Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 141: Small Town Horror - Lich's Philosophy

The second floor of Ming's house is brighter than the first floor because there is a large floor-to-ceiling window on the side close to the street. A pair of light gray tulle hung from the window, and the veil-like curtains were embroidered with meandering vines.

After Barritt groped carefully, he saw Zombie Daniel was sitting on a reclining chair under the floor-to-ceiling window, shaking gently. In front of it is a square tea table, and there is a set of exquisite tea sets on the table.

"The original owner of this house doesn't know who it was. Maybe it was some unconscious guy on the street below. Maybe it was wiped out by the wizards who came here occasionally. Anyway, this house belongs to me now." Zombie on the couch Shang swayed comfortably, "I'm sorry I can't invite you to drink tea, because there is no hot water here. I have found some old tea leaves, but I guess those teas have already been eroded by the negative energy here and cannot be drunk. "

"No, thank you." I won't drink it even if you take it out. I don't want to try what it's like to be offered food from the dead.

Barrett watched the zombie vigilantly, walked slowly to the floor-to-ceiling window, gently opened the tulle curtain, and looked down at the street below.

The zombie dragging the four-horned goat was still staggering forward, but because the four-horned goat behind him was bitten off by the previous ghoul, he could no longer walk upright and could only be dragged to the ground by it. So the zombie is moving extremely slowly and seems to be going in a big circle.

"Rubin, if I remember correctly, this is his name." Daniel followed Barrett's gaze, "Did you see the goat behind him with only two front legs? That's Rubin's little treasure, and he used to call it 'little melon' affectionately. That sheep used to be a very good breeder, and Rubin made a lot of money from it."

"Fitch, the guy over there who's been banging his head against the wall." Daniel pointed to another of his kind on the street and said, "God, I didn't expect his head to be so hard. It's not very easy to use. This guy actually wanted to attack a mage who came in from the outside last time, but was knocked out by the latter and stuck there, and since then he has been hitting the wall like that for decades." Zombie Daniel Helplessly shook his head.

"I have to say, Fitch is really a stupid guy. Every time when those mages enter this space, whether it's local ghosts, zombies, wraiths, or ghouls from the other side of the space rift , ghouls, vampires, even Viscount Freed and his subordinate Ser Irion, as well as the group of skeleton warriors, will immediately find a corner to hide quietly. Among those wizards who come in, there will be one or two powerful ones every time. Necromancer, do you know how much we fear those necromancers? Forget it, as a living person, you can't feel the pressure on the undead that emanates from the necromancer. But Feige dared to Rush out, I have to say, its head is really hard and wooden."

Zombie Daniel was amazed, "Feige used to be one of the many bodyguards I hired. He is good at using a mace, and he is also very accurate at shooting arrows. He is well-known in Sanye City. But to this day, except for me, I still remember his Apart from the name, it is estimated that no one else will remember this guy."

Barrett looked at the weird zombie who was lamenting the long life and the impermanence of time, "Do you know this place and this town well?"

Zombie nodded, "If you live in this small town with a big palm for hundreds of years, you will know it very well." Daniel leaned back on the reclining chair again, with his legs crossed, his eyes looking at To the ceiling, "Actually, this sealed space is quite large. In order to prevent the negative energy from leaking out as much as possible, the gang of sub-mages simply sealed the town and a large area around it. I I remember that there is a large farm on the other side of the town, and there is a canyon diagonally opposite. But unfortunately, since this place was sealed, I have not been out of the town.”

"Because of the abomination outside the gate?" Barrett thought of the huge, bloated undead.

"Is it called abomination? I really don't know." Daniel's stiff face showed a look of surprise. "Yes, because of that. There are two gates in this town, but each gate There is an ugly 'undead fat man' guarding the outside. I always thought that ghouls were the ugliest creatures among the undead, but I didn't expect that there are actually ten times uglier than ghouls. The undead exist."

It's face is full of disgust. "That thing is called Abomination? It's an apt name, because it's really hateful! This guy will eat other undead, and I have seen the abomination at the front door with my own eyes. En unloaded into several pieces and ate them all in my stomach, it really scared me at the time."

Zombie Daniel patted his own little heart that didn't beat, "I also saw that Glenn was hooked out, and then Glenn never came back. And Roger, Scott, Regan, Andrew..., the only thing fortunate is that hatred will not come into town, alas." It made a sigh, but its chest didn't rise and fall, "Viscount Fried also talked to the front door. The 'fat man' had a fight, but in the end, no one could do anything. Then Viscount Fried retreated into the town and ordered all the undead to stay away from those two gates. By the way, you too Come in through the gate, why didn't it eat you?"

Without waiting for Barrett to answer, the zombie, who likes to talk very much, started to ask himself again.

"By the way, you must have jumped in from outside the wall, right? You can jump into such a high wall, you are really amazing! Did you know that during the war in the chaotic era, the town of Giethoorn was once used as a three-leaf It was built on the frontier of the city, so the walls around the town are much higher than other villages and towns. Unfortunately, that height is not something that an ordinary zombie like me can jump out of. I was not good at sports when I was alive. Very bad at it, and it's even worse now. You know, going up the stairs is a difficult thing for me, but I'm used to it."

"I didn't jump off the wall, and the height was difficult for me. I came in directly from the gate," Barrett said, "because the abomination only likes to eat carrion."

"Only like to eat carrion, and you are fresh? Ha, this is really a sad thing for the dead..."

"I want to ask you something." While the zombies were talking, Barrett quickly asked the question he wanted to ask, "You said before that Viscount Fried killed a lich?"

"Yes, a lich from the plane of death." Daniel nodded stiffly, "Actually, that was already a long time ago, it happened decades after this space was sealed. In. The stupid lich seemed to want to turn this sealed space into its own territory, but it didn't know that every few decades, it would come in from outside. Help the wizards of the Magic Association. Some of those wizards will mend the space, and some seem to have nothing to do, and they will walk around and grab some dead souls they can see. Fortunately, the lich was killed by Viscount Fried. Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of those necromancers in the association, the consequences will be even more tragic."

"I heard that the lich is not easy to kill, because they will be resurrected through the phylactery. Didn't the lich that the Viscount killed be resurrected through the phylactery?" Barrett asked again.

"Or say that lich is very stupid!" Daniel patted the armrest of the reclining chair, "He actually took his life box on him, it seems that it actually wanted to stay here. After it was killed by Viscount Fried, the Viscount actually found the phylactery from the lich's body and destroyed the source of the lich inside."

Zombie shook his head, "God knows what stupid things he did when he was transforming the Viscount, or in other words, he didn't do anything he should have done. Anyway, the final result was that the guy not only failed to control it. The thoughts of the things you created were also known by the latter to know the location of the important fate, and then inexplicably killed by the things you created. Ha, you can hardly imagine a lich - the noblest among the undead A spellcaster can be so stupid."

"Where is this phylactery now?" Barrett asked eagerly, "Is it in the Viscount's hand? What shape is it exactly?"

This is the task that Mage Alvin gave Barrett - to find a Lich's phylactery, take it out of the sealed space, and give it to the Mage.

Barrett still remembers that Mage Alvin said to him in a very relaxed tone, "Trust me, this is not as difficult as you think."

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