Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 161: Skeleton Guard Ralph

The fighting in the church continued.

There is no more meaningful battle than the dead and the living fighting each other with swords. He wants him to join, he wants him to rest in peace, just like ice and fire, cold and heat, one will always die.

A fragment of ice crystals blew out from the gap in the church door and landed on 'Relph''s helmet. He stood motionless in the doorway, like a silent statue.

Ralph is not a statue, but he is silent because he is undead, a loyal skeleton guardian.

He obeyed the order of the lord of this town, Viscount Fried, and was diligently standing guard outside the church to ensure that the battle that was taking place inside would not be disturbed by other creatures.

All kinds of roars and clanging noises were constantly heard, and there were growls and growls, but Ralph didn't care about the battle in the church at all, because he had no ears...

No, it was because he had great confidence in his lord.

Ralph believes that Viscount Fried can defeat any kind of enemy, whether those enemies are vicious robbers, gloomy adventurers, or all kinds of undead, Lord Viscount can wipe them out.

Both in life and after death, Viscount Fried was a powerful and harsh lord. Those followers who have been fortunate enough to fight with this lord, or those who have seen the lord fight, are all convinced of this.

And Ralph is one of them.

He was an ordinary patrol guard in Sheephorn Town during his lifetime, and his usual job was to repeatedly patrol the three streets near the town's main road.

This is a very important job, and it is related to the safety of all the people in Giethoorn Township, anyway, Ralph always thinks so. He's a sturdy guy, and he's quite skilled. He has dealt with three thieves with sharp weapons on his own and beat them all to the ground.

When the town was just swallowed by darkness and death, Ralph resisted the invasion of negative energy for the first time, and did not become a terrible undead like other residents.

However, this is not a happy thing, because he can't escape anyway.

With his skill and will, Ralph struggled to survive in the dark. He sometimes runs, sometimes hides, and chops up several hideous undead with the weapon in his hand. However, with the passage of time, his body became weaker and weaker, and in the end, he was still inevitably bitten by a zombie's neck.

The zombie that bit him was Rora, and Ralph knew her.

Although Ruola's iconic long golden hair was sparse and yellow at that time, her delicate face had become shrivelled, and her gentle eyes were no longer there, Ralph recognized her at first sight.

Because he had a crush on her when he was young.

Ralph often went to eat at the restaurant opposite her house after the changing of the guard, hoping to see Rola. The restaurant had a famous dish called 'Lucky Rabbit's Feet', which Ralph often ordered when he was on a budget. He hoped that he would have good luck, that Ruo La would appear in front of him more frequently, and that she would lie down in his arms.

It's a pity that Ralph still has very few opportunities to see Rola, and sometimes he may not see her when the restaurant closes. However, her figure will often appear in his dreams, in those wonderful and charming dreams...

Rora doesn't belong to Ralph in the end, she's married to Ted, the son of a businessman. Ted was not as tall or as strong as Ralph, just a little handsome. But what can handsome do? Woman, it's so stupid sometimes.

After the two got married, they also opened a grocery store in the town. They also had a lovely daughter whom they named 'Eve', which means 'beautiful and magical little life'.

Ralph, on the other hand, married Sancy, the daughter of his captain, who was two years younger than him.

Sancy is a good woman, she keeps the house in order, she also grows pumpkins and grapes around the house, and makes a lot of wine every year, because she knows that Ralph likes wine.

Her cooking skills are also very good, at least since Ralph got married, he rarely went to the restaurant full of memories to taste the dish called 'Lucky Rabbit Feet'.

However, Ralph would still dream of the blonde figure from time to time in his sleep at night. No matter how long it has passed, no matter what the situation, her face will always appear clearly in his mind.

Just like that time.

In Ralph's view, it is also a good choice to be able to die in Rola's mouth in the end. He had dreamed countless times in his sleep that she was gently arching and licking his neck like a cat. At the last moment of his life, it could be considered a reality.

There was a loud noise in the church again, and it seemed that many wooden boxes were smashed.

The sound interrupted Ralph's recollection, but it still hadn't caught his attention. Because Lord Lord's soul fire is still so fiery and vigorous at this time, which shows that he is still in control of this battle.

Ralph habitually moved his unskilled left arm and looked beside him. Blake and Ivan, who were also the skeleton guards, stood beside him, while Dean was caught by the chapel. The uninvited guest is gone.

Strangely enough, Dean didn't come back to life as usual. Although his head was knocked out by the living man, because of the protection of the barrel helmet, his skull itself was not seriously injured. According to the usual situation, it won't be long before Dean's soul fire reignites in his skull, but since his fall until now, Ralph still hasn't sensed his resurrection.

In this sealed space, death is not the end, but an ordinary reincarnation process.

Ralph had died five times, and each time he felt something was missing from the fire of his soul, but something was more. But he didn't care about it, but sometimes after waking up in the dark, he would sigh inexplicably, although he didn't need to breathe...

He died for the first time at the mouth of Rola, and a left arm was snatched by a passing ghoul. After that, he was resurrected as a one-armed zombie, and with the remaining memories of his life, he wandered around those three streets in a daze every day.

One day after a long time, his ignorant soul fire suddenly felt the call of the Lord. And it wasn't just him who was called. All the guards in the town were like him. They were inspired and gathered together.

They continued to gather from all corners of the town towards the central square, and looked at the lord they had been loyal to with the chaotic soul fire.

Not only was Viscount Fried waiting for them in the square at that time, but Sir Irion, the former chief knight of the Viscount, also rode a skeleton horse and stood quietly behind the Viscount.

When all the guards were gathered, Viscount Fried transformed them with the power of ice blue death, turning them into another form of undead - skeletons.

Because skeletons are more agile than zombies, and more capable than ghouls of overpowering the instincts inherent in the dead. They don't feel hungry, they don't have any desires, they just faithfully carry out the orders from the upper position.

Ralph vaguely remembered that the scene at that time was quite spectacular. The guards knelt together in the square, the Lord Lord rode a skeleton horse in the center of the square, and the chief knight stood behind him.

The lord pulled out the rune sword behind him, then raised it high, and used the fire of his soul to convey new orders to them.

"Once again, allegiance to me, guards of Sheephorn Town, allegiance to your lord!" Viscount Fried's surging voice kept hitting the fire of Ralph's soul, making it a little clearer.

Inspired by the voice, Ralph directly released the fire of his own soul, and let the lord imprint a touch of ice blue in the shape of a sheep's head on it.

"We are from the living to death, but we wake up from the darkness of death..." Lord Lord said a lot at the time, but Ralph didn't remember it.

He only remembered that after the Lord Lord finished speaking, the light on the rune sword in his hand was brilliant, and then Ralph felt a burst of throbbing coming from the depths of his soul fire. He wailed and fell to the ground, and found that all the undead in the square were just like him. For a while, screams were heard incessantly.

Immediately afterwards, the rotten flesh left on the undead was like fireworks shot out of a circus performance, bursting one after another, splattering minced flesh and solidified black blood everywhere, and the square was in a mess. . After that, the entire square was deadly silent, only the skeleton warhorse under the lord's crotch was gently smashing the ground with its front hooves.

The moonlight shone on this **** and filthy square, and one after another, the pale skeletons slowly stood up from the rotten flesh. When they raised their heads, the fire of the soul inside the skull changed from orange to icy blue.

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