Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 143: Small Town Horror - Fate Box Information

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Barrett rushed to the floor-to-ceiling windows at a high speed, and looked towards the street through the tulle curtains.

Not far from the dark street, a knight in dark gray full-body armor was riding a skeleton warhorse with horns, walking slowly towards here.

The knight wears the traditional griffon helmet, and the covering visor flashes with two cold soul fires. A huge ice-blue rune sword was hung diagonally behind his back. It seems that all death knights are born with the profound dark skill of 'rune casting', so that they can forge their own unique runes through the power of dark runes. arms.

Behind him were more than a dozen skeleton warriors wearing leather armor and chain armor, holding swords, mace, large shields, spears and other weapons. Skeletons lined up in uneven teams in twos and threes, swaying behind the war skeletons and war horses.

The mount under the knight's crotch jogged forward, smashing away the zombies wandering on the road again and again, and constantly snorted out a silver smoke screen.

"Tell me the information about the Lich's phylactery, and I'll get out of here right away." Barrett said to Zombie Daniel standing by the window.

"I was going to tell you, but you killed Pamela!" Daniel was unmoved.

"I didn't kill her because she was already dead. I just gave her liberation and gave her rest. Understand? Rest!" Barrett used the rhetoric of a dwarf assassin.

"This place is connected to the plane of negative energy. If you die here, your soul will not rest in peace. Pamela will die forever and be swallowed up by this space!" Daniel retorted loudly.

The zombie's words left Barrett speechless. If it weren't for the fact that this guy really told him a lot of useful information, and his character was fairly stable, he had no intention of harming anyone. Otherwise, Barrett would have liked to chop off its head with a sword.

"Do you want to drag it on like this? Well, you won. Even if you don't tell me, I'll leave right away, because the Viscount Fried you mentioned is coming here again, and there's a group of skeletons behind him. ."

"My God, it must have been Pamela's scream that attracted him! Although ordinary noises and sounds can't attract the Viscount's attention, and he's unlikely to hear it from a great distance. But Pamela's Mera's 'screaming scream' is different, the higher undead are likely to sense this sound!" Zombie Daniel said in a panic.

"Besides, the Viscount hates people causing trouble on his territory. Although every lord dislikes it, Viscount Fried especially hates it. He is a lord known for being 'hard and unkind', and he lives in his life. When I was a kid, I often heard that if someone got into a fight, no matter who was right or wrong on both sides of the fight, he would brutally imprison them in the dungeon, and each would be whipped a few times. After that, Only the viscount can tell the truth, and the wrong party is likely to lose a few fingers, or an entire hand..."

"It doesn't sound like he is loved." Barrett thought of what happened in the small town of 'Kernos', but it was impossible for these undead to resist. As far as he knows, the lower-level undead will basically obey the higher-level undead unconditionally, which is related to the 'soul fire' churning in their skulls. Moreover, the lower-level undead basically have no intelligence, and only act according to instinct.

Except for this guy in front of him.

"Although Viscount Friede wasn't loved, to be honest, people didn't hate him either. He was ruthless and unsmiling, but he made the town very peaceful, I mean before it was sealed. It was here at the time. The crime rate is the lowest among all the villages and towns around Sanye City."

Dennis got up from the reclining chair, "If you let him see Pamela destroyed by you, he will definitely turn you into an undead. In fact, as long as he finds you, he will do it, after all, you are a living creature. People are not those terrifying necromancers, so this is normal."

It said, looking around the house, "Viscount Fried will probably cut off my hands or my feet, because you showed up in my house, even though you broke in yourself. Yes, it has nothing to do with me. But I don't think Lord Viscount has the patience to listen to me like you. Since becoming an undead, the viscount's temper and patience have become worse and worse. I used to think that the undead should be very Just be patient, after all, we have a lot of time to squander, and we can do things slowly. But when I became an undead, I found that those of my kind were too frizzy to enjoy immortality. The kind of joy it brings, if there is such joy."

The zombie finally looked at the tea table in front of him. The guy first carefully pulled the tattered tablecloth off the tea table, then ran to the dark corner with three steps, and covered the tablecloth over his own. On his face, he finally stood still, as if he were a statue.

But after two heartbeats, it pulled the tablecloth off its face and headed for the window.

"Wait, you just said skeletons? Viscount followed by skeletons? No, that's not the Viscount, it should be Ser Irion." Daniel made an exhalation motion. This superfluous action made it look like a living creature people,

"When Viscount Fried was patrolling the town, he never brought the skeleton guards with him, because those skeleton guards could never keep up with his speed." Daniel came to Barrett and looked towards the street.

Barrett smelled a faint rotten smell from the zombie, not strong, but lingering, but at least much better than the smell of hating Gordo.

"That's really Sir Irion, he's relatively easy to talk to." The panic on Daniel's face was much lessened, "I tell you, Sir Irion used to be just like me, a zombie, and far less intelligent than me. But Later, the viscount transformed him into a death knight. Since he killed the stupid lich, the viscount has learned a lot about the use of death energy and undead magic, including transforming the dead into death. The skills of a knight. But he only transformed Ser Irion in the end, and I don't know why, is it because Irion was a knight and I was only a merchant?"

"You say this Sir Irion is a better talker, so will he tolerate me being a living person?" Barrett asked.

"Um..., this, you can try it, but I can't guarantee success." Zombie Daniel said nothing.

Barret glared at him angrily, "Tell me the information about that lich phylactery, and I'll leave. If they can't see me, they probably won't do anything to you."

"But Pamela is dead!" Daniel pointed to the small pile of pale white powder on the floor. "When they come, you'll know at a glance."

"What is that?" Barrett didn't know that killing Ghost would still drop things.

"I don't know, anyway, after those incorporeal ghosts, banshees, and grievances die, they usually leave behind such things. And this, this is proof that Pamela once existed!"

"It's easy to do."

Barrett took out a small glass bottle and a spoon from the space ring. He used the spoon to fiddle with the powder on the ground into the glass bottle, and then rubbed the floor with his boots, and then the place was empty. Nothing.

"Okay, now tell me all the information you know about the Lich's phylactery."

Daniel stared blankly at the floor, then looked up at the glass bottle in Barrett's hand, "Please treat her well."

Be kind to Come on, tell me the phylactery of the Lich, they're at the door. "

"Okay, I'll tell you everything I know, but I don't think you can get it." Zombie Daniel said blankly, "The phylactery is a ring inlaid with a soul stone. It was originally worn on the The Lich's hand, and now, it is hung on his chest by Viscount Fried. If you want to get the Lich's phylactery, at least you have to defeat the Viscount first and lift his helmet before you can get it from his neck. Get that ring."

"Thank you. If you want to leave here, I'll come to find you when I come back. Maybe I can..." Barret could feel the difference between Daniel's zombie and the other undead in this space, and it also There is reason, emotion, and human beings that are no different, and maybe life outside would suit it better?

"No, no need. Undead shouldn't walk under the sun after all." Daniel smiled and shook his head, "If one day, when you are chatting with others about the adventures you have experienced, you will inadvertently bring a Pen, 'I once met a special zombie, it's called Daniel', and that's enough."

Barrett nodded, not knowing what to say.


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