Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 149: Small Town Fright - Little Ghost Eve (Part 1)

It was a completely open window, and outside the window was the hill whose outline could be vaguely seen. A string of wind chimes hung on the window sill. The star-shaped pendant swayed slightly in a windless environment, hitting the long metal sound column, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

"My home; I'm back..." The voice sounded again, but it didn't come from my mind, but from my ears.

Barrett followed the reputation, and a small ghost with a vague figure appeared on his left. The ghost looks exactly the same as the little girl in the portrait in the stairwell, only a little taller.

She was wearing a light white dress embellished with a cherry pattern, her figure was dazed from time to time, looming, like a child who was lost in the thick fog and couldn't find his way back after being lost with an adult.

The appearance of this little ghost did not make Barrett feel abrupt. Since the tombstone was identified, he has been able to faintly feel her presence.

The immature face of the little ghost faces the room, and a small hand is gently raised, reaching out to Barrett's left hand, and quietly holding his fingers.

A bit of bone-chilling coldness came from the fingers, and it was slightly tingling, but it was still bearable. The instinct of the living made Barrett want to draw his hand subconsciously, but his palm only trembled slightly, and he was forcibly held back. Our barbarian adventurer sighed silently in his heart, then took the ghost's little hand and walked towards the room.

In other words, it was this little ghost who took him slowly forward.

As the distance between the two got closer and closer to the window, Barrett found that the figure of the little ghost became more and more real, and slowly revealed the same cyan color as the ghosts outside.

"That's where you were taken?" he asked casually. According to the description of the mission, the little Eve who died was taken away from here by a mage named 'John Diyi', and this mage was also the maker of the soulstone tombstone that imprisoned little Eve.

The light-blue little ghost nodded, released Barrett's fingers, walked to the window alone, and looked up at the wind chimes.

"Ding!" The wind chimes rang softly again, like a crisp, sweet laughter across the night. But then, a strange sound of "gugu, gululu" came inexplicably, and little Eve's ghost looked back and saw Barrit's face full of embarrassment.

"Cough, sorry, this, after all, living people have to eat." He spread his hands and explained, "I don't know how long I have been in this space, but it must be one day soon. This day There's a lot going on, but it doesn't include food and sustenance."

He turned around and walked to the single bed in the room, slowly lifted the dusty sheets on the bed, and sat on it tentatively. The small single bed struggled to bear his weight with a harsh creaking sound.

What's next? According to the description in the mission, Barrett only needs to spend a moonless night in this room, waiting for the first quarter moon to rise. So Barrett, while he had nothing else to do, prepared to eat something to fill his already protesting belly.

Barritt glanced at the little ghost who had been staring at the wind chimes, and heaved a deep sigh of relief. Afterwards, he took out a bag of pan-fried pork sausages from the space ring and put it by the bed, took out an oak mug and a large wine bag, and poured himself a full glass of white wine bought from Vanilla City. beer.

Using his index finger and thumb, he took out a fried pork sausage from the kraft paper bag, took a bite, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach. Alleviate hunger a little.

After a few bites of the first sausage, he took out the second sausage from the bag and took a big bite. But then, Barrett suddenly spit out all the food in his mouth, and brought the sausage in his hand in front of him.

The fried sausage, which was still tender and attractive before, rapidly decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a piece of dark stuff like shit.

"Damn it!" Barret scolded and threw the 'dog shit' in his hand on the ground, and looked at the cowhide bag next to him. It's charcoal, maybe clods, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't make people think of their original identity as fried sausages.

"No wonder there's no need for a cook in this hellish place." He threw the bag under the bed and looked at the wine glass in his other hand. The beer in the glass didn't seem to have changed much. He took a shallow sip, and then took a big sip. "Fortunately, this **** space is not an alcoholic." The bored Barrett muttered to himself.

Little Eve in ghost form turned to look at Barrett and walked towards him step by step. She climbed onto the bed lightly and sat on Barrett's right hand side, the bed didn't make any sound during the whole process.

"Can I lean on you?" The little ghost raised his head and stared at Barritt with big translucent eyes.

"...if you want." What else could it be? Are you ruthlessly driving her away?

Little Eve leaned on Barrett obediently, and the spirit body touched his arm through the leather armor on his body. There was no weight in her support, only a piece of coldness.

"Your body is so warm, like sunshine." Ghost's ethereal voice continued to ring in his ears.

Because I am alive, with a beating heart and a rush of blood. However, this does not need to be explained.

The little ghost looked at the fried sausage on the ground, "I'm hungry too."

"...What do you want to eat?" Barrett put his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, hoping that I wasn't on your menu.

"Sweet lemon cake," she said softly.

The answer made Barrett feel slightly relieved. He didn't hope that after all the hardships he had come here, the final result was to destroy this ghost named 'Little Eve'. In any case, he has no habit of attacking cubs, even if she is a ghost that has been dead for hundreds of years.

Unless, forced.

"How do you say it, actually, you don't need to eat..." Barrett looked down at her.

"I know, 'The undead don't need to eat, but they should be hungry.' That's what that terrifying mage always said." The little ghost leaned against Barrett and closed his eyes.

"Are you afraid of him?"

"I'm afraid." The little ghost rubbed his face against Barrett's arm, causing the latter to shudder slightly. "He has a bad temper and likes to drink. Every time he drinks too much, he gets angry. My dad also likes to drink. But Dad never got mad at Eve."

The little ghost opened his eyes and pouted his mouth very unhappily, which seemed to coincide with the expression on the portrait, "He wants all creatures in the mage tower to remember his name, if anyone can't remember, they will be punished , A very painful punishment. 'Hello, John Defay', 'Goodbye, John Defay'... Eve says it more than a dozen times a day."

Barrett found himself not at all surprised by the mage's eccentric character, at least he didn't want the whole continent to remember him, and his apprentice known as 'Indal the Silent'~www. seems to do the trick.

"Also, he always wants us to remember what he said." Little Eve continued. The memory of the mage seemed to make her mind more and more active, "He said, we will be proof of his existence."

Little Eve's words reminded Barret of hating Gordo.

"By the way, I like watching you eat. Although I can't eat it myself, I feel very happy." The little ghost raised his head and smiled very cutely.

"You can always see me in the tombstone?" Barrett frowned again.

"It's only when you're eating," said the little ghost. "You always smell good, like lemon cake."


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