Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 147: Small Town Horror - The Secret Behind the Scenes

Sometimes, although the battle lasts for a long time, the difference between victory and defeat is often only a moment.

Another memorable victory, but it's not yet time to enjoy the fruits of victory. Barrett immediately picked up the stone with the constant 'Brightness Technique', held it in his palm, and used the little light from the gap between his palms to look for the door of the barn.

The leader of the corpse demon who had been cut in two was lying on the ground, with his shriveled head only attached to a small half of his body, looking miserable and lingering.

As the winner, Barrett needs to confirm first whether this fierce battle will attract some other "uninvited guests" similar to him, and whether the icy sound of horseshoes will sound nearby.

There was not much grain in the barn, only some hay and wood were piled in the corners. Several shattered barn jars were smashed to pieces like the chopped and broken ghouls on the ground, and some shriveled, rotten rye and wheat seeds flowed out of the jars.

Barrett went to the door, put his ear to the wooden door, and listened intently. The silence outside the wooden door is as always as usual, and occasionally there will be bursts of "creaking" sounds in the distance, as if a certain house is screaming in pain; there are also vaguely ethereal whispers echoing in the night sky, that is ghosts floating Unconscious whispers.

Fortunately, there was no sound of armor rubbing, nor the annoying sound of hooves.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and Barrett groped to open the wooden door again. He stuck out half of his head and looked out of the barn.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing to be found.

Maybe it's because this area is too remote, so there are few undead; maybe it's because the undead around here don't have the habit of joining in the fun, in short, the fierce battle that took place in the barn, no good people want to come over Take a look around.

After confirming that no other undead came, Barret closed the wooden door again and turned back to start looking for the spoils. But before that, he has one more thing to do.

He dragged the sword to the front of the corpse demon leader, lowered his head and looked down at this very difficult opponent, and then pressed the sharp blade in his hand to its head, "What do you want to say?"

"I've planned for such a long time, and I've been nibbling away at this place bit by bit. I didn't expect that in the end, it would be destroyed by a nameless person like you." The corrupt face on the jaw was constantly opening and closing, "You stupid human being has no idea what great plan you blocked! But, do you think you really won? No! I'm just this one. Just a **** in the game, and so are you. Even if I die in eternity, the game will continue! Those human mages think that after a long time of repair, they can restore this place to the original? Hmph, impossible , it will never be possible!"

Barrett looked calmly that this was just a corpse, and he vaguely realized that in "The Lonely Knight", after defeating the villains, why did the protagonist always ask them to repent, and then the villains would chatter endlessly. I can't stop talking, although the content does not match the confession at all, but it shows the greatness of the protagonist.

like now. Honestly, that feels really good.

And why are the villains so cooperative and nagging? Of course, he is very unwilling to fail, just like the guy in front of him. The unwillingness in its eyes was so strong that it even covered its resentment towards Barrett.

The ghoul leader transformed from the drow, lay on the ground and continued his deathbed confession, "You think you have eliminated the stupid guy 'Biso' and the hungry ghost Zorda who is always hungry, After destroying Alfred, Bertram, Ansel, and me, will you rest easy? No, others will come to this space, and the Dark Realm will never give up here, and what it contains of all things!"

Oh, this sealed space seems to have other secrets buried, Barrett raised his eyebrows. However, this is not something he needs to pay attention to. He is just an uninvited guest who inadvertently broke into this secret. As long as he completes his small task and leaves, that's it.

"I thought your dying confession could be a little more original," Barrett said. "In the end, it's still the plan, the shady, the mastermind, and so on. To be honest, I don't care at all. I'd like to know if this guy is going to use some treasure to bribe me, really, you Give it a try. Or before she dies, start remembering some pretty drow girl waiting for you to go back and marry her, oh sorry, I forgot that you have women in power, it should be her marry you."

The unwillingness and viciousness on the ghoul's face turned into surprise and resentment, and then on the pale and withered face, it even miraculously blushed a little - it felt insulted, and it felt right.

Immediately afterwards, it closed its mouth and refused to say another word.

"Nothing else to say?" Barrett asked again, and then he held up his sword, waiting for his last words.

"Olothzhahtuthabbilluethogglin (Darkness brings victory, but also death it closed its eyes and whispered again, before the blade pierced its head.

After taking out the last ghoul, Barrett began to sweep the battlefield.

The first thing that entered his eyes was the pale green longsword that had caused him great trouble in battle. This strange weapon is obviously not an ordinary commodity.

Barrett bent over to pick it up, and suddenly felt a cold air coming from the hilt of the sword. While the coldness numbed his palms, it continued to spread upwards, making his soul feel stiff.

"Damn it!" Barrett threw the sword out, letting it hit the barn wall and bounce to the ground.

This weapon is obviously not for living people, but this does not prevent it from selling for a good price. But when the problem is, how to get it into the space ring?

Barrett thought about the time between two heartbeats and found the answer. He came to the corpse of the corpse leader again, chopped off its right hand with a sword, and then held the right hand full of sharp black nails, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com walked towards the pale green long sword on the ground.

He held the palm of the broken arm, and then used this hand to grasp the long sword, done! The next moment, the long sword and the palm of the corpse entered the space ring.

Next, Barrett removed the light armor from the corpse leader. Of course, he did this not to see if the other party had a certain part, but to see the light armor with hollow patterns, although the light armor had been corroded by negative energy and worn out, and it was also damaged by Barrett smashed it with a sword, but he could still get a lot of useful information from those complicated patterns. Just like the tattoos on the heads of the Nords, the patterns on the clothing and armor of elves and drows also represent a lot of content.

He intends to give the armor to Mage Alvin, which must be of some use.

In addition to the armor and the long sword, Barrett also found a pair of cross star-shaped earrings on the body of the corpse leader, a silver badge of an unknown family, a magic scroll of unknown purpose, and nothing else. other things.

As a key figure in the villain, this guy has no space ring and no other space equipment, which undoubtedly disappointed Barrett very much.

Poor man! He cursed in his heart. Then Barrett rummaged through several other ghouls, but only found a few odd coins that were issued by an unknown era and country.

After collecting the spoils, Barrett lightly walked out of the barn and disappeared into the vast darkness.

The screen turns.

In this barn with a broken roof, the dim moonlight spreads out, gently caressing the stumps and corpses. The undead have returned to peace and enjoyed a rare rest.

At this moment, a corpse demon who was hit by a flying axe suddenly opened his eyes.

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