons, they could not escape because the entire space was instantly sealed.

Of course, if you count the undead creatures that have continuously invaded from the negative energy plane over the past few hundred years, then the number of undead here must at least double.

Most of the zombies on the streets retain their clothes and appearances before their death. Although their skin and complexion are gray, very few are rotten. After all, those tiny creatures that decompose their bodies are also a kind of life, and cannot survive in this pure dead space.

The closest to Barret was a zombie in a tattered gray linen top. Its head is slanted on its shoulders, its eyes are dull, its lips are slightly parted, and it takes a long time to take a step trembling slightly.

Not only that, but the zombie was holding a goat with four horns but no eyes. The chest and abdomen of the goat have all disappeared, and there is only a spine connecting the limbs and head. But the goat was unaware of its own situation, and just followed the zombie with its head slanted.

A vicious ghoul crawled out of a tavern-like building not far away, its head swaying from side to side, greedily looking for anything to ease its hunger curse.

After seeing the four-horned goat, the ghoul rushed over at a high speed, and in an instant, it threw the goat to the ground, grabbed the goat's shriveled hind legs, and devoured it.

The goat fell to the ground helplessly, with its mouth slightly open, as if it wanted to bleat, but did not make any sound. And the zombie in front of it, still holding the rope tightly in his hand, walked forward without realizing it.

The rope was stretched, and the zombie couldn't drag the goat that fell to the ground, but staggered back a few steps. Immediately after, it moved forward again, staggered on its hind legs again, and so on.

A ghost in the appearance of a woman floated gently in the air from the distance. Her spirit body looks like a beautiful woman in a nightgown, with a sweet and moving appearance, and a different kind of coldness.

The ghost made an elegant circle in the air, and then floated towards the three-story building opposite Barritt. Her light-blue translucent spiritual body directly passed through the outer wall of the third floor of the building, entered it, and disappeared.

Barrett hurriedly retracted his head gently. He was worried that the female ghost who entered the building opposite would find him, so he turned around and planned to leave here and continue to look for other safe paths to penetrate into the town.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a strange sound of hooves coming from the street, but Barrett didn't want to pay attention to it. This enclosed space is not the same as the outside, bizarre things happen one after another, so I don't care about the sudden sound of horseshoes.

But the sound of hooves suddenly accelerated, followed by the sound of sharp blades tearing through leather, followed by a mournful scream.

The scream made Barrett have to turn around again, and then he saw that the ghoul that had eaten the leg of lamb had been knocked out by something.

The ghoul flying in mid-air hit the roof of a house next to Barrett and slid down along the roof. Then he rolled on the ground two more times along the inertia, and finally inexplicably reached Barrit's feet.

This ghoul's body was slashed diagonally with a terrifying wound that almost cut it in half. Human beings have no way to survive in the face of such an, but this wound is very important to the undead. Biologically speaking, it is not fatal.

The ghoul, attacked by the unknown creature, propped up his body with his front claws, and then shook his head, as if he wanted to get up. The observer next to him, Barrett, before it could react, slashed its head with a backhand sword and let it rest in peace forever.

The sound of hooves on the street gradually approached, as if the unknown creature that attacked the ghoul did not want to let go of its prey.

Barrett stepped back quickly and lightly, but the sound of horseshoes approached faster than he could. Judging from the wound on the ghoul's body, the unknown creature's attack was very sharp, and Barrett was worried that he would not be able to solve the other party in a short time, so he could only choose to avoid it.

Here, there is only one living person, Barrett; and there are probably thousands of dead people.

He turned a corner and found that this private house with a garden actually had a back door. Barrett grabbed the handle of the back door, pulled it gently, and the back door opened. He quickly dodged into the room, and then closed the door softly.

After two heartbeats, the sound of hooves reached the door directly. Barrett clenched his sword in the room, paying attention to the sound outside the door. Fortunately, the sound of the hooves did not stop, but quickly crossed here and ran into the distance.

After four heartbeats, the sound of the hooves gradually disappeared, which made Barrett take a deep breath.

It's just that he didn't notice that in this dark room, in a corner where no matter how hard the moonlight could reach, there was a humanoid creature standing upright. It stood there motionless, like a lifeless statue.

The next moment, the statue suddenly opened its eyes and stared at Barrett's back.


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