Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 146: Small Town Horror - Achilles heel

"Your skills are good, human." The sword-wielding corpse raised his head and smiled, revealing a mouth full of jagged fangs, looking both arrogant and terrifying, "When you die, I will make you the best of my men. A strong corpse derivative. To be honest, I am looking forward to this. However, you have to remember those skills before you were alive. I always thought that the undead who forget their memories will be useless."

As it said, it stepped back, and the pale green long sword was dexterously swung in its hands, and then, the guy once again hid his figure in the darkness.

Humans, not living people, is an interesting title. As Barrett thought, he took a few steps forward and stood under the hole in the roof, bathing his body in the moonlight.

He does not have the "dark vision" like dwarves and other underground creatures, but only the "dark vision" that he has developed through repeated efforts. Therefore, Barret can only let himself be in the bright place, so that he can better capture that one Hide the ghoul's attack.

Barrett was on guard, looking for an opportunity, "Going to play your pointless sneak attack again?" He kept sarcastic, trying to provoke the other party, "Are you so afraid to fight me head-on, eh? Or? Say, before you died, you were a shy, shy little girl, and now you still retain the shy nature you had before you were alive?"

There was no answer in the darkness.

Barrett turned around slowly, his eyes swept the surrounding visible places, but found nothing. The undead creature itself is particularly good at hiding, and this guy with good skills is one of the best. Even with Barrett's very keen senses, he couldn't detect the slightest bit.

He had no choice, he could only continue to attack with his mouth, "Oh, I forgot to ask you, are you male or female? Sorry, I don't actually know if there is a male corpse monster. The distinction between females, maybe you can kindly tell me this. Or, after you become a ghoul, the warning can't tell the difference between males and females, because the following will all grow the same?"

Still silent in the dark.

Isn't it gone? Barrett doubted in his heart, but kept saying, "Don't want to say yes? It doesn't matter. After I kill you in a while, I will take off the broken armor on your body, carefully. Let's see clearly. Maybe, I'll take a part of your body as a trophy and sell it to some weird female mage who likes to collect, if you really have that part." After he finished, I feel uncomfortable.

The former Barret couldn't say these bitter words, which were all thanks to the disappearing dwarf companion.

Finally, the pale green blade struck again from behind. Barrett turned around to block, and the two long swords intersected again, continuing the previous dance of death. Compared with the previous one, its attack was less calm, more ruthless and violent, which made it easier for Barret to deal with it.

The corpse was still angry, and he could feel it from the opponent's offensive. It seems that a certain sentence of yours really stimulates it. Which sentence is it? Barrett parried and pondered, hoping to find some opportunities.

The opponent couldn't attack for a long time, and made a disdainful "hum" sound, and then prepared to sink into the darkness again. Barrett chased after him and switched offense and defense, but he still let the other side "escape" back to the darkness.

Among all the enemies our barbarian adventurers have encountered, this guy can be ranked in the top five in terms of martial arts, and he is even more difficult to deal with. Not only is it not weaker than Barrett, but it is also very good at hiding and taking advantage of darkness.

However, it is not good at using the advantages of the undead!

Although sneak attacks were difficult to guard against, the interval between each attack gave Barrett enough time to breathe. The soreness in his shoulders and arms has returned, and his strength has slowly been replenished.

If the corpse leader continues to choose to stand up to the end with Barret as before, and use the great advantage of the undead in this dead space to slowly drag him down, then Barret really has nothing to do except escape. Method.

But it didn't, which is what Barrett really wanted to see. But why is it so? Is the opponent's combat experience not enough? It doesn't seem very similar from the point of view of skill.

Barrett kept looking for answers in his mind while guarding his back. With his battle perception formed after countless fierce battles, he faintly felt that this somewhat strange thing would be the breakthrough of this battle.

"No matter how desperate a battle is, there will be a chance of victory, it just depends on whether you can seize it." This is the experience he has gathered through countless **** battles.

At this moment, the sound of breaking the sky came from behind again. Barrett returned the sword to block, but did not hear the sound of the two swords intersecting as usual, but knocked off a round strange thing.

Barrett recognized the thing. It was a head, the head of a corpse demon he had killed before.

Oops, fooled!

He screamed badly in the bottom of his heart, but at this moment a light green long sword went straight to his neck, and the tip of the sword almost pressed against his throat. Barrett leaned back very reluctantly, dodging more than the kiss from the goddess of death this time, and then rolled around on the ground a few times to distance himself. When he got up, he swept again to prevent the opponent from chasing. Only this sneak attack can be defused.

"Huhu, huhu..." Barrett gasped as he touched his neck. The distance of death was so close, his throat was almost torn again.

The unidentified ghoul leader stood on the edge of the moonlight, looking at Barrett with a sinister expression, "Nindynvel\'usskyorlnindrathathalTaelghinndallitalus (When you only pay attention to the back, the frontal death will come immediately)." It was then changed to the generic He said, "You are not my opponent, human. In the dark, I will be invincible, and you will never be able to defeat me."

Its name for Barrett means that he was not a human before his death, and only non-human races have such a habit. Moreover, it is also better at using darkness than the undead. It is not weak in frontal combat, but it is more accustomed to sneak attacks. Its attitude of speaking has always been inexplicable contempt and arrogance. Not only that, its cunning and vicious fighting skills must have been brought about by experience in life.

The answer is about to come out!

This ghoul should have been a drow, a dark elf, a dark elf with a lot of habits from his life! Barrett judges it this way. And the best way to deal with drow is - light!

Most undead creatures are also afraid of light, but they are not afraid of the light of ordinary lighting, but of the blazing and vibrant sunlight of the day, which is not the case with the dark elves, any strong light will affect them. cause discomfort.

Barrett hoped that the corpse in front of him still had this weakness in his or, in other words, hoped that it would habitually think that he still had this weakness.

"Unbeaten? Hehe, there is no one who cannot be defeated, even mages and gods dare not say such ridiculous big words." He walked towards the moonlight again, and walked while using his shield. Blocking, quietly removed the wrist guards on both hands, and put them into the space ring.

He needs to increase his attack speed to be able to kill in one hit!

"And the failure you are facing will be faster than you think!" Barrett strode towards the other side, the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, just as the corpse leader once again looked contemptuous and wanted to hide When it was in the dark, Barrett raised his hand and threw something at it - a stone with a 'light spell'.

Shizi flew directly in front of the corpse monster with a bright and soft light. Although the light was not dazzling at all, the latter still showed a panicked expression, and subconsciously closed his eyes and blocked the light with his arms. advent.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Barrett strode to the front of the corpse demon leader, holding his sword in both hands and using all his strength to slash at it.

The corpse demon leader squinted his eyes slightly in the soft light, and there was panic in his eyes. It raised its long sword to block it, but its hasty parry could not resist Barrett's arrogant attack.

The 'Iron Bride' carried enormous strength, smashed the pale green long sword, and slashed towards the head of the corpse demon leader. The latter turned his head with all his might and let the long sword hit his shoulder, avoiding the consequence of his head being split in half.

However, this doesn't really make sense.

After Barrett slashed the opponent's shoulder with a long sword, the huge force cut off its collarbone and ribs one after another, and then went all the way down, slicing the corpse demon leader into two sections.


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