Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 158: battle between life and death

In the church-like building, the moonlight gently stroked the two strong humanoids, as if to bless the next battle.

One side of the battle was wearing blue-gray leather armor with fine scales. He held the long sword in his hand with a relaxed and confident expression; Arrogant and disdainful.

"Are you challenging me?" Freed's eyes hidden under the griffin's helmet burst into icy blue flames, "Do you want a fair one-on-one duel as a bet?"

"Yes, I think this should be a good solution." The other party moved his wrists, "I just don't know, as the lord in this town, will you deign to accept this proposal? Or, you actually Do you want to call all your skeleton boys over to make this bet more lively? Of course, if you think you need to add that group of followers to fight me, I have no problem."

This guy wants to use verbal sarcasm to avoid being mobbed, childish! "Put away your boring, ridiculous tricks." Fried took a few steps sideways, the crisp sound of the metal boots hitting the marble floor reverberated in the church, "If I really want this If you do, you won't be able to get here at all, and you will have been torn to pieces by thousands of undead."

"So?" There was a hint of joy on the other's face.

The death knight's eyes lit up with blue light, "I, Fred Albert, as the sixth lord of Giethoorn, accept the challenge of you trespasser, accept this bold and ignorant challenge! If you really If you can defeat me, then this lich phylactery is yours." He took out a black ring from his armor, "Not only that, I can also guarantee that my subjects will not attack you, so that you can Get out of this town alive."

"This couldn't be better." The other party nodded and bowed. "Thank you for your generosity."

"Tell me your name, living." Freed looked at the arrogant guy, "I don't want my future men to be unknown."

"Barrett Mungo," said the other. "You can call me Barrett."

"Very well, Barret, do you want to be a skeleton warrior, or a zombie guard?" Death Knight Fried pulled out the rune sword from his back, "If your skills and your self-confidence show If you are the same, I would really like to resurrect you as my kind - a powerful death knight. But unfortunately, you are just an ordinary adventurer, not a noble knight. You have not been canonized or read the knight's manifesto , so, I can't do that."

"Thank you for your kindness. However, I still think that the adventurer career is more suitable for me." The other party walked towards him holding his weapon.

"Then let me see if you are qualified to say these big words." Fried took off the cape on his shoulders and greeted him with a rune sword.

The next moment, the two weapons collided violently, making a huge roar. Life and death, two humanoid creatures of similar stature, facing each other through weapons.

The rune on the great sword in Fried's hand lit up slightly, and the icy frost mist spread along the great sword to the opponent's weapon. But then, the frost mist that spread over was contained, and then disappeared again. Obviously, the opponent's weapon is not as ordinary as it looks on the surface.

Not only that, Fried also found that he did not gain any upper hand in the power competition at the moment. The power of the guy in front of him is higher than he imagined.

The opponent's body is agile and strong, which makes the death knight Fried a rare correct attitude.

Such a battle of equal strength is interesting. There are bursts of excitement in his soul fire, and he is even a little greedy for this one-on-one challenge full of reputation and glory.

This form of challenge reminded Fried of the days when he was still alive.

The two stalemate weapons were separated again, and the real battle officially began.

The death knight's attack was fierce and swift, and the rune greatsword swept and slashed with the whistling of death. The opponent's defense was firm and tight, holding a sword in both hands to block Fried's every attack.

In the gap between a giant sword attack, the opponent bullied forward, and then nimbly dodged the metal glove. The opponent seized this opportunity and slashed heavily on Fried's armor with the weapon in his hand.

With the sound of 'dang', Fried was unscathed, but the opponent's fierce attack did not break through the thick family armor on his body.

"This is your attack? It's not much stronger than a mosquito bite," Fried sneered.

This armor was originally just a slightly more refined steel heavy armor, but since Fried became a death knight, this armor has almost become one with him, just like the rune greatsword in his hand. Whenever Fried killed the other high-level undead and devoured their remaining soul fire, the armor and the great sword would become stronger and sharper.

The living man named 'Barritt' was not discouraged by Fried's sarcasm. This guy seemed to have really transformed into a sensitive mosquito, biting constantly all over Fried's body, which annoyed him.

The opponent kept circling around Fried, leading his actions, and while dodging the attack of the giant sword, he could also look for opportunities to stab at close range, as if he wanted to hit the joints and gaps of the armor.

This guy played slowly and slowly, and did not become impatient because of the ineffectiveness of progress. After each shot, whether it hits or not, the opponent will move his footsteps again, and always keep his body at the edge of the observation hole of the Griffin helmet, so as to affect Fried's vision.

Fried could see that the opponent had rich experience fighting heavy armored knights, but, as an undead, he didn't just observe the opponent with those ice blue eyes. Whether the opponent is in front of Fried, sideways, or behind, his soul fire can clearly capture the opponent's figure.

But unfortunately, being able to catch the opponent's figure does not mean that you can hit it. The 'mosquito' in front of him is really too sensitive, and it is not much more stubborn than the most agile vampire among the undead.

And to deal with such agile enemies, Fried naturally has the means.

The opponent's attack came close again, targeting the gap in Fried's armor's shoulders, and he blocked this non-threatening stab at this time with the wrist guard of his left hand.

After all, Fried is an undead. Ordinary one or two attacks, even if it hits the body through the armor, as long as it does not hit the more critical parts, it will not have much impact.

But he didn't want to rely on that to win.

The opponent missed a hit and spun in a circle again. Fried took this opportunity to stomped his right foot on the marble floor in the church. A layer of icy frost and mist spread along the metal boots of his right foot in an instant. Open up and cover most of the ground of the church.

The opponent retreated subconsciously, but the frost mist was faster, and when it came into contact with the opponent, it could cling to the opponent's legs like vines, freezing it in place for a short time.

The death knight Fried seized the opportunity to charge with his sword, and the metal boots quickly took one deep footprint after another on the frosty ground.

A surprised expression appeared on the opponent's face, and he immediately stabbed the ground under his feet with his long The next moment, the ice shattered, and the opponent struggled to break free. But at this time, Fried's great sword had reached his body, and the opponent could only try to block with the horizontal sword, and was knocked out by Fried.

With a correct attitude, Fried not only has excellent martial arts, but also has various spell-like abilities of the death knight, so he is not only a powerful melee professional, but also a commander of the undead and half a spellcaster. .

The opponent adjusted his body like a cat in the air, rolled over a few times after landing, and stood up instantly. He quickly backed away from Frost's range, and then looked at Fried cautiously with his sword.

After seeing that Fried was not chasing, this good and simple movement of the body did not seem to be a big problem. Although he was not injured, he stood in the far corner and looked at Fried standing on the icy ground, seemingly at a loss.

The fighting continues.


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