Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 156: death knight fred

The first quarter moon rises again in the night sky, which means that another month has passed if it is calculated in terms of time outside this space. But time is of no practical significance to the deceased.

Today is no different from yesterday, and tomorrow is today's twin. Sometimes, you can't tell whether you are in the past, present, or future at all.

At this time, Viscount Fried Albert, riding his skeleton warhorse as usual, was patrolling the streets of Giethoorn alone. He has been doing this for hundreds of years and will continue to do so.

Sheephorn Town has been given to the Albert family by the founding queen since the founding of the Kingdom of Tommy. Fried's ancestors had been loyal to the Queen and her heirs for generations, and the town was forged as a fortified forward fortress by the Albert family during Tomylie's war with the Griffon Kingdom.

At that time, Albert, a loyal family, was ready to fight to the last person in the Kingdom of Tomiri, but unfortunately and fortunately, the Griffin army did not pay attention to this humble small town at that time. After leaving a few guarded troops, the entire army rushed directly towards the capital...

After that, the war between the two kingdoms ended with the demise of Tomiri, and the Albert family survived.

However, the Griffin Kingdom at that time laid down too many territories in a short period of time. Although the unification trend was unstoppable, in order to maintain the stability of various regions, many less important places were managed by their original rulers. .

And Yangjiao Town is one of them.

Sadly, although this small town escaped the invasion of war in the dark and chaotic era, it inexplicably ushered in a more tragic fate in the peaceful and peaceful period.

As the lord of this town, Viscount Fried witnessed with his own eyes his domain and the people under his rule were swallowed up by the boundless darkness. Screaming, wailing, wailing, every soul is moaning and crying in pain, but he, the lord, has nothing to do about it.

Originally, the timely arrival of the mages gave Fried a glimmer of hope, but those mages did not save the town at that time, but sealed it in darkness, without caring about the lives of the residents of the town. .

After that, the tragic thing did not end. Even if he and his subjects were sealed in this space and all became undead, they could not get a moment of peace here.

From that dark vortex, a large number of more evil undead kind of people kept appearing, they oppressed, enslaved, maimed, and even devoured them, and wanted to take the whole town for themselves.

This kind of thing made Viscount Fried out of anger, and he vowed in his heart that he must rely on his own strength to protect the town.

"No one wants to take it away from me." Viscount Fried once swore, "The plane of death will not work, neither will King Griffin, nor Queen Tomiri, nor will mages, this place belongs only to me. !!"


The skeletal warhorse trotted lightly, and the black cloak behind Viscount Fried that stretched to the pelvis of the warhorse also swayed slightly. The cloak was long and heavy, covered with shabby holes and a four-horned goat's head.

From the horse's saddle hung a string of heads, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, and a vampire. In order to catch the troublesome vampire, Fried chased it for most of the town before beheading it.

Not a single creature here has blood in the body, and even many undead have no soul, and I don't know why the vampire came here.

But this is not a problem for Viscount Fried. He divided the creatures in this town into three types: the townspeople, those who obey him, and those who need to be eliminated. Therefore, any creature with an unknown purpose, as long as they are classified into the third category.

Ahead of the road, there was a wraith staring at Fried with his distorted facial features, and a painful groan came out of his mouth.

Wraiths are all created in this space by people who have been driven crazy and committed suicide after death. At that time, many people in the small town were not transformed by the dark energy in the first place, but stubbornly resisted with their bodies and will.

But this resistance serves no purpose other than to face greater pain and despair. Many of them ended up committing suicide, and 'Darren' was one of them.

The Wraith's waist is in the shape of a gradually disappearing incorporeal body, leaving a faint mist as it moves. As Viscount Fried approached, he stopped groaning unconsciously, and those pale white eyes lowered slightly, as if to express humility.

Among them are not only the obedience of the inferior undead to the higher undead, but also the admiration of an ordinary citizen for his lord.

The skeleton horse slowly slowed down, "Morning, Darren, today's moonlight is good." Viscount Fried nodded, and greeted him with the fire of his soul.


The other party's soul fire was chaotic, and no clear consciousness came out. Fried knew that there were very few undead souls who could really keep sane, but he didn't care. In any case, Darren was a subject under his rule.

The skeletal warhorse brushed past the Wraith, then resumed its light trot again. After passing two streets and turning another corner, Viscount Fried suddenly pulled the reins, causing the skeletal warhorse under his crotch to stop.

He found that in the square in front of him stood a huge Soul Prisoner nearly 4 meters high. The Soul Prisoner was tall and scrawny, with shrunken muscles attached to the bones. There is also an ultra-small humanoid in the ribs of its chest, which is also the origin of the name of this large undead.

Whether it is human, elves, devils, or any other creatures, as long as they are locked in the ribs of the Soul Prisoner, they will gradually drain the essence of life by it.

This large undead obviously does not belong to this town. Viscount Fried didn't know when it arrived or why it came, but none of that mattered.

The fire of the Viscount's soul began to surge, and the eyes hidden in the griffin's helmet lit up with a thick ice blue, "Submit to me - the ruler of this space, Lord Fried!" With the power of the higher undead Will, put pressure on this soul prisoner.

The Soul Prisoner groaned in pain while covering his head, bending one knee. But the next moment, it stood up high again, roared loudly, and broke free from Fried's coercion.

"Unfortunately, you chose the wrong answer." The death knight Fried pulled out the rune greatsword on his back, and gently kicked the skeleton warhorse with his metal boots, and then the warhorse began to use its hooves to hit the ground, There was also a pale silver aura from the sheep's skull.

The next moment, the skeletal warhorse began to run, its speed getting faster and faster, and it charged Viscount Fried towards the Soul Prisoner like an arrow.

The death knight met the long bone claws caught by the prisoner of souls with the rune great sword on the warhorse. The soul demon's shriveled, sharp claws split into two.

The ugly, vicious ghoul wailed and used its spell-like abilities. A 'weakness ray' shot out from its eyes and hit the death knight's heavy armor with precision.

However, the powerful death knight Fried easily avoided the effect of the ray. He turned the horse's head, swung the giant sword, bent over and cut off the opponent's left leg with a sword, causing the Soul Prisoner to fall to the side of the pool in the square with a howl.

Viscount Fried then pulled the reins, stopped the skeletal warhorse, turned over and dismounted, and walked towards his prey.

The pitch-black cloak was dragged on the ground, and the giant sword easily slashed another bone claw swiped by the opponent. Freed walked up to the Soul Prisoner with an expressionless face, and pierced its chest with a sword, "freeing" the little human creature that was imprisoned inside.

The Soul Prisoner wailed again, and the fire of the soul inside his skull was churning in pain. It seemed to want to say something to Fried, but the Death Knight didn't have the patience to listen.

There are too many undead breaking in like If you don't obey, just destroy it directly.

The rune greatsword swung again, and mercilessly pierced the opponent's head. The cold breath spread along the blade. The next moment, the entire head of the Soul Prisoner shattered like an ice crystal, leaving only a huge headless corpse.

After killing the opponent's death knight, his eyes lit up dark blue again. He searched for the nearby undead who obeyed him, and prepared to find a few ghouls to deal with this huge corpse.

At this moment, a strange figure flashed by in front of his eyes, and the scene surprised Fried inexplicably.

Wait, did I just get dazzled? Why did I see a living person swaggering past me? Could it be that I ate too much ghost mushrooms yesterday, so the fire of the soul had hallucinations?


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