Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 165: return

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Above the wilderness, lush vines grow recklessly. They continue to extend and expand in all directions, hoping to engulf a larger living space. Just like those intelligent creatures that once flourished.

Somewhere in this vast expanse of overgrown grass, there was a small, inconspicuous circular clearing. The open space is rather strange. Whether it is animals, plants, or even weeds with very tenacious vitality, they will rely on the instinct of life to stay away from here. This makes the circular open space barren, desolate and desolate, very different from the surrounding environment.

The noon sun is dazzling and bright, bringing a touch of warmth to the slightly cold spring.

At this time, above this strange open space, a light curtain suddenly lit up. The light curtain is like a lake swept by a light wind, with ripples. Immediately afterwards, a sturdy human in leather armor strode out of the light curtain.

The human took a long breath, relieved. The next moment, the light curtain shattered like a bubble and disappeared, leaving only the human being, standing there in a daze...

Barrett narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the familiar and unfamiliar world in front of him. The sun is like a lover's fingertips, gently caressing his face, and the intoxicating warmth hits one after another, making people relax and tired; The words are a little sincere, which makes people feel unbearable, and the feelings spread.

The sudden transition from the black and gray dead space to the colorful main material world made Barrett feel a little uncomfortable for a while. Everything around him is so full of vitality, he can clearly feel that he is like a wounded and crying child returning to his mother's arms, being accepted, tolerant and comforted by this world.

Rather than being in a sealed space, filled with incompatibility at any time.

"Hey, little Eve? I said, are you still there?" Barrett whispered.

There was no voice in his mind to respond, but he could vaguely perceive the little guy's emotions at this time.

At this time, the little ghost is observing the world in front of her through the talisman, and her emotions are filled with excitement and panic, and a little bit of anger. Because the little guy wanted to talk to him like before, but he couldn't get his voice into his mind, let alone appear directly from the talisman.

In this world full of vitality, there is not such a strong negative energy for her to use.

"Don't worry, maybe you will be able to come out one night in the future, or when the moon is full or moonless." Barrett comforted the depressed little ghost, "When there is a chance in the future, I will find a reliable person. The mage you ordered will help you ask."

The little ghost seems to be in a better mood, and seems to be yawning and trying to sleep.

"Have a good rest." After coaxing the little guy, Barrett sighed again in his heart, missing the time when he was alone in the past.

He looked around in a daze, and was stunned to find that his young and robust mount was still waiting for him by the pond not far away, which moved Barret a little.

Although this horse is disobedient and greedy, it is quite reliable at critical moments! Barrett thought so, at least it didn't choose to run away alone.

Barrett stretched his stiff body and strode toward the pond. The dragonskin boots made a rustling sound as they stepped on the emerald green grass. At this time, the little stallion, who was leisurely eating the water plants by the pond, looked up and found the existence of Barrett. The next moment, the little stallion ran towards him happily, full of surprises, and kept rubbing his face affectionately...

No, the above scenario is just Barrett's brainstorming.

In fact, after the little stallion by the pond looked up at him, he lowered his head again unresponsively, and continued to eat the water plants, as if his return was a trivial matter to it.

Barrett, who was stunned for a moment, walked to the side of his mount with a dark face. He held the head of the horse with both hands, and dragged it in front of him, making it look directly into his eyes.

"Look at me!" he commanded loudly. "Well, who am I?"

In the pure black spiritual eyes of the mount, there is an innocent expression, as if to say, 'You don't even know who you are? Come and ask me. Whoever you want is whoever you want, I don't care anyway. ’

It broke free from Barrett's palm and arched his left hand with that long horse's face, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Alas, what can I say? It didn't run away anyway, it was always waiting for itself, and that was enough. Couldn't ask for more from this disobedient guy.

Barrett was speechless and took out a few carrots from the space ring, and the young stallion showed a cheerful and joyful expression at this time, and showed his intimacy to him.


Two days later, the exhausted Barrett came to Sanye City again.

He did not rest very well along the way. Although sleeping in the wild was nothing to him, the cold energy left in his body still troubled him. And it actually rained yesterday.

The rain was not heavy, it was pattering, but it lasted for a whole day, and it didn't stop until noon today. The rain drenched Barrett thoroughly, making him feel as if he was being held in his arms by a little ghost, surrounded by bone-chilling cold from the inside out.

Fortunately, the city gate of Sanye City finally appeared in front of him at this time, which meant delicious food, a warm hot bath, a soft bed, and enough rest.

Barrett thinks he'll definitely sleep all day, if no one disturbs him and he doesn't feel hungry.

He is too tired and needs a rest, a good rest.

Barrett lined up quietly at the gate of the city holding a 'carrot'. The line was not long, and it was moving so fast that it would be his turn in a few minutes.

But the entire team entering the city suddenly stopped inexplicably. Barrett looked sideways and found a unkempt man in a sackcloth robe in front of him, constantly talking to the guards at the city gate. The man bowed slightly, with a pleasing smile under his wormwood-like hair. When he spoke, he kept pointing at the worn and patched robe on his body. It seemed that he wanted to pay less entrance tax. .

The young guard opposite him kept shaking his head, as if explaining something, but it didn't help the scene.

Finally, another guard couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed the man by the neck impatiently, and dragged him out of the team. And he stabbed it with the tail of the long spear, causing the man to run away in pain.

The team finally started to move again, and the robed man just stood not far away, refusing to leave with a face full of frustration.

When it was Barrett's turn, he normally paid a silver coin for the city tax, and was going to go to the city to find a better restaurant, eat a hard meal first, and sleep on the beautiful beauty.

But just when he had just passed the city gate and took a few steps, he was suddenly stopped by an elderly guard with white hair.

"What's the matter?" Barrett asked He put his hand on the hilt of the sword and frowned at the blocker in front of him. The days of fatigue and exhaustion made him feel a little irritable.

And his subconscious move was obviously dangerous and provocative in the eyes of the guards.

The other guards next to him surrounded him in an instant. And the archer on the city wall also pulled out the arrow and put it on the bow. It seemed that as long as he made a dangerous move, he would immediately shoot him on the spot.

For a time, the scene was a bit tense.

"Hey, don't be nervous." The white-haired guard motioned for everyone to calm down, "Relax, adventurer, I just wanted to ask you some common questions."

"why me?"

"Because, you smell like a dead man."


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