Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 155: Town Fright - 2nd skill

The attributes of the talisman "Eternal Sleeping Land" are quite good, and to some extent, it can be said to be very powerful, and it is very suitable for use in such a harsh environment. However, what was described above made Barrett ponder.

These contents were clearly things that had just happened not long ago, and had happened to him. This can't help but make Barrett have a deeper understanding of this indescribable thing called [Mission Log] that parasitizes his body or soul.

[Task Log] Not only can you clearly understand the long history of certain items or little-known private secrets, but it can also record everything that happens in front of you in real time.

Neither past nor present seems to escape its record, so...

Does it want to observe and record the future through me, or does it want to change through me?

Barrett is unknown. After all, "thinking" is not something he is good at. But there is one fact that he can be sure of, that is, the taste of this thing is really not very good.

You say, why is my story not exciting? He groaned in dissatisfaction in his heart.

After identifying the items in his hand, Barrett called out the [Quest Log] again, ready to start selecting skills like last time.

This time, he was quite proficient in filling the purple skill bar with soul energy. After that, a purple round crystal was regenerated, and the old sheepskin also appeared like this. A row of content.

【Task log】

[Congratulations, loving adventurer, congratulations on getting skill points again and becoming more powerful. 】

What exactly is this called? Barrett frowned at the guy's teasing.

[From this time on, the three skills randomly assigned to you by the system will have a chance to appear repeatedly. After you select an upgradeable low-level skill, the subsequent upgrade options for that skill will appear more likely than other skills. Please pay attention and arrange your own upgrade plan. 】

[Talent - Anti-Magic Blade is upgraded to level 2]

【Skill List】

[1. Primary deflection force field: This skill is a passive skill. With this skill, the enemy's melee attack will change a certain angle due to the influence of the force field.

Skill details; light deflects when it hits the water, as do enemy melee attacks on you. After selecting this skill, the attack angle of the enemy will be randomly changed when it is close, and the weapon chopped to the neck will become a hit on the shoulder, or a missed shot, and of course, it may also hit the head. When the skill level increases, the deflection angle will have a greater probability of going in your favor, and increase the possibility of the opponent missing.

- 'Gosh, what's wrong with my hand, I can't control how many times I count! ’

2. Blood Blade: When you damage yourself with a weapon and get blood on it, the attack power of the weapon will increase by 15%, the skill lasts for half an hour, and the cooldown is a quarter of an hour. It cannot be upgraded.

Skill Details: There used to be a special combat skill, which was characterized by injuring oneself first and then hurting others, and the effect of this skill was also the same. You can lightly cut your fingers or other parts of your body with the blade, and the blade only needs to be stained with a trace of blood to improve your combat effectiveness.

- 'With just one stroke of the sword, you will become stronger! ’.

3. Primary Leather Armor Mastery: This skill is a passive skill. With this skill, when you equip leather armor, you will get a higher defense bonus, and can increase a small amount of agility and a small amount of magic resistance.

Skill Details: What kind of armor should adventurers wear? It's an unanswered question, or, in other words, wear anything. Linen clothing, studded leather armor, delicate chain armor, full body armor, you name it. However, when you choose this skill, the leather armor equipped on your body will give you some additional defense and attribute bonuses.

Current skill level: +10% physical defense, +2% magic resistance, +1 agility.

- 'Since there is leather armor proficiency, then there are also cloth armor proficiency, plate armor proficiency, lace edge armor proficiency, and finally this defense is the highest...']

The system again gives three skills with their own characteristics.

Barrett read each skill carefully several times, and automatically ignored the inexplicable words behind the "horizontal line".

He thought for a while in his heart, and after a few minutes passed, Barrett moved the purple round crystal representing the skill point to the third skill to activate it.

The current situation of the first skill is too stupid for him, and there are too many uncertainties. Barrett hopes that the enemy's attack can be more precise, which will make it easier for him to dodge or block. If the enemy's attack suddenly changed direction inexplicably in the middle of the road, that would be really scary.

However, from the literal meaning, this skill should be upgraded to an advanced level to have some effect. After all, a sudden miss could turn the whole situation around.

The second skill is really good, the "price of a sword" is nothing to him, the effect is real, and sometimes it may have unexpected effects.

However, the third skill seems to be better in his opinion. Although the improved attributes are not many, they are comprehensive and can be upgraded later.

Barrett mainly hesitated on the second and third skills. In the end, the third skill gained his favor with the 1-point increase in agility and the effect of being able to upgrade again later.

After choosing the skills, he felt that the leather armor on his body seemed to be more comfortable than before, and his body was also a lot lighter. He didn't know whether this was the effect of the leather armor itself, or the effect of the 1 point of agility, or just the effect of his own psychological suggestion.

About a cup of tea has passed, and the little ghost who waited quietly with wide-eyed eyes finally couldn't help it, "Hey, big uncle, can I speak now?" The little ghost asked in a very soft voice.

"You've already said it." Barrett retracted his thoughts, closed the [Mission Log] again, and replied with rubbing his eyes.

"What did you see?" The little ghost came over curiously, "Why does it change color?" She pointed to the dark silver tombstone in Barrett's hand, "Is it made by that stinky mage?"

"I don't know." Barret weighed the small amulet in the shape of a tombstone in his hand. It has now been renamed the 'Place of Eternal Sleep', which is quite an appropriate name.

"Then what have you been doing for so long?" The little ghost pouted, a little dissatisfied, "Do you sleep with your eyes open?"

Barrett automatically ignored the question and didn't answer. He straightened up from the bed and looked at the little ghost beside him, "Can you still go in now? Into this thing." In fact, how did she get out of him before? Don't know.

"I don't know either, but I can try it." Little Ghost said, "After coming here, it can no longer restrain me, and I don't know why."

As soon as the voice of the little ghost fell, her light blue spirit body suddenly disappeared in place. Then, her crisp voice reappeared in Barrett's mind, "I'm coming in, it's easier than I thought. Wow, it's so much more comfortable in here than before, and I can still feel it. A little bit of warmth and sleepiness, it's strange."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly appeared beside Barrett with a smile, and circled around her, "But I still like to stay outside, there is only Eve inside, it's really boring. But Eve I can chat with you clearly in it, but it’s much better than before.”

Barrett coughed and looked at little Eve with a serious face, "This, I'm going to ask you a more important question now, I hope you can think about it carefully, and then tell me your answer.

"What's the problem?" The little ghost floated in front of him.

"Do you want to follow me like before, or do you want to stay here?" He carefully organized his words, "If you want to stay here, in this room, in this space, I will put this small The tombstone is left, after all, it should belong to you."

After hearing Barrett's words, Little Ghost's expression widened her eyes in panic. After a while, she responded, "You, are you leaving here? Are you leaving little Eve?" Her voice There was a hint of apprehension and disappointment.

Barrett nodded, "You know, I don't belong here. After UU reading brings you back to this 'home', I will definitely leave. Besides, I have other tasks to complete, and Need to fight other monsters." He didn't know how to comfort him.

The little ghost lowered his head in disappointment and said nothing. Barrett did not urge, he quietly waited for her return.

After a long time, the little ghost slowly raised his head, looked around the room again, and focused his eyes on the wind chimes by the window.

The next moment, the ethereal and ethereal wind bell rang again, with reluctance and nostalgia.

Little Eve sighed faintly, and then the smile returned to her face.

"Well, let's go then, big uncle. Let's go beat the big bad guys together, and beat up a lot of big bad guys!"

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