Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 157: bet

After Viscount Fried had killed the giant soul demon and summoned a few ghouls who obeyed him to deal with the corpse, he stepped on the skeleton horse again and chased the figure that seemed to be a living person in the distance. past.

The figure is much more flexible than Fried imagined. This guy is like a hateful mouse. He always likes to find those narrow or low aisles to walk through, and often avoids by jumping over walls and climbing fences. his pursuit.

But Fried is the lord of this town after all. His family has lived here for generations, and he himself has been patrolling the town for hundreds of years. Therefore, even if the opponent's skills are very smart and dexterous, Fried can still rely on his grasp of the terrain to gradually approach his prey.

At a very close distance, Fried clearly saw the other party's figure. It was a sturdy human in leather armor, who seemed to be an adventurer when he dressed up, and more importantly, that guy was a living person.

Fried can definitely judge that the other party must be a living person, because the difference between the dead and the living is too great. In Fried's eyes, this guy is like a little fluorescent light in the boundless darkness, which is extraordinarily abrupt. .

Although the prey spread the distance again through a low wall, Fried had already locked the opponent's breath with the fire of his soul. In this way, the other party will never be able to disappear in his gaze. Unless, leave this sealed space.

Fried used the fire of the soul to search for the nearby undead who obeyed him again, and transferred the three ghouls and the four skeleton guards who were patrolling back and forth on the road to the other side's forward route.

But then, Fried noticed that the fire of the souls of a ghoul and a skeleton guard in the encircling soldiers had been extinguished in an instant. Obviously, the opponent's skills were quite extraordinary, and they could instantly get rid of the siege of the seven undead in an instant. In the middle of the breakout, and also easily eliminated two of them.

Not only that, Fried also noticed that the other party seemed to be seducing him all the time. The guy escaped slowly, even though he noticed that Fried was getting closer and closer to him, he did not show the slightest panic. Sometimes he even slowed down faintly, for fear that Fried would catch him.

The other party was obviously doing it for some purpose, maybe a trap, maybe an ambush, but Fried didn't care at all.

When I kill the living man who came in inexplicably and resurrect him as a skeleton warrior, the fire of his soul will tell me all about it.

Why on earth would a living person come to this sealed space? About this story, Fried is still very interested to hear it, if the guy is still conscious by then.


In the end, Viscount Fried chased to a rather remote spot in the town, and Lema stopped beside a church-like building.

Not only does the building look like a church, but its predecessor was indeed a church. When Fried was a child, he had heard his grandfather say that the Kingdom of Tomyri did believe in a certain god, and even made the religion of that **** the state religion. But his grandfather did not reveal the god's name.

Fried still remembered that when his grandfather told this, he said in a very emotional tone, "People need faith, otherwise the devils will have more opportunities. No matter what people believe in It's a god, a thing, a totem, even a person, in short, people just need this, they need to be able to get comfort from something that doesn't exist..."

After the fall of the Kingdom of Tommy, this religion that did not even have a name disappeared, and only these church-like buildings were preserved for various reasons.

Fried remembered that there was also such a church in Sanye City, and it was built much larger than the one in the town. However, although the exterior of the church has not changed much, the interior has been transformed into an opera house. And that opera house has a rather weird name - 'The Grand Theatre of Oranges and Lemons'.

As for the church-like building in front of him, Fried remembered that it seemed to have been rented out by a businessman and used as a warehouse. He didn't remember specific things clearly. After death, he forgot some things, while others became unforgettable.

Turning over and dismounting, Fried strode toward the church.

Across the door of the church, he could feel that the other party was standing motionless in the building at this time, like a host, waiting for his guest to come.

The town lord Fried walked to the gate, and two skeleton guards in chain armor stepped forward and pushed the gate open for him. When he stepped in, the skeleton guards closed the gate again.

He left the skeleton guards and ghouls out of the building. While it might be easier to get them out of the way by involving them in the fight, Fried didn't want to. Leading a crowd to besiege one person is not in line with chivalry, even if he is no longer a real knight, but a death knight.

The main thing is that Fried is pretty confident in his skills.

He killed the Lich, the Count of the Vampire, the Lord of the Three-Faced Bones, and other valiant death knights. In battles between these undead, he is always the victor. He devoured the soul fire of those losers when they perished, which made his soul fire stronger and stronger. Fried believes that one day, he will teach the real culprits behind the current situation of the town a lesson, a big lesson.

The church is spacious and empty, with rows of wooden boxes stacked on one side of the wall. Next to the wooden box stood a large water tank at intervals. The vast majority of these wooden boxes have been damaged, and a large number of various candles have fallen out of the boxes.

Fried remembered that the church was rented by a candle dealer. The merchant purchased the goods from 'White Wax City' and shipped boxes of candles to Sanye City and all the surrounding villages and towns.

And this church is the general warehouse of the merchant. After all, compared with the former capital of Sanye City, the rent of land and warehouses in his small town is still much less.

A dim moonlight shone in from the colorful glazed windows, bringing a little vitality and color to this gray-black world.

The other party was standing under a broken window in the church, letting the gorgeous colors and dim moonlight shine on him.

"Hello, esteemed Viscount Fried." The living man said in a respectful tone.

"Oh? You know me?" Freed asked in a low, cold voice.

The other party nodded and said in a relaxed tone, "I, an uninvited guest, broke into this place without permission. If I don't even know the owner's name, it would be too rude."

The other party's appearance is fearless, and Fried can't tell whether this guy is really confident in himself, or whether he is strong and calm, "As a living person, why did you come to this realm of death? Also, you What do you want to do to bring me here?" The identity of the other person as a living person made Fried show unprecedented patience and curiosity.

"The purpose of my coming here is not worth mentioning, it's just to lead a lost little guy back to his home to have a look." The other party said inexplicable words, "As for why I put you Attracted here, it's an easy question to articulate. Because I want to make a bet with you, a bet that is quiet, not disturbed by other people, or the undead."


"Yes, the bet," the other party repeated, "I know you have a Lich Phraet, and if I win, I hope you can give it to me."

Hmph, he knows a lot, but it's not a secret. Fried knew that he killed the had caused some small sensation in the death plane.

"What if you lose?" he asked.

"If I lose, you can take my life." The other party changed his tone, "Let me be your subordinate, or whatever, as you wish. Believe me, since I, a living person, dare to come here alone. In the sealed space, it must be quite skilled, at least much stronger than those skeletons and ghouls under your command. You are in trouble here, I think I should be able to help. "

"So, what to bet on?" Fried's soul fire boiled again, and he actually already knew the content of the bet.

The other party smiled and did not speak, but pulled out the weapon from his waist.

Its meaning is self-evident.


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