Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 170: graffiti

It was cold on the ground, and Barret could only sit back on the bed, forced to wait patiently.

He didn't dare to use the happiness of the rest of his life (body) to challenge some kind of side effects that the medicine might contain. This was not a good deal, even if it was just a joke from the other party.

The middle-aged woman outside the window shouted to the young girl who was stirring the milk. She told the girl that she must stir up and down hard so that the butter could be separated from the milk.

The girl, while rubbing her two slender arms alternately, complained that she was already working too hard, and expressed that she wanted to replace the work of churning butter with milking milk.

It was a bit boring to just wait. Barritt overheard two women in the corral talking about the construction of the work, and saw a vendor who was selling strawberries and apricots on a cart shouting and drifting away, and found that A group of children with sticks in their hands scoffed past the window.

The children let out childish but harsh laughter, huddled together like sparrows, and ran away again.

The snotty little boy who ran at the end inadvertently raised his head and found Barritt, and the barbarian twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a self-kind smile to the little boy.

But the little boy didn't appreciate it. He was frightened by Barrett's head sticking out of the window, and he didn't dare to move. After several heartbeats, the little boy recovered from the shock. Immediately afterwards, he took a few breaths, his dirty little face wrinkled, and cried out with a 'wow'. And while crying, while running to the distance.

This..., our barbarian adventurer was a little embarrassed, he shyly retracted his head from the window, and turned his attention back to the house.

The facilities in the house are simple and monotonous, and there is nothing worth paying attention to. But when Barrett was bored and skimmed the children's graffiti on the wall again, the content of the graffiti caught his attention inadvertently.

Barrett got out of bed slowly, walked slowly to the wall, and observed it carefully.

The pattern on the far left of the doodle is a simple little man drawn with a charcoal. The villain has no facial features, and under the round head, is the body and limbs simply outlined with lines.

There is an arrow-like sign on the right side of the villain, pointing to the next pattern - a humanoid monster with fangs and claws on all fours. On the right side of the monster, there is another arrow pointing to a group of monsters that look similar to the previous pattern.

To the right of the pattern of this group of monsters, there are many more arrows, and each arrow points to different content. Some monsters grabbed upright villains, some threw themselves at cows that fell to the ground, and some monsters were holding poultry that could not be distinguished from chickens or ducks...

Whether it is a character, a monster, or a livestock, it is simply sketched with a few strokes. Although the painting is very rough, if you look closely, you can still feel a special expressiveness.

The monster drawn on the wall made Barrett feel a little familiar. Like what? He frowned, thinking carefully in his mind. At this time, a monster that he had just come into contact with suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ghoul! !

Barrett's eyes widened, and he involuntarily fought a cold war. He didn't know whether it was because of the coldness from the soles of his feet or because of this ridiculous answer.

No, I must be overthinking it! Barrett patted his forehead, shook his head and laughed. And threw out a vague idea in his mind.

"What are you doing?" The figure of the female doctor appeared from the door again, walking towards him with a pile of equipment in her hands.

The woman threw the pile of equipment on the bed next to Barrett, "Your belongings are all here, let's see if you have any. If you come back later, I won't admit it."

Barrett looked at his equipment the same, 'Iron Bride', petrified cowhide leather armor, dragonskin boots, bust statue, 'resting place', magic accessories from Mage Alvin...

"Where's my ring?" he said angrily.

"I thought you forgot." The woman stretched out her right hand, spreading her slender but somewhat rough fingers one by one, and the "Song of Saran" lay in her palm.

How could it be forgotten! Barrett grabbed the ring, put it on the **** of his left hand, and used his mental power to briefly check the items in the space ring, and it seemed that there was nothing missing. But in fact, he couldn't remember exactly what was in the ring.

"Don't worry, I haven't touched what's inside." The woman smiled and said, "Unless you die in the end." She added in a low voice.

Then why do you still save me? Barrett couldn't understand the woman in front of him.

No, it should be said that all the women Barrett has come into contact with, no matter how old they are, whether they are alive or not, whether they are virgins in buds, or lovely ones among the thorns, he can't understand them all.

He doesn't understand women at all.

"How much should I pay you for this treatment?" Barrett asked the healer who treated him while putting on the equipment.

"A total of one hundred and eighty gold coins." The doctor said lightly.

"What?" Barrett's leather armor was halfway through, and he stood there, "You mean eight gold coins?".

"One, one hundred, eight, ten, pieces." The woman's words were round and round, and she spit out the numbers one by one, "One hundred and eighty pieces made of gold, with the king's head on them, round, Pure money coins. Don't worry, I have seen the items in your space ring, and there are a lot of gold coins in it, enough for you to pay."

That's what I've worked so hard to earn! Barrett's eyes widened angrily, this woman must be crazy! With just a few gold coins, the 'Drunken Morin' of the Bay of Pigs can deal with the serious wounds of the adventurer's belly. Of course, it must be when he is still relatively awake and his eyes are not doubled.

"Why don't you go grab it?" Barrett shouted.

"I'm doing this." The woman said calmly.


"Shh, don't get excited, watch out for that."


In the future, I must find a reliable mage and lock this space ring, otherwise any magic apprentice can know what is inside.

"You think the price is a bit high? But it's not." The female doctor jumped and sat on the bed opposite, dangling her calf gently.

"Do you know how many days you've been in a coma?" She stretched out two fingers, "Look at my fingers, what time is it?"

Barrett was dark and didn't answer.

"You have no idea how bad you were when you were brought over by the city guards. The first time I've seen someone burn like you with a high fever, I can't even guarantee you'll wake up again. The female healer looked serious, "I suspect that you were very weak before that, because I found traces of shadow energy invading your body. Shadow, darkness, negative energy, it's called by many, in short, you should have I was surrounded by this energy, but fortunately it was not irreversible."

"But..." Barrett looked at the magic jewelry that Mage Alvin gave him.

The woman noticed his movements, "Do you think this magic jewelry can protect you?" She pointed to the magic jewelry that Alvin Mage gave to Barrett, "I have carefully studied everything on you..."

How can you take such despicable behavior for granted?

"This crudely made magic jewelry does have that effect," said the woman, "but the excessive load has exceeded the limit that this jewelry can carry, and this thing has failed."

Barrett thought about that moonless night in the town.

"Now you know, I've been taking good care of you for the past two days to bring you back from the brink of death. The herbs and magic materials used in this are worth a lot of money, just like you drank before. That kind of herbal medicine, a bottle costs fifty pieces."

It's not a magic potion at all, and it's up to you to talk nonsense if you want more or less. "What if I don't have that much money?" Barrett asked.

"It depends on whether you are alive or dead in the end." The woman said nonchalantly, "If you are alive, then trouble yourself, go to the Adventurer's Guild to sign a contract, and the rewards you get from your subsequent missions will go directly to me. , until the debt is paid; if it is dead, it is much easier, I will stick the crow's feather outside the door, and the next day, the corpse will come to the door and buy your body. You You know, there are corpses in every city, don't ask them what they are buying corpses for, that's the rule."

"Oh, that's right." The woman continued to add, "Before I do, I'll see what else is more valuable on you. For example, teeth, a tooth that looks good can also sell for some money, after all Those aged aristocrats will need dentures one day, and..."

"Looks like you'll always get back what you put in, no matter if the patient you're treating is alive or dead," Barrett said sarcastically.

"Yes, sometimes the dead are even more valuable than the living, and you belong to this category." The woman was not embarrassed by Barrett's sarcasm, "After all, you are not from Sanye City, if you die, you It is very likely that all these things will belong to me. However, I still work very hard to save you, the so-called 'healer's kindness', I think it should be like me." The woman's face was full of self-affirmation and pride.

Barrett wanted to refute but suddenly didn't know what to say. For this woman's inexplicable composure (or, perhaps, being cheeky), the bargaining power he was proud of was so insignificant.

Forget it, 180 gold for a life is still a good deal. Barrett comforted himself, and obediently offered a large bag of heavy gold coins from the space ring.

The woman took the gold coin, her eyes narrowed with a smile, "Okay, the after-effects of herbal medicine should have passed. If you have any discomfort in the future, you are welcome to come to me again. If you don't know the way, just find someone casually. You can easily find this place by inquiring about the doctor named 'Theresa'."

"I won't..., I'll talk about it later." Barritt didn't want to refuse too much. It's not a bad thing for people who do their business to know a doctor, although the treatment cost of this guy is so expensive that people can't wait to die.

After packing up the equipment, just as Barrett got up and was about to leave, he accidentally saw the graffiti on the wall out of the corner of his eye. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart for some reason.

"Who drew these patterns?" Barrett asked.

"This? The grandson of 'Simon' came to see a doctor some time ago." The woman said with some dissatisfaction, "The boy was deeply influenced by the eccentric old man from Simon, and it is really impolite to paint these inexplicable patterns everywhere. ."

"Odd old man?"

"Well, that old man always says something incomprehensible to others, and he's not generous when he pays." The woman pouted, "Last time Simon sent his grandson over, Repeatedly nagging me an inexplicable thing."

"What did he say?"

"Let me think about it." The woman weighed the gold coins and recalled, "He said, 'No matter how long the time passes, the royal capital next to Deathstroke Town cannot escape its destiny'."


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