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Chapter 167: Dangerous man (below)

As an adult, Rupert has been a farmer for several years. He has grown corn, potatoes, and wheat, but he is best at growing tomatoes.

Tomatoes grown by Rupert's hands are sweeter and juicier than those grown by other farmers, because he has his own unique technique - adding some bone meal to the soil where the tomatoes are grown, so that the tomatoes not only grow healthy, but also And it tastes delicious.

Because of this, Rupert was affectionately called by the farmers in the village - the tomato boy...

Then he got tired of farming, so he worked as an adventurer for a while. But Rupert is not outstanding in martial arts, and almost lost his life in several adventures. In the end, he used the money he managed to save to buy off a small chief in charge of city defense, and eventually became a guard of Sanye City.

He likes this job very much. With his unique talent, Rupert has caught many outlaws such as perverts, bloodthirsty thieves, and murderers who hide their identities.

The 'Baby Murder Incident' that once occurred in Sanye City and the surrounding area and shocked the entire Griffin Kingdom - a woman who had just become a mother must be killed every Saturday, and lasted for nearly half a year. ——Finally, the important clues provided by Rupert solved the case.

Now, Rupert, who is nearly seventy years old, has life experience and experience that allows him to roughly understand a lot of basic conditions of a person only through observation, and it is relatively rare to judge directly through talent. Unless, it's those guys who are more special and have a particularly strong smell on their bodies.

For example, this one in front of you.

"You mean, I'm a suspicious person?" The Nord's face was filled with dissatisfaction, but the look in Rupert's eyes was not so gloomy.

Because a friendly smile can let people down and close, and Rupert's smile is always kind.

Coupled with his meticulously combed white hair, as well as some deliberately "habitual" little gestures from time to time, it can make people feel at ease, and even give rise to a heart of respect.

After all, kind and kind elders will always be loved by others. The Nords have a tradition of worshipping their elders and ancestors.

"Sorry, that's true, your appearance is indeed a bit suspicious." Rupert nodded generously and admitted. It is possible to be sincere on some lesser issues to obscure the more primary purpose.

There are many suspicious people passing through the city gate every day, and I will not stop them all. But why should I stop you?

Arrest is not the most important thing, not to mention the possibility of human life. Rupert wanted to get more out of a less confrontational conversation with this guy.

"You may not have looked in the mirror for a long time, to be honest, you are like this..." Rupert stopped halfway, and pointed to the Nord and his mount with the palm of his hand.

Using a single finger will look a little provocative, but using a palm with four fingers together will not make people feel disgusted.

Moreover, Rupert also hopes that through the unfinished words, let the other party find out the suspicious things in himself, so that the other party may be puzzled and frightened, and there is still a sense of luck, so that he can take the initiative. .

"So, you see, we are guards, and that's what we do. If we encounter some people who may need 'help', we will naturally make some daily procedural inquiries."

If I didn't understand clearly, I would never let someone like you easily enter the city. Rupert smiled casually.

"Just some simple inquiries?" The Nord asked blankly.

The guy's expression is not too rich, and Rupert can't get more information from it.

"Just some simple inquiries," he assured. "However, let's find a place that is not so inconvenient, and chat a few more words?" He smiled and pointed to the onlookers who gradually stopped and gathered around him. By.

"Tavern, I need something to eat." The Nords did not refuse this time. "After this, I will tell you whatever you want to ask."

"It couldn't be better." Rupert smiled, but he didn't believe it in his heart. "How about that pub?" ' in the tavern, "I want you to guarantee that the dishes in the tavern are very good and will definitely satisfy you."

The main customers of that tavern are city guards and guards like Rupert. Most of the time, there are many guards wearing weapons and armor, ready to go to work, just laid off, or just come to chat with their colleagues.

Talking there saves a lot of surprises.

The Nord nodded in agreement, and took the lead towards the tavern. Rupert followed, with Gerald and Bud at his side.

The Nord gave the mount to the doorman outside the tavern, gave the boy a whole silver coin, and told the doorman to buy more carrots and feed his horse.

Then, this weird Nord couldn't wait to enter the tavern.

Rupert was about to follow him in, when, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that the poor man in robes who couldn't pay the city tax had slipped into the city quietly through the conflict just now.

Although this person was discovered by him in time, Rupert did not make a sound to stop it. Although there was a special smell on the guy's body, the smell was very light, and it wasn't the kind that would make him disgusted and uncomfortable.


The hall of the tavern was very lively, and the guards waiting for the changing of the guard and the idle guards were talking loudly here. Next to each wine table is a weapon rack standing on the ground, which is also a unique decoration of this tavern. Otherwise, so many weapons, especially long spears, could not fit on the round wine table.

There are quite a lot of guards inside. At a glance, there are more than 20 people, and this is not counting those on the second floor.

When Rupert came in, many guards in the tavern raised their glasses to greet him, and he responded with a smile, but his attention was always on the Nord.

The Nord and the tavern owner said something, as if they were ordering. Then the guy found a wine table closest to the kitchen, sat down heavily, and coughed a few times involuntarily.

When Rupert approached, the Nord said to him in a perfunctory tone, "Sorry, I didn't order you."

"No, it's not necessary." Rupert responded with a smile and sat opposite the Nord.

From time to time, the man's eyes swept in the direction of the kitchen, with some anxious and impatient expressions on his face, which made Rupert a little puzzled.

Is this guy simply waiting for the dishes he ordered, or is he planning to escape by using the back door of the kitchen?

Rupert doesn't like surprises. He waved to Gerald beside him and said a few words in his ear. Immediately afterwards, Gerald strode out of the tavern. After a while, the grumpy guard came back and nodded to Rupert indifferently.

The problem of the back door was solved, which made him feel relieved a lot.

Rupert pondered for a while, then looked at the Nords across the table with a and said, "Actually, I just want to know..."

"No, we'll talk after I finish eating." The Nord interrupted him mercilessly.

"……Ok, no problem."

The dishes ordered by the Nords came up in no time:

Three fried goose eggs sprinkled with large red peppers, the goose eggs are fried to eight ripe, with a fork inserted, and the semi-solidified golden egg yolk flows out, which is very tempting.

Two big roasted turkey legs, sprinkled with rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper, and served with boiled baby potatoes, bell peppers, and baby tomatoes.

There are also deep fried beef patties with mushrooms, onions, black pepper, white wine, and a dab of spicy soy sauce on top.

There is also an onion soup with croutons and dry cheese, and a tall glass of rye beer.

The Nords ate hard and fast, like someone who hadn't eaten in days, leaving Rupert and everything around him behind, only the delicious food on the table in his eyes.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the dishes entered the Nord's stomach like a cloud, and then the man drank the last sip of rye beer and slammed the empty glass on the table. He let out a satisfied sigh.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask?" Rupert asked the Nord with a satisfied face, "After the question, I am going to rest in this tavern directly. If there is anything else you want to know Yes, you can come to me anytime."

Rupert looked directly into the eyes of the Nords, and he was stunned to find that this arrogant and arrogant adventurer instantly became much more approachable after eating. And the danger and gloom in this person's eyes from time to time disappeared, replaced by a kind of calm and modesty.

what's going on?


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