Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 160: Phase 3

The harsh sound that made one's teeth itch, resounded again in the friction between the metal glove and the blade.

Barrett's weapon was getting closer and closer to the weak armor connection, and the distance between them was less than a finger's width. As if the next breath had not yet frozen, the 'Iron Bride' would stab hard along the connection, and Straight forward, piercing the jaws of the death knight, shattering the fire of the soul within his skull.

"Don't you admit defeat?" Barrett gritted his teeth in reply, his facial expression became extremely ferocious due to excessive force.

Viscount Fried's ice-blue eyes shone brightly, but he didn't say anything. He growled, changing the direction of the blade with all his strength. In the next moment, the 'Iron Bride' wiped the visor of the Griffin's helmet and stabbed straight into the frozen ground.

The ice crystals on the ground cracked in an instant, splashed on Barrett's face, scattered in the air, and flickered in the moonlight.

The thrust of the blade made Barrett stagger forward involuntarily, but he still pressed his knees firmly on Viscount Fried. He quickly adjusted his balance and wanted to pull out the sword to attack again, but unexpectedly, the Viscount's left hand took this opportunity to directly squeeze his neck.

I******! Blue veins popped out of Manzi's face, and even the black tattoos on his forehead were dark purple with a little suffocation. Barrett grabbed the opponent's cold fingers with his left hand, and pulled it away from his neck with the strength that he did not lose to the opponent. With his right hand, he pulled out the sharp sword, ready to attack the dead man who was lying on the ground and kept moving. of.

But the Viscount had raised his right hand high and aimed it at Barrett's face. In the broken metal palm, a rune formed by frost flashed on and off. In the next breath, the ice-blue rune shattered, and a biting cold wind slammed into Baritt from the palm of the death knight.

At this precarious time, our barbarian adventurer folded his arms and shielded his face, but was still blown away from the death knight by the violent blow of the howling wind.

Barrett's body fell on the frozen ground and slid along the ground covered with shattered ice crystals, hitting the wooden boxes full of candles by the wall.

Several rotten wooden boxes were disintegrated as a result, and the pale-white grease candles and light yellow beeswax candles were scattered on the ground, among them were some scented candles with petals and leaves sealed in the candle bodies.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Barrett's head was a little dizzy due to the impact and the previous suffocation. He coughed and struggled to get up from the pile of candles, but found that his body was once again frozen by ice. cover.

His whole body was cold and stiff, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. Obviously, the howling impact that the opponent was close to his body caused him a lot of damage.

This undead tin can is really hard to handle! Barrett was covered in frost and tried his best to stand up tremblingly. In this simple but difficult process, he almost fell again because he stepped on a candle.

The cold surrounded Barrett, and he felt ice crystals congeal in every organ in his body. There seems to be a little magic damage still remaining in his body. However, Barrett's physical fitness (physique) is very high, and he can basically hold on.

However, the other party is not feeling well now. Barrett slapped his body slowly again, hoping that he could be freed from the effects of the freezing soon, and assessed the current battle situation in his heart.

This difficult death knight was now a one-legged knight, able to support his heavy armor on only one leg. In this case, let alone fighting, even standing would be quite difficult.

Based on this alone, he will be the one who will win in the end, Barrett judged in his heart.

"To be honest, your skill really surprised me. Although I have overestimated your strength as much as possible, your combat experience is still beyond my expectations." Viscount Fried sat up from the ground. , with a narrow slit in the visor of the griffin's helmet.

"Whether it's the martial arts itself, or the reaction to the battle, it's almost impeccable." Within the gap, the pale face of the death knight could still be vaguely seen. Half of the exposed, shriveled lips opened and closed bloodless, "Whether it is in life or in the longer years of death, whether it is among humans or among the dead, I have never met. Got a guy better than you."

"Thank you for your compliment, Lord Lord." Barrett trembled as he recovered his body, "Are you ready to admit defeat when you say this?"

"Hmph, it's too early!" Viscount Fried covered his broken leg with his right hand, and a blue light flashed again under the metal gloves. Subsequently, the joint of the broken leg was covered with a thick layer of ice.

The Viscount picked up his rune greatsword from the side, and with the help of the greatsword and the ice, he slowly stood up from the ice.

The method of freezing the broken leg, although it can be used as a support point to support the whole body, will still affect the movement.

Immediately afterwards, Viscount Fried inexplicably inserted the rune sword into the ground in front of him, and raised his head and said to Barrett, "However, you are still just an ordinary person, an ordinary person with good skills, that's all. It doesn't cast endless magic like mages, and doesn't have the special spell-like abilities of other creatures. Your whole body relies on the magic weapon in your hand..."

No, it's just an ordinary peasant girl, not wearing fancy clothes or exquisite jewelry, but her "beauty" is still extremely lethal. Barrett silently stared back at the Viscount.

"Although you were lucky enough to hurt me with a little cleverness, it is still impossible for you to win this battle." The Viscount held the rune sword stuck on the ground in both hands.

"It sounds familiar to me. I remember that there was an undead who said the same thing to me. However, it was already chopped off by me, and the fire of the soul inside was quenched." Barrett faintly hit back. "That guy is a corpse. He seems to be a small leader. He likes to use a long sword with a pale green light." He took the long sword and the dead claws of the corpse out of the space ring, and said Shaking at Viscount Fried to show that what he said was true.

"Soul-sucking sword?" Freed's expression turned cold.

"This thing is called a soul-sucking sword?" Barrett glanced carefully, but didn't see anything special, "Anyway, the owner of this weapon is the corpse monster, it originally wanted to trouble you, but unfortunately It was destroyed by me 'by the way'." He then retracted the soul-sucking long sword with the dry claw back into the space ring.

"Many undead want to trouble me, it's nothing." The death knight said disdainfully, "because they will eventually become the stepping stone for me to become stronger, and the guy you killed is destined to be no exception."

"You're welcome," said Barrett. "Oh, sorry, I thought what you said was a thank you."

Through the fierce confrontation, Barrett judged that the previous ghoul was indeed not the opponent of the death knight in front of him. The dark hiding and this strange pale green long sword should not have any effect on the death knight who is also an undead. These tactics only make life difficult for a living person like Barrett.

"You think I'm talking big?" Viscount Fried stared straight at Barret with his eyes hidden under the griffon's helmet. "Ignorant guy, you have never seen my true strength." He shouted loudly.

Following his words, the ice crystals and frost mist on the ground began to surging continuously and converged towards the place where the great sword was. After two heartbeats, all the frost disappeared, and the marble floor in the church showed its original color again.

After absorbing all the frost, the runes on the greatsword light up in sequence. Immediately afterwards, Viscount Fried grabbed the hilt of the sword, pulled it out from the ground, and changed it from an inverted grip to a positive grip.

With a high roar, the death knight Fried used his hands clenching the hilt to force a point to both sides, and the next moment, something strange happened.

In front of Barrett's eyes, that great rune sword was divided into two one-handed swords covered with frost and embedded with different runes!

Ouch, **** me! Barrett's eyes widened, this move is really good! There was an undisguised surprise and envy in his eyes.

At this time, Barrett actually wanted to ask the lord in front of him, did all death knights use this trick, or was this trick actually created by Viscount Fried himself?

If it is original, can living people learn it? If I can study, do I have to pay tuition...

But unfortunately, Viscount Fried did not give him the opportunity to ask.

The death knight pointed directly at Barrit with the one-handed sword in his right hand, and the next moment, a small piece of frost condensed under Barbarian's feet. Barrett didn't know the function and effect of this piece of frost, but it was obviously not a good choice to stand on it foolishly. He leaped to the side with all his might, dodging a spiky icicle that suddenly appeared from the small piece of frost.

Immediately afterwards, the death knight swung the one-handed sword in his left hand towards him from a distance, and then another cone of frost breath spurted out to Barrett. He had no choice but to stagger and run again, wiping the edge of his breath and jumping out.

Damn, this guy has two more sharp long-range attack methods after using this magical move. The death knight, why not use these tricks as soon as they come up, but must be divided into three stages to use separately?

Barrett doesn't know why.

But now is not the time to think about that. Since the opponent's long-range means are so sharp, Barrett can only be forced to attack again. He actually wanted to take a few more breaths and rest.

After dodging another icicle thrust that nearly pierced him, Barrett took a throwing axe from the space ring and handed it to his left hand. Then, holding a sword in his right hand and an axe in his left, he flew towards the opponent and charged again.

There is no fourth stage. When Barrett rushed over, he thought in his heart, otherwise I would really be unable to bear it.


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