Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 144: Small Town Fright - Dropped from the Sky

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At this time, Barrett was hiding on the roof of a building, like a chimpanzee breaking into human society, bending deeply and slowly and cautiously walking along the roof ridge.

According to the maddening reminder of little Eve in the tombstone, "in front...", "...", "...", "in front", he constantly adjusted the direction, moving away from the little one little by little. The town's main street, and it's getting more remote.

It seems that little Eve's home is not in the center of town.

"Front...", "...", Barrett has a headache for this way of communication. Anyway, you can say "left" or "right" more, instead of being silent when I choose the wrong direction.

In fact, he didn't intend to jump around on the roof like a monkey that is very good at climbing and deciphering. He originally planned to leave through the back door of Daniel's house, but Zombie Daniel was so verbose that he had to climb to the roof to escape.

At that time, Barrett had planned to turn around and leave silently in an atmosphere that was very suitable for parting, but Daniel suddenly exclaimed to him, "By the way, you must not only remember me, but also remember well." Pamela' name because you killed her. Although she's turned into a mindless ghost, but before that, I must say, she's still a good, kind woman who just likes to gossip and gossip. And you, let this kind woman return to nothingness..."

But when Barrett was about to leave again with a dark face, Daniel stopped him again and said with a serious face, "I can see that you are a ruthless adventurer, you will not be like us. Such undead have the slightest pity, but I still want to ask you one thing. I know you want the Lich Phrase in Viscount Fried's hand, but I hope you don't kill him like you killed Pamela , because the Viscount is very important to the stability of this town. In fact, I don't think you have the ability to kill the Viscount, but if it does happen, and you still choose the possibility, I hope you can think about it a little bit. , for the reason we chatted for so long."

Well, if it takes a little longer, I might even have the mind to kill you.

When the zombies finished saying these words, the death knights on the street had already led the skeleton guards to the door of the house. This made his original plan - going downstairs and leaving silently through the back door - completely ruined, and it was still the kind of soup that he couldn't drink.

A fierce battle is almost inevitable.

At that time, Barrett was holding the hilt of the sword, waiting at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, and looked at Daniel with suspicion. He thinks that the zombie is probably planning to delay his departure because of Pamela's demise. But then, Zombie Daniel inexplicably pulled a rope on the wall next to him, and then a dusty ladder descended from the ceiling!

"Quickly use the ladder to go up to the attic, then climb up to the roof through the skylight of the attic, and then you can leave from the roof." Daniel said to Barrett, "The houses here are densely arranged, and you can easily walk between them. But it should be noted that the roofs of many buildings are already rotten, be careful not to fall off with one foot. Of course, if you do fall, you may encounter some unexpected 'surprises'. Because this When a small town is sealed, what is imprisoned in this space is not only the residents of the town, but also all the wealth of the entire town."

"Apart from those mages, you are the first living person to come here in hundreds of years."


Jumping from the roof of one building to another, leaning on the steeply sloping roof ridge and slowly advancing, all these require the body to be sensitive enough to do it. But for Barrett, these are not difficult things.

And the hardest part is his weight.

Although Barrett is agile, his sturdy body is unbearable for the decaying slate and bricks on the roof.

When the incident happened, Barrett was half-squatting on the roof of a building that looked like a barn, staring intently at a wandering ghost with a strong spiritual body color. The ghost stopped in mid-air in the distance, motionless.

Originally, he would not pay attention to such ghosts, because there are similar ghosts or undead creatures in the air in many parts of the town. But the one he saw now was really a very strange ghost. Although the cyan spirit body is thicker than the other ghosts, it is also very vague.

Just as Barrett was staring at it and moving slowly, the ghost's spiritual body actually began to slowly split in front of his eyes! Under the dim moonlight, the ghostly body began to split in two, first the head, then the shoulders and body, and finally the legs and feet.

With a "pop" (Barritt's brain supplement), he watched a ghost, which split into two identical ghosts inconceivably. What is the situation?

The bizarre sight before him caught his full attention, so much so that Barrett ignored the danger that might lie beneath his feet. A rotten slate snapped when he moved his center of gravity.

Immediately followed by a series of chain reactions, the roof collapsed, and our barbarian adventurer fell from the roof without any accident.

When adjusting his body in mid-air, Barrett was still subconsciously thinking about the previous scene, wasn't that a ghost splitting into two, but a pair of twin ghosts overlapping together?

He doesn't know.

The height of the barn was comparable to that of a two-story house. Barrett adjusted his body in time to minimize the damage from the fall, but when he rolled over and stood up, he still felt his legs twitching. numb.

However, that's not something he needs to pay attention to right now. With the help of the moonlight projected from the broken hole in the top of his head, Barrett found himself an uninvited guest again, because there were other undead in this barn.

Corpse monsters, there are five corpse monsters in total.

This is a very evil undead that devours the life force of living creatures to relieve their thirst for lost souls.

The five corpse monsters in front of them, some of them were wearing clothes that were torn apart in their lifetimes, while others were naked~~body~~~naked~~~body, their frantic eyes flashed with fierce and hungry light. The ghoul's skin was fastened to the bones like broken leather, the teeth on its face were sharp serrated spikes, the hands were like eagle claws, and the black nails were long and sharp.

Each attack of this undead drains the life force and resilience of living creatures, and any humanoid killed by a ghoul will soon turn into another ghoul, and be affected by the ghoul that killed it. Only controlled by ghouls.

Among the five undead corpses in front of him, there is obviously such a more powerful corpse that controls other corpses of its kind. Not only that, the corpse demon's leader is also dressed differently from its It is wearing rusty light armor, with beautiful hollow patterns on the armor, and it is holding a A strange long sword shining pale green, a soul-sucking long sword.

When the corpse leader saw Barrett descend from the sky, his face was obviously stunned. Its eyes are not fierce and frantic like other ghouls, but shining with reason.

"Lolth?tlu?!" The corpse leader spoke a language that Barrett could not understand. The other ghouls bent down like hounds around it, looking at Barrett with ferocity, as if the next Coming up in seconds.

Although Barret could not understand those words, he was certain that it was not Dwarven, not Elvish, nor Orc or Goblin.

"A living human? Very good!" The corpse leader replaced the strange language with a common language. "A human adventurer came to this dead space? This is a new thing."

It smiled viciously, "Hey, living person, do you want to be my kind?"


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