Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 151: Town Fright - Moonless Night

One The little ghost chattered about the years she lived in the magic tower, and about her strange friends-the undead who were caught in the magic tower like her.

Some of those undead, like her and Daniel, have reason and can remember their names, and little Eve can communicate with them and become friends with them.

And some more only have the instinct of the dead, and there is no way to communicate. Little Eve will give these undead various nicknames and tell their little stories.

The 'green claw' looks violent on the surface, but it is actually very insidious. After a mage got drunk, it wanted to secretly attack the mage, but it was dissolved into a pool of rotten water before it actually touched the mage's body, and the mage who didn't know it was still screaming. Sleep; 'Little Corey' is very, very fierce and must be locked in a cage, otherwise it will eat other undead like Cecilia. But 'Little Corey', like Corey, is particularly afraid of the mage. Every time the mage comes, it will whimper and hide in the corner of the cage, and cover its head with its two front limbs, trembling all over. This is also the origin of its nickname.

And 'Tube', 'Spot', 'Pretty Penny' (Penny was her former playmate's name)...  

Listening to Little Eve's description, the life in the magic tower is really decent (for the undead), and the Master Mage did not restrict their freedom too strictly. Little Eve can be like other undead in the magic tower. An entire floor in Random walks around until...

"Until one day, as usual, the stinking mage suddenly appeared in front of us and laughed like a fool, 'This stupid experiment has finally made a new progress,' he said, and then slapped me Grab it and ask me, 'Hey little girl, what's your name?'. Listen, I've been in his magic tower for over ten years, and he can't even remember my name Come on, he always asks us to remember his name, but he never remembers others himself, what a nasty guy!"

Then little Eve's hands and legs kept swaying in the air, seeming to be a little angry. Her pale blue spirit body was swaying, and she accidentally kicked into Barrett's chest, and a heart-wrenching cold penetrated through the leather armor and penetrated into Barritt's heart.

Damn it! Barrett frowned, his left hand habitually clenched the hilt of the sword, but still did not pull it out.

"Oh, my God! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" The little ghost quickly floated down from Barrett's shoulder and came to him. There was a little panic on that little face that was always full of happy smiles.

"Are you all right, big uncle." She subconsciously stretched out her little hand, wanting to touch Barrett's chest, but the hand withdrew halfway, "I know I shouldn't touch you, because Iraqi Fu is the undead, and you are the one who is still alive."

Barrett waved his hands and got up from the bed. He simply moved his slightly stiff body and found that there was nothing serious.

"It's all right," he said.

What else can be said beyond that? Shouting at her, complaining? Educate her, or use a weapon to kill her?

"Huh, that's good." Little Eve patted her chest, "I knew that a big man like you wouldn't die so easily!" She laughed happily again.

"Since you know you shouldn't touch me, why did you want to lean over before?" Barrett asked angrily, rubbing the cold arm of his right hand.

"Because you smell so good!" Little Eve floated to the window and sat on the window sill, not at all worried that she would fall.

"Like lemon cake? You said it before." He looked at the little ghost on the windowsill.

smell good? She was the first person to say that to Barrett, no, undead. Maybe the living people smell very good in the unique 'smell' of the undead.

Barrett has no way of knowing.

At that time, the red-haired girl always thought he stinks, saying that he smelled like a dog after playing in the summer. But she always at night, while constantly disgusting, lying beside him, hugging him tightly.

The red-haired girl smelled like camellia, with a hint of bitterness in the fragrance, which always made it hard for Barret to sleep.

"Not only that." Little Eve's wind chime-like voice captured Barrett from her memory, "People still want to see if you will tolerate little Eve's nonsense with a good temper. Anyway, you are better than that The stinky mage is much better, but it's still far from my dad's."

Because I'm not your father, and I don't want to be your father! Barrett glared at little Eve, but the other party didn't seem to notice.

At this moment, the last ray of moonlight shining in from the window suddenly disappeared, and the entire space was shrouded in the purest darkness.

Barrett knew that the moonless night had finally come.

"It's so dark." The voice of exclamation came from the front, and the tone was still quiet and cheerful, "Can you see me? I can see you clearly! I'm amazing! Oh, if you think about it this way , Actually, being an undead is not so bad."

But I prefer to be a living person, with a beating heart and a warm skin. Barrett took out a pebble-shaped pebble with 'Brightness' attached to it from the space ring and held it in his hand.

With the light shining through his fingers, Barrett saw the light blue ghost smiling sweetly at him, floated down from the window sill, turned to face out the window, and looked at the piece of thick ink. of pitch black.

For a while, the house was quiet.


She looked out the window, so focused. Barrett didn't know what was attracting her attention in the darkness, so that the cheerful 'Kingfisher' rarely stopped.

"You, don't you feel sad?" In the darkness, he asked softly. Little Ghost's overly optimistic state made him a little puzzled.

"Sad? I don't know. I should have been sad when I died anyway." Little Eve said softly, "Darkness fell on the whole town in an instant, just like now. I remember that day Dad was as early as usual. I went to the store, and my mother went to help Aunt Peggy's house because she had a baby. My mother said she would take me to see the baby someday, but they never came back."

"After the darkness came, the surroundings became so cold, so cold, even colder than winter! There were some terrifying screams outside, and there were many people running and shouting, and some chaotic and indescribable sounds. I At first, I was a little scared, and I hid in the room and didn’t dare to move. After some time, I suddenly found that my palms became shriveled, like dried apples, and my nails became sharp and black, which was ugly. Then my consciousness gradually began to blur, and I felt that I had become something else, and after an unknown amount of time, I fell in front of this window, and then, I became what I am now. "

"At the time, I was terrified by how I looked. I hid in the house and cried every day and didn't dare to go anywhere, just like Corey. I always hoped that my parents would come back soon, but they didn't~www.wuxiaspot .com~ It was the stinking mage who was waiting in the end. I still remember the words he said when he saw me, 'Hey, I didn't expect that a ghoul that was not fully transformed would starve to death, It's really interesting to be able to turn into a ghost after death!'"

Is it interesting? Barrett didn't feel it.

"Anyway, I'm quite satisfied with my state now, at least much better than the ugly appearance of 'Green Claw'. Isn't it?" Little Eve laughed happily again.

Barrett opened his mouth to say something, but he felt a sudden pain in his ribs, like a needle stick. He didn't care at first, but this inexplicable tingling became more and more severe, making it difficult for him to ignore it.

And the little ghost also looked at the sting of Barrett's ribs at this time, and said softly, "It seems to be hungry too."


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