Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 150: Small Town Fright - Ghost Eve (Part 2)

"You smell so good, like lemon cake..."

Such words made Barrett slowly stretch out his left hand to the saber on his waist again. He didn't know why little Eve, who was leaning on his arm in front of him, said that. Was it the little girl's unintentional murmur, or was the greed of the dead obscuring her sanity?

Barrett has no way of knowing.

But just when his left hand just touched the hilt, he found that little Eve's ghost suddenly left his arm and flew into the air.

"Haha, big uncle, you're scared!" The pale blue ghost let out a happy childlike laugh, and circled around Barrett in the air, just like the one named Pamela like ghosts.

However, when Pamela's ghost circled around Barret, the emotion in her eyes slowly changed from confusion to hatred, and the ghost of the little girl in front of her had a mischievous look on her face from beginning to end. smile.

"Trust me, this joke isn't funny!" Barrett sullenly found the inappropriate joke really annoying, "especially in this space." His left hand didn't move from the hilt.

"Hee hee, sorry." The little girl's ghost stopped in front of Barrett, with a smile on her face, without the slightest expression of remorse, and she didn't care about Barrett's guarding behavior with his sword at all.

"I've been away from here for hundreds of years, hundreds of years! During this period, only the first few years were decent, that is, the time when I lived in the magic tower of the stinking mage. For the rest of the time, I was locked up In that small tombstone, no one can notice me, and no one can feel my loneliness. Fortunately, I met you..."

She turned around and fluttered away from Barrett with a laugh again, like a kingfisher in this room while laughing happily and flying freely.

What happened in front of him caught Barrett by surprise. He was a little uncertain about the character and state of this ghost. "Are you pretending before?" He asked angrily.

Barrett doesn't like others to make fun of him, especially when the other party is a little girl less than 8 years old. Of course, as a little ghost that has existed for hundreds of years, you can't simply treat it as an ordinary 8-year-old girl.

"It's not pretending." The Kingfisher stopped in front of Barrett again, "Hundreds of years of deep sleep made me numb, and it wasn't until I returned to this house that I recovered little by little. Come back. Well, it's all my fault for that stinky mage, who said he wanted to experiment with some new magic, so he locked me in the tombstone for so long. Alas, actually, life in that stinky mage's magic tower is not bad, though He's eccentric and kind of scary, but it's still pretty good compared to the long periods of helplessness and loneliness."

The 'Kingfisher' swayed from time to time, squatted down to look at the clothes on the ground for a while, lay on the ground and rolled on the ground for a while, but kept on chirping, "I actually have quite a few friends in the magic tower. Mage When we're not around, we get together and chat. Cecilia and I have the best relationship because we're about the same age. By the way, Cecilia's a vampire, captured by a stinky mage from the far away holy kingdom of Arathor of."

"She said their entire family was vampires." The little ghost made a bared expression, "because her father wanted to pursue immortality, he made a deal with the devils and became a vampire. Then her father bit her mother, her mother bit her again, and she bit her cousin, because her cousin used to bully her. Listen to Cecilia, that's how vampires bite and bite all day long , that's really weird. But then everyone in Cecilia's family was killed, and she herself was turned into a kind of vampire that doesn't need blood. Big uncle, you say, don't need blood , is that still called a 'vampire'?"

Barrett sullen and did not answer.

Little Gloomy Soul tilted his head and thought for a while, as if he had no idea, and then gave up, "Forget it, this kind of thing is too profound, I can't understand it. Anyway, when Cecilia first came, it only took a few days of not knowing. If she **** blood, she will be very lethargic and always spread out like an ooze monster. But after she was caught by the mage and performed a strange experiment, she no longer needs to **** blood."

Little Gloomy Soul's words did not stop for a moment, as if he wanted to pour out the words that he had not said for hundreds of years.

"And 'Lord,' he's a skeleton. He wears a robe all the time and walks around. But he plays the lute very well, and he knows a lot of stories. Playing the piano and telling us all those weird things. He also said that he was actually better at singing before, but now he has become a skeleton and can't sing, so he only plays the piano and tells stories."

Little Eve floated to Barrett's shoulder again, and then sat up gently, but did not really touch Barrett's shoulder, just maintained a sitting motion.

"Rod's stories are good, but a lot of them are love stories. I don't like to hear pure love stories, it's too boring, not interesting at all, unless it's an adventure and war story. Adventurous The best story! Kill the monster and get the treasure; defeat the dragon and rescue the princess. Have you ever rescued the princess?" she asked Barrett again.

"No, that's the job of the knights. I only do the first half." Barrett said lightly.

"I guess so, otherwise you wouldn't be still hanging around and still here. You must be living with the princess, and you'll have a lot of crying babies, so you don't have time for me. ."


"Hee hee, sometimes that stinky mage wants to drink, and he will order Rhodes to play next to him. He will keep playing, one song after another, until the stinky mage is drunk and unconscious. Later, Rhodes will take us back to our respective rooms and leave the smelly mage there alone..."

Little Eve happily dangled her legs on Barrett's shoulders, but she still didn't touch the latter.

"By the way, and Corey, he was a little zombie, he was only three years old when he died, his parents buried him in the cemetery, but one day on a full moon night, he crawled out of the cemetery himself. Then Corey started wandering aimlessly, because he was stupid and didn't remember the way home like I did, so he could only wander. You said, am I very smart?"

Barrett nodded sullenly, thinking of the dull voice in his mind: "Front,..., Front,..."

"Hee hee, I knew you thought so too." She made a gesture of touching Barrett's head, but she still didn't touch him.

"Later Corey was caught by an adventurer like and sold to that stinky mage. Corey was hiding in the corner all day, and when the stinking mage came, he cried a lot, but It's annoying. But when the stinky mage is away, he's still very obedient, he does whatever you ask him to do. Cecilia likes to play tricks on him because he always yells that he wants to eat meat, and sometimes Cecilia Leah would put her hand in his mouth to tease him, and as long as Cory dared to bite, Cecilia would beat him with her fist and make him cry. No matter how many times you've been beaten, you won't have a long memory, and you still want to eat meat, it's just too stupid!"

"I don't like meat, I just like lemon cake, but my mother said before that if you eat too much cake, your teeth will hurt, but Eve doesn't have teeth now, so don't worry about that."

Little Eve stopped in front of Barritt again, and on the light blue little spirit body, a pair of clear eyes looked at him silently, "It's just that Eve can't eat lemon cake now, because Eve is an undead. , and the undead do not need to eat."


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