Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 172: Wine Tasting Talk

There are no windows inside the tower, and soft light leaks from the surrounding walls. The roof of the room is depicted with a traditional magic seven-pointed star, and around the seven-pointed star, there are many flickering magic symbols.

A huge specimen of feathered snake occupied the entire wall opposite the wine cabinet. A light blue hourglass was held in the mouth of the feathered snake, and the shiny sand grains kept flowing from the upper half of the hourglass to the bottom. But no matter how long it has passed, the sand grains on the bottom have not increased, and the sand grains on the top have not decreased.

With the blazing 'red dragon's wrath', the barbarian slowly told the whole thing to Mage Alvin.

To be honest, this spirit is not a good choice for storytelling. Because each time Barrett finished speaking, he would habitually raise his glass and take a sip, hoping to moisten his thirsty mouth and throat.

But this kind of delicious wine was not reluctant. It roared and raged in the barbarian's mouth, impacting his sanity, leaving his brain blank and dizzy, and it took a long time to recover.

"It seems that you, like me, don't like this kind of **** thing." The mage grinned, his throat spasmed, as if he had swallowed a sharp blade, "Oh, damn, I almost shouted 'Magic is on' ' Well! Seriously, let's change something else." He got up and walked towards the wine cabinet again, "Gereth is not here, I can't remember what each of these bottles contains."

Mage Alvin rested his chin in one hand, frowned and thought hard, "I remember someone gave me a bottle of wine, which was made with deep-sea squid ink, black dragon blood, and shapeshifters at the beginning of its brewing. The brain fluid. I actually always wanted to find someone to accompany me to taste this bottle of wine, but I couldn't find anyone at all. Grace refused, Merry refused, and sisters Erin and Aina also refused, and Not to mention my colleagues, they are all boring guys. However, I can't tell which bottle is the right one. To be honest, most of the 'wine' here is really good. A little afraid to drink."

Then you found me? Barrett was speechless, "Actually, I have some white beer from Vanilla City here, which tastes very good." He suggested.

"Forget it, let's choose these bottles." The mage ignored the barbarian's suggestion naturally, and reached out to hold the wine cabinet.

The next moment, bottles of strange liquids were moved by the mage to the hexagonal tea table next to Barrett, "Drink these first, if it's not enough, there's still a lot here."

After seeing the horrified face on Barritt's face, Mage Alvin added, "Don't worry, we only drink a little of each bottle. Life is like this, no matter how it tastes, you always have to taste it."

The 'Red Dragon's Fury' was replaced, followed by a navy-blue liquid that smelled of grass ruminated by herbivores. The liquid smells bad, but it has a minty and barley aroma when drank. With this liquid that can still be swallowed, Barrett continued his adventure story.

As he spoke, he tried his best to recall, speaking very slowly, and carefully describing many insignificant details. And Mage Alvin did not urge him, but sipped the navy blue liquid with a slightly serious expression.

When Barrett said that he accidentally met a ghoul leader and killed him by trickery, Mage Alvin interjected and asked, "You mean, you looted everything from that ghoul. ?"

"Yes." Barrett nodded, "Anything that might contain clues, because I don't think it's an ordinary ghoul."

He told the mage what he had guessed and what the corpse leader had said before he died, and took out the light armor that he had cut open from the space ring, the pale green one-handed sword that only the dead could use, and a To the cross star-shaped earrings, the silver badge of an unknown family, and a magic scroll of unknown purpose, all of which were presented to the mage.

Perhaps with these clues, the mages could prevent certain disasters from happening, Barrett thought.

Mage Alvin first picked up the silver badge and looked at it carefully, "You guessed it right." The Mage said, "The ghoul was indeed a drow when he was alive, and it seems to belong to a certain drow. The big family of Er elves. According to your description of its strength and combat, that ghoul should have been a master of martial arts. As a male drow, this is a very high position, maybe when it was alive , and had an affair with the mistress of their family." The mage winked at Barrett.

He picked up the unexplained magic scroll again, and his leisurely expression instantly turned a little cold, "Hmph, haven't those scumbags who only hide in the dark give up." The mage opened his mouth and cursed without grace, " If it weren't for..." He was about to say something, but after looking at Barrett, he suddenly stopped, "It's better not to tell you this."

Then Mage Alvin picked up the broken light armor again, carefully looked at the pattern on it, and briefly glanced at the long sword and cross star earrings.

"It's good for you to keep this for yourself to please a lover." Mage Alvin threw the earring to Barrett. "Leave the rest to me. Don't worry, I will compensate you."

He put away the rest, opened another bottle of the viscous pitch-black dark liquid, and reached for two glasses, pouring half a glass for himself and Barrett.

"Well! This taste is better than expected!" The mage said with bright eyes, "I remember, this is 'Lonely Heart', this wine was brewed with a lot of Void Flowers added, so that it appeared The form on the main material plane will be extraordinarily condensed and thick. This wine can enhance the affinity of plane creatures like you and me to the void. If you plan to venture into the void in the future, I suggest you drink more. "

He raised his glass to the barbarian.

There is no such opportunity in the near future. I have never even traveled to 1% of this continent, let alone the other plane and the void, Barret thought so, and took a sip of the glass that seemed to be in it. A deep black liquid that **** light into it...

When Barbarian talked about the moonless night, Mage Alvin showed an inexplicable smile on his face, but he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't ask Barbarian to show him the 'Eternal Sleeping Land' for him to appreciate. Barrett breathed a sigh of relief.

The 'Land of Eternal Sleep' is associated with the [Quest Log], and there are many details in it that cannot be explained.

And when Barrett recounted the battle with Viscount Fried and took out the Lich's Phage, the mage's expression became serious again, "That guy Fried is different from other high-level undead. Too much, we've actually been paying attention to it for a long time and tried to communicate with it several times, but Fried was always avoiding us."

The mage played with the Lich's phylactery in his hand, "Actually, the association can easily find this guy Fried. After all, the entire enclosed space is so big, and he will not escape into the dark realm. But because of Sheephorn Town. The encounter..., you know, the Magic Association is ashamed in this matter, so it doesn't want to force it again. But Fried was lucky enough to kill the lich who created and enslaved it, UU reading www.uukanshu .com has a lot to do with our mages and with Ramsden."

"Ramsden? Who is that?"

"An abomination, the same abomination as Gordo. It was Ramsden, the abomination, who fought against the lich from the dark realm and badly wounded the lich before Fried was killed. When it is created, there is a chance to break free." Mage Alvin explained.

Then the mage unscrewed another bottle of dark red 'fine wine', and this bottle of 'good wine' was soaked in the heart of an unknown creature that was still beating. The dark red liquid in the bottle rolled up and down with the contraction of the heart, and it looked a little scary.

The mage took two wine glasses again, and poured a small amount of this blood-like wine on Barrett. "Is there anything else you want to say?" he asked.

Barrett looked at the wine in the glass, hesitated, and then told what he saw and heard from the doctor. This thing sounds a bit absurd, but if he doesn't tell it, he always feels a little uneasy in his heart.

After Mage Alvin listened, he drank the 'blood' from the cup like a vampire, and after pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and asked Barret, "Do you know that Sanyecheng used to be the king of a certain human country? All?"

"The Kingdom of Tommy, I heard about it before I came," Barrett replied.

"Then do you know the founding queen of this kingdom and the religion she believes in?" the mage asked again.

"Religion? I've never heard of this." Barbarian shook his head

"How do you say this whole thing? Actually, it has been buried since the Kingdom of Tomyri was destroyed." The Master sighed, "Forget it, these messy things are not what you should know now. At this time , let us figure out how we should pay you."

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