Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 154: Small Town Fright - The Land of Eternal Sleep

The night continues, as if never ending, until the end of the world.

But a ray of cold moonlight swayed in from the window. Although the light was very dim, it was enough to dispel the pure darkness. The faint light was like a kiss from a sleeper after waking up from a nightmare. Although it only touched his forehead lightly, it was so reassuring.


After an unknown time, Barrett woke up from his sound sleep. He opened his eyes and found that the little ghost was lying in the air in front of him, with two hands on his chin, staring straight at himself, with a happy expression on his face.

"Are you awake? Big uncle." She said happily, "You've been sleeping for a long time, and I was even worried that you were dead. Then I thought again, if you died here, you definitely wouldn't. It's so quiet, so I'm relieved again. Am I smart?"

"Yes, yes, I'll call you 'smart little Eve' in the future, if you will." Barrett felt his body stiff, especially in his neck and shoulders, like axles that lacked grease, and moved a little.' Gaba' rattles.

He rubbed his neck and sat back by the bed, and the little ghost floated to his side, "Nothing strange happened during this time." Barrett asked casually.

"There are a lot of strange things!" said the little ghost in an exaggerated tone, "not long after you fell asleep, I felt a very powerful guy patrolling not far away. Yes, so powerful Eve can feel his presence from a distance. I almost wanted to wake you up, but luckily it didn't come close, but walked away."

She sat next to Barrett, "I also heard a strange song coming from the windmill on the mountain outside the window. The song lasted for a long time, and Eve couldn't hear what it was singing. Anyway, it was very melodious and very nice. Eve got bored after you fell asleep, but luckily the singing stayed with me for a long time. But after the moonlight appeared from the sky again, the singing stopped."

singing? Why didn't I hear it? Barrett was puzzled. His senses are very keen, even in a deep sleep, a slightly larger disturbance will wake him up in time. This is also the reason why he dares to rest assured. He believes in his own skills and strength rather than trusting the reason of the little ghost.

Perhaps the environment in this dead space has diminished my perception, Barrett judged, "Anything else?"

"Yes." The little ghost continued to report, "There was a beautiful big sister nearby who wanted to fly in from outside the house, but Eve stopped her in time. Eve told her, 'This is Eve's house, you Can't come in!' Then the pretty big sister nodded in understanding, then turned and left."

The little ghost raised his head with a proud look on his face, as if he was saying to Barrett, "Hurry up, hurry up and praise me!"

"Good job." Barrett said sincerely, "Your night shift gave me a good night's sleep." The communication between the dead is indeed more convenient and effective than the communication between the dead and the living.

"Hee hee, of course, Eve is also very good." She circled around Barrett, then stopped in front of him, "By the way, there's that 'little pig', it looks like it's full after eating It's changed." Her pale blue spirit body pointed at the small object on the ground by the window.

Barrett followed little Eve's direction - the tombstone! He almost forgot it.

At this time, the hazy moonlight shone on the surface of the tombstone, making it dyed with a dark silver like metal. Barrett stepped forward, squatted down and observed carefully, and found that the color of its surface was not the rendering of moonlight, but its own color, which had changed from deep black to dull silver, no wonder little Eve said that its appearance had changed. .

He gently touched the silver tombstone with his fingers, without stinging. I picked it up and held it in my hand again, without any discomfort. After this thing is full, not only the appearance has changed, but even the "character" is much more well-behaved than before.

Does this mean that his task has been completed?

Barrett opened the [Task Log], and the task named [Eve's Little Wish] turned into a glow in his field of vision, and landed on the number representing the soul energy in the lower right corner of the parchment.

At this time, the number has become 155, because this task has brought him as much as 120 soul energy, which means that he can choose one of the three again to obtain a new skill.

However, the current Barrett was not in a hurry to do so, but planned to identify the item in his hand first. He still remembered that in the description before the mission, the strange tombstone in his hand would be transformed into something else after the mission was completed.

Barrett returned to the bed with the tombstone, rubbed his still a little confused eyes, concentrated all his attention, and started the appraisal work he was used to.

"What are you doing?" the little ghost asked in a wind chime-like voice, and Barrit's motionless appearance made her quite curious.

The voice interrupted Barrett's attention, "Shh!" He made a 'quiet' gesture to the little ghost, "I'm going to see what this thing does."

"Look?" Little Gloomy Soul's tone was a little puzzled, "Just staring at it like this, can you know?"

"Of course! You can try it if you don't believe it." Barrett casually said, "Keep staring at it and don't make a sound."

"Oh, then I'll try it too."

In the room, two figures, one big and one small, one living and one dead, one real and one false, stared at a silver tombstone stupidly, not moving.

After a long time, the properties of the tombstone are displayed.

[Land of Eternal Sleep - Little Eve's Companion Amulet]

[This amulet is transformed from 'Eve's Mini Tombstone'. 】

[In the dark and dull night, in a quiet and peaceful room, a Nord adventurer was half lying on a small single bed, telling an uninteresting story in the tone of memory. And beside his legs, a small ghost curled up there obediently, listening intently. Although the story of the Nord adventurer is not very exciting, it still makes the little ghost feel extremely satisfied.

At the end of the story, the Nord adventurer fell into a deep sleep. The little ghost was flying beside him like a firefly. She wanted to grab the slightly long beard on his chin, pinched his face, woke him up, and then hid and made him look for herself angrily.

But the little ghost knows that he can't do this, because he can't touch him, that's not good. There was a melodious song outside the window, and the little ghost listened quietly by the window. Although she couldn't hear it clearly, she could still feel the emotion expressed in the song. Because it is the singing of the soul, full of loneliness and sadness.

Just in the song and the sad thoughts of the little ghost, the tombstone quietly accumulated energy. The energy gathered more and more, until the moonlight shone on its let it transform...]

【Amulet effect:】

[1. Touch of Rest: When you carry the amulet, the undead you destroy will not be able to be resurrected. The body will return to the earth, and the soul will rest in peace. (Except for Liches, Liches whose origin is not destroyed will be immune to the effects of Touch of Rest)

2. The Smile of the Dead: Whenever you destroy a creature with the undead attribute, you will get the vitality regeneration effect. This effect relieves your physical and mental fatigue and restores a small amount of energy and stamina.

3. Eve's Guardian: When little Eve is in the talisman, all damage caused by the undead to you will be reduced by 20. 'Sometimes, you will hear cheerful laughter echoing in your ears'. 】

[Note: All human beings are mortal, and so are the undead. 】


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