Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 169: good hand benevolence

It was a red-haired girl with a delicate face, her delicate jaw often raised arrogantly, and the delicate bridge of her nose had a little freckles. She always liked to wear a long pale blue dress, no, she only had that long dress, which she wore when she ran away from home.

Is her name 'Raye'? Barrett doesn't remember very well, and he rarely calls her by name. I just vaguely remember that on a cold night, her body would be warmer than the fire in the fireplace. She would sometimes lie in his arms, put her hands on his lap, and tell him stories of the devil and hell. (Refer to the Ten Days Talk)

"Hey, tell me, who is she from you?" the woman in front of her asked with bright eyes, interrupting Barrett's rambling thoughts.


"The name you called when you were unconscious."

"Oh, I don't know." He replied with an expressionless face.

The woman frowned in dissatisfaction, and stroked his forehead with a slightly cold palm, "The high fever has really subsided, why is your brain still so incapable? Could it be that the pot of thick soup you have here is really boiled? ?" She tapped Barrett on the forehead with one finger.

I just don't want to answer. Barrett pushed away the woman's arm and asked suspiciously, "Are you the healer here?"

He doesn't trust doctors.

Nord healers have also been used as witch doctors. This profession is always mysterious and likes to use all kinds of weird and disgusting things, such as toad uterus, bat saliva, virgin 'eagle hair', etc., to create Drugs of unknown effect. Some people do get better after drinking the medicine, but some people have some inexplicable problems after drinking it.

There are also healers in the Bay of Pigs, but if the word "professional" is added in front of this profession, only one can be screened out in the entire adventurer camp.

Known as 'Drunken Morin', this healer is good at treating all kinds of bites and scratches. He is skilled at cauterizing the wound with a special soldering iron, sutures the wound with a sharp steel needle and catgut, and seals the wound with a black goo of his own making to speed healing.

This man was skilled in his techniques and excellent in medicine, but he was half-drunk and half-awake for nine and a half days out of ten. No one would dare to seek treatment for a 'Drunken Morin' in this state. When the red-hot iron dangling in front of your eyes, even the most daring adventurer would break out into a cold sweat.

Therefore, most of the adventurers in the Bay of Pigs, when they are not seriously injured, prefer to find the "Keiren" in the thorn tent for dressing, or choose to use their bodies to resist, just like Barrett.

Moreover, very few adventurers were seriously injured in the Bay of Pigs, and most of them could not escape from the foggy forest alive.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" the woman said in a teasing tone, "A strange woman so beautiful came to greet you, do you think this is a little woman who has a crush on you?"

It looks like your brain has more problems than mine! Barrett ignored the other's last words, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, kind healer. Now that I've recovered, I won't stay with you too much, I have other things to do." He got up to leave, "Oh, yes Now, how much will I have to pay for this treatment?"

"Wait a minute, I'll talk about the money later." The woman put her hand on Barrett's chest, "I didn't tell you that you're cured. Although the terrifying high fever has really subsided, but you Your body is still a little weak, and your lung injury isn't getting better."

"You can't heal that kind of injury." Barrett pushed the woman's arm away again.

"Who said that, it's just some magic damage, it can't be difficult for me at all." The woman raised her chin, revealing her shiny neck, "It's just that it takes some time to heal."

Barrett looked at her arrogant expression, and in a trance, the images of the two women faintly overlapped, and then one of them shattered like a bubble, and the only remaining one looked at him like a fool.

I should have left, "Time heals everything, that's right." I really needed this, "So, for the potion of time, I'll take it on time, so don't bother you." He jumped from the bed to the floor , but as soon as he touched the ground, there was a chill under his feet.

At this moment, Barrett discovered that his leather armor, weapons, dragon leather boots and other equipment had all disappeared, and he was only wearing a close-fitting cotton shirt. He looked at his left hand again, and the space ring above was also absent.

"Where's my equipment!" Barret asked angrily while standing on the ground, "My rings, weapons, and leather armor..."

"I put it away. Wearing these bloated armors, I can't treat you well." The woman looked indifferent.

"Is this also included?" He pointed to the **** of his left hand, which should have been covered with a delicate ring.

"Yeah, I think it's pretty, and if it's so sad to lose it, I'll just put it away for you." The woman seemed to be saying a normal thing, "Don't worry, if you end up with If you don't hold on, or die, then I will give all of these things back to your relatives for you. Of course, if you don't have any relatives or friends, then these things will naturally belong to me, in exchange for yours Treatment costs." There was no embarrassment on her face.

Take the things of the dead as your own? No wonder you have so few patients here! Barrett was speechless about this, "Now, should we return these things to their true owners?"

"No hurry." The woman picked up a small curved glass bottle from the tray, which contained a dark green unknown liquid, "Drink this bottle of herbs first."

"What is this?" Barrett asked, frowning.

"Herbs, didn't I say it? Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your brain?" She wanted to put her hand on Barrett's forehead again, but he dodged it.

"You deserve it yourself?" he asked suspiciously again.

"Of course, I'm very good." The woman answered proudly, and motioned Barry Express to drink quickly with her eyes.

The herbal medicine of ordinary healers and the potions of the alchemy system of mages are not different in essence. They both extract useful substances from various materials and aggregate them together to finally achieve the desired effect.

It's just that the development of herbal medicine is very slow due to the mutual confidentiality and poor communication among the various heritage doctors. Many herbal medicines have unclear efficacy and even contain all kinds of bizarre side effects.

Potions, on the other hand, are more robust and powerful. The mages directly use magic and alchemy to extract various materials, and finally condense them into potions with remarkable effects.

"What does this thing do?" Barrett was still not at ease.

"The magic damage left in your body." The woman explained, "That kind of damage is not caused by pure ice magic, it also contains a lot of shadow energy, and is mixed with a bit of necromancy, so it's not too bad. easy to heal."

She knows quite a lot. "You seem to be no stranger to magic?"

"Of course, I'm not only a healer, but also a magic apprentice," the woman said. "If it weren't for the fact that I almost lost my life because of the failure of the promotion ceremony, I would be a member of that magic tower now!" She There was a hint of regret in his tone. UU Reading

Barrett took the potion, the liquid in the bottle did not shine with a special magical luster, which made him slightly disappointed. All potions made by mages have that luster.

"Does it really work?"

"You don't seem to be from Sanye City. No one in this city doubts my medical skills." She was quite confident in herself.

"You're going to give me those things back after I drink this?" Barrett wasn't too worried that the healer would harm him. If she really wanted to, she could do it during the time he passed out. arrive.

"I'll get it now if you drink it." The woman vowed.

The potion is slightly sweet, with a slight fragrance of apples. This woman seems to have taken special care of the taste in the formula, which is much better than those mage potions that Barrett has drunk.

Real wizards don't work on these things: the healing potion tastes like spoiled milk with onion juice added, the vitality potion is like horse urine mixed with mint and silt, and the quickness potion is like A pot of soup stewed with fishy fish head, and some sweet cheese added to it...

Barrett finished the potion and shook the bottle at the woman in front of him.

"Wait for me, don't move around, and don't have too many emotional fluctuations." The woman took the bottle and picked up the tray to leave, "After drinking this potion, rest quietly for a while, otherwise there will be many unexpected surprises. The situation happened. Someone once didn't listen to my advice, which caused, um, that's not good enough, you know what I mean." She looked between Barrett's legs, then turned and left with a smile.

When he reached the door, he turned to Barrett and said, "You must listen to the doctor's words!"

Damn, why didn't you just say it earlier!

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