Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 152: small town fright

In an instant, Barrett understood the source of the pain.

His right hand went deep into the leather armor, and he took out the bust... the small black tombstone next to it.

This small tombstone made of soul stones became deeper and deeper in Barrett's palm, like an endless abyss that could not be seen to the end, giving people a feeling of unease, fear, and trepidation. And the thread of light that leaked from the seam of his other hand was also slightly twisted near the tombstone, as if to be sucked into it.

Barrett felt a tingling pain coming from the palm of his right hand, as if something was madly sucking his flesh and blood, and the discomfort at the ribs disappeared. Obviously, the source of the stinging pain was this piece in his hand. thing.

It was the erosion of living beings by negative energy, Barrett judged. Before, when he was not wearing the magic pendant of Mage Alvin, once he touched this small tombstone, he would feel a slight tingling, but it was not as severe as it is now.

And Mage Alvin's magic pendant seems to be invalid at this time, and it is completely unable to resist the erosion of negative energy on himself as before. Barrett guessed that this should be because the erosion of negative energy at this time has exceeded the limit that the pendant can protect.

At that time, when the mage handed the pendant to Barrett, he once warned, "I have to tell you in advance that this temporary thing has limited use. Don't let spells such as 'Ghost Touch' and 'Shadow Arrow' hit you, and also Don't expect it to resist any powerful dark curse, and don't get too close to the undead that can emit blue flames, because the blue 'undead torch' will also cause you a lot of damage. This little one I give you The thing can only save you from the slow erosion of the death plane on you, and prevent you from getting weaker and weaker because of it, I hope you can remember this clearly."

And now it seems that the tombstone in his hand has intensified the erosion of negative energy.

"Quick, put what you're holding here at the window!" Little Eve said anxiously, "it's like a gluttonous pig now, eating and eating constantly, devouring all the food around it. The breath of death pervades. If you keep holding it, you may be affected!"

Barrett raised his hand and threw the little pig, no, the tombstone out. It spun twice in the air and landed on the floor not far from the window. The front of the tombstone is facing up, and the epitaph on it - "Hey, don't forget to eat" is particularly ironic.

"Don't break it, people will live in it in the future!" Little Eve complained loudly, then squatted down and touched the tombstone on the ground with her translucent spiritual body.

"Ah, it hurts! Hey, I can actually feel the pain?" Little Eve screamed and floated into the air, far away from the soul stone tombstone, "Really, it bit me just now, and I have to stay away from it too. Farther away. It's really edible! Hopefully it'll let me in when it's full."

The bizarre transformation of the tombstone and the moonless night happened almost simultaneously, and Barrett wondered if there was any inherent connection between the two. He didn't even know whether the change in the tombstone at this time was because of some indescribable mutation after coming here, or whether it was like this when it was originally created, but it was not triggered before.

If Barrett were a mage, he might analyze the situation in front of him, but unfortunately he is just a barbarian adventurer who doesn't understand anything, so when faced with things he can't grasp and understand, his choice Yes……


He turned and sat back on the single bed, with his legs straight, his back and head against the wall (the single bed was not long enough for him to lie down on his back), intending to simply rest for a while.

After all, this is the home field of the undead, and sports and battles in this space are extremely laborious. As a living being with a beating heart, Barrett must be vigilant at all times to avoid being swallowed up by this greedy space. So he is indeed a little tired now.

At this time, Barrett had just closed his eyes when he felt an uncontrollable tiredness and drowsiness.

"Are you going to sleep? Aren't you afraid that I will bite you secretly?" Little Ghost's wind chime-like voice rang from his ears again.

"If you don't obey, I'll hit you hard," Barrett replied, eyes closed. "It'll make you cry like that Corey."

"Hee hee, I'm not afraid, no matter how hard you hit, I won't cry!" The voice floated to the other side of his body again, "When I first arrived at the Mage Tower, I was like Corey every day. cry."

The voice was a little closer, right next to Barrett's ear, but it was very low, as if whispering, "I tell you, I actually cry in many ways. Crying when I want a toy. , It's not the same as crying when you get beaten up! Hee hee, even my parents don't know this secret."

The voice turned to the top of his head again, "But those methods don't work in front of the stinky mage. Every time I cry, he will trap me in a silent enchantment alone. No matter how much I shout inside, I can't hear it outside. , and I can't hear the sound outside, it's as if I'm almost non-existent."

The undead really shouldn't exist, and eternal sleep is your destination, but Barrett didn't say it.

"Afterwards, when I wanted to cry, I would go to Rhodes, the skeleton who always wore a large robe and a tattered cape. Then he would play the piano and tell me interesting things story, and then I don't want to cry anymore."

The voice moved further away, and kept changing positions, humming some incomprehensible folk songs for a while, and inexplicably laughing at the same time.

Barrett opened his eyes and saw the 'Kingfisher' flying recklessly around him again, winking and laughing at him from time to time, as if he didn't want him to rest in peace at all.

Sighing silently in his heart, Barrett asked casually, "Have you been imprisoned in that small tombstone over there since you left the Magic Tower?"

'Kingfisher' stopped in the air and nodded to him, "Yes, the stinky mage caught me, and said proudly, 'I built you a special little house, and you have always lived here Well. If the owner of this thing can use it correctly in the future, there may be other tenants in your house. Of course, as a landlord, you have the right to collect rent from those tenants. Trust me, those rents will be Makes you stronger.'"

Barrett thought of the ghost-absorbing function of the small tombstone, but when he got the small tombstone, there was only little Eve in it.

"There are other ghosts..., I mean the tenant entered?" he asked.

"No, I don't know why, it's always been Eve herself. Eve doesn't want to be strong, she just doesn't want to be lonely again." The little ghost drifted closer to him, "In the beginning, I was still vaguely I can feel some of the surrounding situations through the tombstone, feel that it has been changed from one person's hand to another person's hand; from one person's pocket to another person's body. It was also placed in a cabinet during It was buried in the ground, and after an unknown time, it was dug up again..."

"Then, it seemed like a long time later, I became confused again as before, slowly I couldn't feel the situation around me, time had no meaning, in that dark ~The only thing Eve can feel is hunger. Then the hunger became stronger and stronger, so that it almost became Eve's only thought. Then, Eve suddenly found that someone had actually noticed Eve Fu's existence, hee hee..."

"Is that person me?"

"Yes, no one knew that poor Eve was still locked in this thing before. At that time, I suddenly and inexplicably woke up a little from the haze, and then I could clearly feel that you found me. You don't know you How important is your gaze and gaze to Eve!"

"Then you should grant me one wish," he joked.

"Why?" Little Ghost asked curiously.

"You were locked up for a long time, and then I let you out..." Barrett explained. "'The Devil in a Bottle'? Haven't you heard of this fairy tale?"

The little ghost shook his head, "But, Eve has nothing."

"Forget it, don't worry, I'll just talk about it later." Barrett shifted again, making himself more comfortable. "And then?" he asked.

"Then? Then I was very happy, and then my first thought was to bite you. Hee hee, fortunately I held back, but it was very hard. But now that I am here, Yi But Fu is not hungry at all. Just, I don't know why, it's strange that I always think..."

The little ghost floated down from the air, lay on the bed, curled up beside Barrett's legs like a kitten, and then leaned carefully towards him again.

"Huh..." She sighed contentedly, then asked softly, "Can you tell stories?"


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