Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 140: small town fright

Barret suddenly felt a shudder in his skin, and he turned sharply to meet the gaze in the corner of the house.

"Hey, don't be nervous, outsider," said the 'Statue' in the corner. Its voice was hoarse, as if it were repeatedly sanding the table with rough sandpaper.

With the foreshadowing of hating Gordo before, Barrett was not surprised that the guy in front of him was able to speak.

"Take it easy, living person, I won't hurt you." It said in a serious tone, but then changed the tone, "Well, as an undead, it seems like saying this to a living person. Not credible. But so what? Actually, all I have to do is yell, 'There are living people here!' My countrymen. But, you see, I didn't do that, but stood here and you, a living person, in a quiet conversation. I first expressed my sincerity, which is very rare for the dead." It chatted Nagging talking.

Barrett didn't relax because of the guy's words, "Your sincerity should be to go to the window and let me see you." He pointed his sword at the creature in the corner and instructed softly.

Years of adventure in the foggy forest made Barrett's eyesight well adapted to the dim environment. As long as there is a little light, you can see everything around you more clearly. However, the moonlight in the sky was so weak that it only shone in through the window, so that Barrett could only vaguely see the outline of the owner of the house.

"Hmph, if you dared to point your sword at me like this before, I'd be sure to let those bodyguards of mine break your ribs." The Statue said in a dissatisfied tone.

But it still obediently walked to the window of the main entrance, "What do you want to see? Although my skin is not as soft as before, and my complexion is no longer as rosy as it used to be, I have to clarify in advance that as an undead, In fact, I take good care of it, after all, there are no pearls and milk here for you to take care of your skin. But then again, although my skin is not delicate at all, it is at least fair enough."

Barrett could see the creature in the room by the gleam of moonlight shining in through the window.

It was a strangely dressed male zombie with thin cheeks and fairly intact facial features, with no missing parts. It is worth noting that its eyes are quite agile, if it is not because the skin on its face is a little dry, and it also has the miserable white and blue color unique to undead creatures, you can hardly even think of it as a dead person.

On the zombie's head is a black top hat with a two-finger-wide gap at the brim of the hat; the silk gown on his body seems to be very well-crafted, but it has been eroded by years and negative energy. , has broken many large and small holes; outside the silk gown, there is also a velvet shawl cloak, the hem of the cloak reaches the knees, and is fixed to the body by a crystal button.

"Sorry, although this dress is weird and a little rude, it's the best clothes I can find. At least they are complete as a whole, which can satisfy my little sense of shame." Zombie's tone was helpless. said.

"Not only are there no pearls and no milk, there are no tailors and good fabrics, no cooks and good food. Oh, and even if there were cooks, I think he'd be out of a job. Because everyone doesn't need to eat anymore, because We are all undead. The undead don't need to eat, don't they. But sometimes, I still feel hungry, from the hunger of the soul..." It lowered its tone, then relaxed again, "But it's okay not to eat. It's okay, I won't starve to death anyway."

The sensible zombie in front of him seemed to have not found someone to talk to for a long time, and it started babbling endlessly as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Introduce myself, my name is 'Daniel', and I used to be a very wealthy businessman. I have a wide range of businesses, including wood, spices, cosmetics, weapons, sheep's horns, horns and rhino horn products. I'm just a zombie, a very normal zombie."

Although its voice is hoarse, its words are surprisingly clear, "To be honest, I actually want to be a death knight, just like Viscount Fried, riding a tall skeleton horse, everywhere in the town. Patrol, other undead have to obey your orders. You ask me who Viscount Fried is? Didn't you just avoid him? Trust me, don't let him see you, otherwise your end will not be very good. He was the lord of this town during his lifetime, and after his death, he also manages this place..."

"Why?" Barrett interrupted Zombie's long-winded speech.

"Why what?" Zombie Daniel was a little confused.

"Why didn't you call your dead companions here?" Barrett asked. "You're an undead, and I'm alive, why would you help me hide."

"I have too many companions, and there are more and more, increasing every day. If Viscount Fried and his subordinates were not in charge of them, this place would have turned into a pot of onion soup! By the way, you like it Onion soup?" Zombie Daniel walked over from the window and disappeared into the darkness again.

With this action, Barrett once again pointed at the zombies in the darkness with his sword.

"I said, take it easy, uninvited guest, I will not attack you." The voice of the zombie came from the darkness, "But to be honest, I also really want to taste what the flesh on your body is like. , but I know, that kind of thinking is an instinct of me as a zombie. But I can restrain this instinct very well, because I was a vegetarian before my death, because vegetarianism is good for my skin. I used to take part in some vegetarian food There are many socialites, beautiful women, and unmarried aristocratic ladies in those parties, and we will discuss together how to dress up and how to make your skin more radiant..."

The direction of its voice kept changing in the darkness, as if it were moving.

"Where are you going?" Barrett asked aloud, pointing at the zombie with his saber.

"The second floor." Zombie Daniel replied, "The scenery there is better, and there are comfortable chairs, we can chat there casually, to be I haven't talked to anyone for hundreds of years. God, I mean, no chatting with living humans. Also, this time is when Viscount Fried is patrolling the town, and I suggest you should hide here and avoid him. I can see your skill Yes, stronger than the best bodyguard I've ever been, but Viscount Fried is no ordinary death knight."

Zombie Daniel moved, and said seriously, "You know, death knights can't be like us ordinary zombies, as long as there are corpses, they will be self-generated through negative energy, and they need to be transformed. Hey, since I became After the undead, I really learned a lot about this knowledge!"

There was pride in its tone, "The viscount was actually transformed into a death knight by a lich, and the lich came from the other side of the tearing space. The lich wanted to occupy this place, and wanted to control the viscount as a Its subordinates. But after Viscount Fried became a death knight, he immediately killed the lich who wanted to control it."

Lich! The word alerted Barrett, as it pertained to Mage Alvin's mission.

"These are what I saw with my own eyes, when I was not far from the lich! It's easy to do, as long as you stare blankly, disguise yourself as an ordinary 'fool' who is constantly wandering on the street, The big guys on the top won't notice you at all."

The sound of 'dong dong dong' coming upstairs, this guy seems to be walking up the stairs. Barrett hesitated whether to leave here or follow this chattering zombie. This guy seems to know a lot and may be able to help himself.

"Hey, follow me, and be careful, I don't want you to smash yourself out of the water with one foot in the air. Tell you, there are no healers here who can fix bones and bandages, and you don't want me to help you , I am terrified to see blood!"


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