Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 153: Small Town Horror - Bedtime Story

"Do you want to hear a story?"

"Well, it would be better if you could play the piano."

"...No, there are only stories, do you want to hear them?"

"Then can you sing a "Lullaby" after the story is finished? I like listening to the one handed down by the female elf minstrel Adiris. Rhode sang it in Elvish at the time, although he himself did not Satisfied, but it sounds good to me. But he taught me in Common, because I don't know Elvish. You don't? Then I'll teach you, like this, 'With a melody, Nightingale Dancing; singing our sweet and light lullaby; never be afraid to be hurt, spells and magic no more; fall asleep to our light lullaby...'"

"Forget it, let's just go to sleep."

"Don't, don't! Then, no more songs, just tell stories."

"Hey, (what the **** am I doing in this **** place?) I only have adventure stories. And we agreed, after listening to the story, don't wander around, just let me rest for a while, okay? "

"My favorite adventure story! Are there dragons and princesses?"


"Is it the story of 'The Demon in a Bottle'?"


"That's fine."


"Come on, I can't wait."

"Cough, let me think about it. Hmm~~~~, the main character of the story is called Ba, Basil..."

"Is that person you?"

"...No. Don't interrupt, or I won't talk."

"Shhh, be quiet, I know. I try to talk as little as possible."

"Cough, Basil is a Nord and an adventurer. He has a very powerful long sword, which was given to him by his father when he was an adult. At that time, Basel's father was using the long sword. When it was handed to him, he said, 'Hey boy, you're an adult from today, which means you can finally find your Elena to roll in the wild, if she wants to. Don't deny it, I I've seen those little things you do behind the house. Also, it means you need to feed yourself, take this long sword, it doesn't farm like a hoe, but it will bring you food as well.' "

"Why are they going to roll in the wild, aren't they afraid their clothes will get dirty?"

"…, sorry, I shouldn't have told you this, I forgot that you were still a child. Forget this."

"Oh, all right then, you go on."

"'I actually wanted to give you a Nord battle axe.' Basil's father continued to him, 'but you are not strong enough now, although you are half a head taller than me, but The skinny looks like someone from the desert kingdom. Forget it, let's not talk about this. In short, from today onwards, you are going to go out, you can go to Fort Raffint, Fort Walde, or go to the capital of the kingdom, and break through like me Choose again and again to be a Nord royal guard. Of course, you can also go to other countries, to the kingdom of Griffin, the city-state of Duran, the kingdom of Pereiro, or the Holy Arathor further away, you name it.'"

"So he set off on his own adventure?"

"No, not really. Basil, who left home, didn't know where to go or what to do at first. He was very confused, so he lived for several days in a wood not too far from the town. The forest There are creeks, berries and wild vegetables, and rabbits and wild boars. Rabbits, in particular, are not too difficult to catch, because Basil throws stones very accurately."

"Is the bunny delicious? It's a pity that Eve hasn't eaten it."

"It's delicious, and it's best eaten roasted. Just after Basil had been living like a savage in the forest for almost a week, he suddenly found a passing caravan passing near the forest. Basil hoped that the caravan was passing by. You can take yourself wherever you can, and he doesn't have any goals anyway. At first, the bodyguards of the caravan thought he was here to rob him and almost shot him to death. The guy with the fluffy beard was really good, so he left him in the caravan."

"Isn't it time to fight? I'm a little sleepy."

"...Come on. Basil has traveled to many places with the caravan, during which they encountered a large number of goblins, human robbers, goblins, gnolls, wargs, etc. The first one that Basil killed The prey was a gnoll, and it was also a dark and moonless night, and the caravan was sleeping in the wilderness. In the middle of the night, the night watchman in charge of the sentry suddenly sounded the alarm, and Basel woke up from the warm wool blanket, from the carriage He got up in a panic, and by the light of the bonfire, he saw many, many shadows rushing towards them in the dark."

"That was his first fight. He was so nervous at the time that he rubbed on the roof of the car for a long time and couldn't find the weapon. At this time, a coyote used the momentum and jumped towards Basel on the roof of the car. The coyote's two front paws were clawed on the edge of the carriage, and he fluttered for a long time to climb up. During this time, Basel just stared blankly, and he was a little overwhelmed by the fact that he had not found a weapon. The coyote finally Climbing to the top of the car and showing Basil's mouth full of fangs, he had to pick up the wool blanket as a makeshift weapon. Only then did Basil realize that his long sword was under the wool blanket. Lying there quietly."

"Bathel is stupid."

"..., I can't say that. After all, this is his first battle."

"He picked up the long sword and killed the coyote?"

"...No, the coyote was shot to death by his companion. The companion kept shooting arrows out from the top of the other carriage, and shouted to Basil, telling him not to be in a daze. So Basel hurried to the commander. He picked up the sword, took a deep breath, jumped from the carriage, and joined the fray."

"Bathel's enemy was a gnoll armed with an iron axe and a round shield, which howled loudly to terrorize Bashir, but Bashir with the weapon in his hand was not too panicked. His longsword He collided with the round shield and avoided the iron axe. The iron axe chased after him, and Basil blocked, jumped back, and fought back. He slowly found some of the feeling he used to practice with his father. Just as the gnoll once again When the iron axe was fiercely attacked, Basil suddenly accelerated and dodged, and then a sword cut off the gnoll's claw holding the iron axe, and then when the two sides passed by, he turned back and cut. One of the enemy's hind legs was broken, and the gnoll knelt on the ground screaming, and was chopped off by Basil. Blood splashed on his face, sticky and smelly, but Basel did not It doesn’t feel bad to find that.”

"Awesome! I love hearing stories like this! Bleeding, beheading, etc. When Rhode used to talk about war, he would simply say that this enemy was stabbed to death by a sword, or that enemy was eliminated. , not at all specific."

"..., little girls shouldn't be interested in fighting and killing. They'd better stay away from fighting and stay at home. Because they are not suitable for this."

"Who said that, the female elf Adiris is very good at fighting. She has killed a lot of bad guys and monsters, and also helped the queen of the Kingdom of Tomyri to establish a country. She has also followed the mage to other planes, and has been to What about the endless abyss. Besides, Rhode said that until now, she is still alive, and Adilis must be more powerful than Basher in your story! If you don’t believe it, let them compare!”

"Che, not necessarily, I still think Basil is a little more powerful. But I guess they don't have the opportunity to compete."

"Then go ahead and tell Basel's story. It's better to hear it than not to hear it anyway."

"..., After killing the gnoll, Basil continued to clean up other enemies with his companions. He became more and more skilled at fighting, even more powerful than in his usual practice, as if he was born to fight. Whether it was a gnoll, a soil Wolf, or a large number of goblins, any enemy will fall in front of him within three swords. The battle lasted for a meal, and after the enemy was killed most of the time, UU reading swarmed back to the darkness among."

"In the statistics of the results after dawn, Basil found that he killed the most monsters in the entire caravan, even more than the bodyguard leader. The caravan boss was very happy and raised his salary to the high price of two gold coins per month. After that, Basil worked in the caravan for nearly two years and was the number one bodyguard of the entire caravan. Then, tired of that life, he left the caravan and continued on other adventures. "

"and after?"

"Later, that's another story, and that's all for today."

"Tell me one more, just one!"

"It was agreed before, don't be fooled! Well, let me rest for a while, I have other tasks tomorrow."

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