Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 142: Town Cry - Unexpected Battle

When Mage Alvin explained the task of Barrett, his tone was not only relaxed, but also very sure, as if he was very sure of the existence of the phylactery. Barrett didn't know how the mage with eccentric interests learned about the bizarre things that happened in this space.

Could it be from the mouth of the nagging guy in front of him? Barrett looked at Zombie Daniel.

"Let me tell you, that lich didn't actually make his phylactery into a box in the traditional sense, but..." Zombie Daniel suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, and it stared out the window with wide eyes. And yelled and got up from the recliner. But because it was too panicked and inflexible, the zombie who liked to talk fell to the ground with a "pop" as soon as it stood up halfway.

"Oh, no, here comes Pamela!" Daniel yelled at Barrett as he lay on the ground.

Barritt held the hilt of the sword and looked out the window. In the three-story building opposite the house he found, the ghost of the woman wearing a nightgown before floated out again.

And the next direction she traveled was exactly the house where Barrett was.

"I hope she can talk as well as you." Barrett held his sword in both hands, took a few steps back, and opened the distance from the floor-to-ceiling window.

Ghosts have no habit of walking through doors, and their spirits can penetrate any visible wall.

"Then you're going to be disappointed. Pamela's sanity is not as high as mine." Zombie Daniel struggled to stand up, but his inflexible body made this movement extremely difficult. Just an ordinary woman who likes to be a guest at a neighbor's house and gossip, but she still retains this hobby after her death, and she doesn't need to knock on the door. I remember that she was far from being as beautiful as she is now, but ghosts are It is a very useful skill to be able to change her appearance according to her own wishes. Her current appearance should be the one she dreamed of during her lifetime..."

"I said can you talk about some important points." Barrett interrupted Daniel again, "For example, will she attack me."

"I really want to tell you 'no', but I don't want to lie to you. I was an honest businessman when I was alive, and although I was occasionally clever, I would never deceive others, because my mother often told me , 'A lie can get you a bag of gold coins, but honesty can get you a gold mine'. Although many people believe that gold coins are easier to use, gold mines still need to be mined, smelted, and minted into coins. Then you can use it. But I have to tell you, the latter will make you get more, even tens of thousands of times more than the former! Trust me, this principle is very useful..."

Zombie Daniel's nagging seems to be a natural instinct. It perfectly overcomes the hatred of the living and the desire for flesh and blood, but it has this strange attribute.

The female soul named 'Pamela' floated straight towards the floor-to-ceiling window. Following Daniel's chattering words, her pale blue spirit passed through the floor-to-ceiling window and the tulle curtains, and stopped above the tea table. .

"Hi, Pamela, long time no see, I remember the last time you came was three days ago." Daniel finally stood up successfully, "What do you want to talk about this time? Susan and Scott's affair ? Let me tell you, that was hundreds of years ago. And Scott, was already eaten by that terrifying monster outside the town."

Ghost Pamela ignored the zombie standing beside her, but stared at Barrett without blinking. Well, she is a spirit body and does not have an organ like an "eye".

"Human?" She whispered with some doubts. Ghost Pamela's voice was ethereal, as if it was far away, and it seemed to be close to her ear, very similar to the voice of little Eve in the tombstone, after all, they were all of the same kind.

"A living person?" She tilted her head and said another sentence, and then floated towards Barrett with a "dazed look", turning round and round beside the latter.

Barrett remembered that the small tombstone in the leather armor had a function, which could imprison such a ghost in front of him, but our barbarian adventurer never remembered how to pronounce that mouth-watering incantation.

Right now, Barrit only hopes that the tombstone can successfully eliminate the hostility of the ghost to him, and then let her stay away from here and find another neighbor to chat.

"Living people!" Ghost Pamela repeated every time she made a circle. As this continued to repeat, her expression became more and more hideous and fierce, and the cold and sweet look before disappeared.

The next moment, she stopped in front of Barrett and screamed at the latter, "Live!!!"

Her howls roared harshly, and Barrett felt an inexplicable force rushing towards him. For a moment, he bent his knees slightly, leaned forward, held the sword in both hands to block in front of him, but was still knocked back half a step by this force.

Not only that, but Barritt also felt a buzzing in his head, his ears were buzzing constantly, his vision was blurred for a whole heartbeat, and then he slowly recovered.

At this time, the ghost had already floated in front of him, waving at him with a long arm.

He knew that such a spiritual body attack, whether it was a weapon or a shield, could not block the slightest, and the best defense method was a wide variety of defensive spells such as magic shield and spiritual body armor.

But he didn't have such a magic accessory on him. Maybe the pendant given by Mage Alvin could help him resist a little damage, but Barrett didn't want to try it.

He avoided the attack of the ghost with a short body, and the weapon in his hand slashed horizontally, passing through the body of the ghost without hindrance.

"Ah~~~" The ghost made a miserable cry, and the spirit body dimmed a bit in an instant. Afterwards, she fit fiercely and rushed towards Barrett, but was dodged again by the latter, and then slashed her translucent body with a sword, causing her to scream in pain again.

"I said, don't fight any more, Viscount Fried heard the voice in a while, and you all have to be punished, very severely!" Zombie Daniel hid in the corner and persuaded anxiously, but the two fighting were both Ignore it.

Barrett's fourth sword slashed at the ghost's spiritual body, causing the latter's figure to fade into a faint shadow. But he himself was not satisfied with his attack.

Such an attack was still too slow, and Barrett shook his head inwardly. In the many battles from Hot Spring Town to the present, he could clearly feel that the pair of magic iron bracers on his arms had a great impact on his sword swing speed.

Maybe I'll need to take off the bracers in future battles, after all this time I'm fighting alone, and in this enclosed space with so many enemies. Barrett planned in his mind.

But even so, he still managed to destroy the ghost in front of When Barrett's fifth sword cut down the ghost Pamela, she finally let out a deep cry sighed, and then the entire spiritual body shattered and disappeared. Only a tiny pinch of pale white powder remained on the original floor.

"Damn, you killed her, you cruel executioner!" Zombie Daniel jumped up from the corner and cursed loudly, "Damn, you cold murderer, you killed Pamela, killed this girl! You savage butcher, you made her disappear from this world forever, forever!!! You know what?"

"What do you want me to do?" Barrett retorted. "Stand still and let her make me one of your kind?"

"Say something nice, maybe she'll let you go..." Daniel's voice was low.

"Do you think so?" Barrett asked.

"People always change, and so do the undead. I didn't like talking at all before, but now..." There was deep frustration in his hoarse voice, "Maybe one day Pamela will recover like me. Mind can't be sure."

"Unfortunately, I can't wait until that time." Barrett was expressionless, "she won't give me such a chance. Now, I hope you can tell me what that Lich's phylactery is. shape."

"Hmph, I won't tell you." Daniel leaned back on the reclining chair again, and didn't turn his head to look at Barrett, "You killed Pamela, and maybe you also killed Renaia, Susan, and Isa. K, Sandy..."

"I don't even know who they are!"

"But you will still kill them!!"


Just as Barrett was organizing the language in his mind and trying to convince Daniel, he suddenly heard the crisp sound of horse hooves outside, which rang again.


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