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Chapter 166: Dangerous Man (Part 1)

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Near the city gate of Sanye City, a sudden conflict is being staged. As the direct initiator of this conflict, Rupert was looking at the adventurer who was stopped by him with a smile on his face.

The other party is very tall and strong, and the tattoo on his forehead shows his Nord identity. But both the Nord himself and the mount he was holding in his hands seemed a little embarrassed and haggard.

This guy's face was pale, the beard on his jaw had not been shaved for a long time, and there was a scary scar on his throat, but it was an old wound. The leather armor on his body is not bad, I can't tell what material it is, but it is covered with many traces of battles, some of which are very new and seem to have been added not long ago.

In addition, this person's chest is always up and down from time to time, and he seems to want to cough, but he has been enduring it, which means that he has encountered one or several hard battles and may have some dark wounds on his body.

His boots were full of muddy water, and many places on his body had wet wet streaks. The mane and tail of the horse next to him were even more messy, and it seemed that he and his horse had traveled in the rain for quite some time.

The rain that had just stopped at noon was actually not that big, but it was more like a thick fog. If this guy just set off from somewhere this morning, the filament-like light rain shouldn't have made him and his mount so embarrassed.

Rupert knew that there were three roads leading to the city gate here, and one of them went through the village of 'Iller'. This village is adjacent to Mitsuba Castle, and it developed slowly after the end of the chaotic era.

Originally, a regular army of the Griffin Kingdom was stationed there, with the purpose of deterring and protecting the city and its surrounding areas. Later, the overall situation on the mainland became more and more stable, and the rule of the Griffon Kingdom gradually stabilized, so the army stationed there gradually decreased and finally disbanded, and the original area was slowly developed into a village because some infrastructure was still there. .

The village of 'Ilaier' is very close to Sanye City, and it only takes half a day to reach there by horseback. If the other party takes this road, there is a high possibility that he will stay overnight in the village because of the rain, but judging from his current state, it is obvious that the possibility of arriving from this road is low.

The other end of the road leads to the ancient city of Shengyan. Of course, the ancient city was in ruins hundreds of years ago, and there is no plan to renovate it. There are actually several towns along this road, and it takes about three or four days to reach here from the nearest village on horseback. This is quite in line with the current appearance of the other party.

Of course, there is the last road to the 'Wash City'.

On this road, it would take at least a week to reach the nearest village and town from Sanye City. Rupert once understood that in fact, hundreds of years ago, there were still some villages and towns on that road, but those villages and towns gradually moved away from their original locations, and I don't know why.

Through preliminary observations, he judged that the adventurer should have come from the second or third road, and the second road is the most likely, because there are few travelers alone on the third road, and that road Yes, most of them are caravans and motorcades that trade with Ash City.

Of course, the other party is an adventurer, and it does not rule out that he went to other places to carry out certain tasks.


At this time, Rupert crossed his hands and fingers, flat on his abdomen, and tapped his two thumbs leisurely to ease the tense atmosphere, and made himself more approachable through these small movements.

"Your horse?" He pointed to the listless mount, "I can tell he's a good boy." He smiled and said to the adventurer, trying to use small talk to make him less wary.

"This is the question you want to ask?" The adventurer frowned, the tattoos on his forehead gathered together.

His uncooperative attitude made the surrounding guards very dissatisfied, and Rupert saw Gerald take a step forward and pointed the tip of his spear on the adventurer's leather armor, warning loudly , "Hey, Nord, I suggest you'd better be honest and follow our rules. Otherwise..."

Don't be full of threats, because you don't know what the other person is really afraid of. Therefore, sometimes the unexplained pause will make the other party feel more suspicious.

It's just that Gerald didn't use it well. Rupert shook his head inwardly.

Gerald's temper was a little grumpy. Before, he used the tail of his spear to stab the poor man who wanted to enter the city but couldn't pay the city tax.

To be honest, this kind of behavior is not appropriate, but Rupert, as the garrison captain here, did not stop it. He needs someone to play such an outrageous role to deter those who want to evade taxes, smuggle contraband, or all kinds of impure purposes.

"Heh, are you talking about the rules of 'you'?" The Nord looked down at the point of the gun on his chest, then slowly raised his head to stare at Gerald, his pale face showing a gloomy look.

The other party's eyes were extremely terrifying, and in combination with his tall and sturdy body, Gerald involuntarily took a half step back.

The next moment, the grumpy guard blushed with embarrassment because of his retreat. He turned his spear angrily, wanting to use the end of the gun to hit the rebellious Nord in front of him.

Rupert saw several other guards under his command, Yaris, Bill, Bud and others, all took a step closer with guns, and cooperated automatically, which made him a little relieved.

Several archers who belonged to another city defense on the city wall also stretched their bowstrings to prevent the adventurer from suddenly surging.

"Okay, don't do this." Rupert spoke out at the last moment to prevent the escalation of the conflict. He wanted to give the other party some disgrace, but he didn't want to make things so **** or even fatal.

He made Gerald stand back and motioned for everyone to put away their weapons.

"I said, take it easy, adventurer, we don't want to do anything to you," Rupert said to the Nords, "but, you should know, that's what we do, it's our job-- Collect city entry tax, protect the city, check suspicious people who come and go..."

Rupert's eyes were fixed on the Nord's face as he uttered the word 'suspicious'. However, after hearing this word, the expression on the other party's face did not change significantly, which made him slightly disappointed.

This Nord is undoubtedly a very dangerous guy, and the evil spirit he exudes is very heavy, and the guards around him can feel it. But that's not why Rupert stopped him from going to town.

The reason why he wanted to do this was because this person had a dead man smell so strong that it condensed into substance, and it even made him faintly want to vomit.

Yes, a smell, but not with the nose. Rupert has congenital rhinitis and is insensitive to almost all smells, but that special smell needs to be experienced with perception.

He had such a talent since he was a child that he could perceive strange smells in some people. The smell is not the smell of wine, nor the smell of sweat, nor is it any smell in the traditional sense. If you have to describe it, it is the special experience of some people, or the condensed of extreme emotions, or the contact with other special creatures. , something indescribable.

Rupert didn't know he had such a talent when he was a child, because at that time he was in contact with ordinary ordinary people. Even if he could vaguely feel that a few people were different from other ordinary people occasionally, the smell on those people was very light and did not attract his attention.

Until Rupert was fourteen years old, a merchant came to the village.

The businessman was very wealthy and brought a large caravan with many bodyguards. During the more than half a month that the businessman stayed in the village, he did a lot of good deeds, which made the businessman win a good reputation among the villagers.

However, at that time Rupert was very afraid of During the time when the merchant stayed in the village, Rupert did not even dare to leave the house, because he felt that there was something in the merchant that suffocated him. A blasphemous and wicked smell too thick to dissolve.

It was not until many years later that he vaguely guessed that the smell should be the smell of the devil...

On the mainland, Chengping has been for a long time. But beneath this calm surface, Rupert could feel some kind of undercurrent surging. For more than fifty years after meeting the businessman, he kept an eye out for anything to do with the devil.

Devil-related tragedies have occurred in many human nations and city-states from time to time, and there seems to be an increasing trend over time.

But among the tragedies he had heard about, Rupert had never heard a trace of a businessman. This can't help but make Rupert's heart always have a knot that can't be solved - what has the businessman done in all these years? What else are you going to do?

He wanted to stop it, but he had no idea.


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