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Chapter 173: Reorganize and prepare for war

Barrett stayed in Clover for about a week.

During this period, he not only completely recovered his body, but also repaired the relatively broken protective gear on his body, and identified and familiarized himself with the newly acquired equipment.

In terms of armor, the scarred leather armor was sent to a tailor shop by Barrett for repair. Fortunately, he still had a large enough scaly petrified cowhide before, otherwise, this set of fine leather armor that has protected him countless times can only be repaired with calfskin. That will not only reduce the defense of the leather armor a lot, but also the appearance of the repair will be nondescript.

In addition, Barrett also bought a good kite-shaped shield, the Black Knight Shield, at a large price from an armor shop called "Go Forward".

[Black Knight Shield (Imitation): The main body of the shield is made of oak wood core that is more than 100 years old. In addition to the main body of the shield, there is a shiny steel shield edge and an alloy shield surface mixed with a trace of magic iron. The overall shape and pattern of the shield was imitated from the standard shield used by a human expeditionary army called the 'Black Knight' before the Magic Empire. This shield is better defensively than the original, just doesn't have the same fire resistance as the original. 】

[Note: Hey, brother, are you spreading fire? 】

During the adventure outside the foggy forest, Barrett could feel that the small round shield he had equipped before was a little insufficient.

Within the forest, there are many trees, vines, and bushes everywhere. In combat, mobility is usually more important than anything else, so gear that doesn't reduce mobility is the first choice. But outside the forest, there are many open terrains, and a strong shield that can protect half of the body is still very much needed.

As for the weapon, the 'Iron Bride' with a slightly cracked edge has also been re-polished and carefully maintained, so that this strong girl who has accompanied Barry for many years, once again burst into a dazzling smile.

Moreover, after taking away the harvest of Barret, Mage Alvin did not treat him badly, but compensated our barbarian with a very special one-handed axe - Engil's resonance battle axe.

[Engil's resonating battle axe: Engil Cold Iron was once a very famous warrior of the dwarves. His one-handed axe is very skilled and excellent, and he can often hold an axe and a shield by himself, and slaughter the Quartet in the underground Dreadclaw group.

However, in a fierce battle in which the hordes of dreadclaws invaded, Engil had to throw out his favorite weapon in order to save his comrade-in-arms. Although the axe hit the monster that was pounced on his comrade with precision and saved the nearly dead comrade, Engil himself was also attacked by other dreadclaws and was seriously injured.

Engil, who had recovered from his injuries, was not as healthy as before and could no longer return to the battlefield. After this, Engil Cold Iron changed his career to a blacksmith. Combining what he had encountered in battle, he tried to create a one-handed axe that could fly back automatically after being thrown. After trying various methods, Engil finally used the power of magic to forge the weapon. 】

[Additional attribute: throwing recall. The battle axe is equipped with a bronze ring. When the battle axe is thrown out, the power of the bronze ring can be used to recall the battle axe back to one's hand. Recall range: one kilometer. Note that the recalled weapon is just as dangerous as when it was thrown out. The second owner of the weapon had **** cut off by the flying weapon due to a momentary negligence; and its third owner was killed by the The weapon chopped off three fingers. 】

[Note: This weapon is also known as the 'finger terminator', and now, it's your turn. 】

As for accessories, Barrett put the 'Eternal Sleeping Land' on a rope and wore it around his neck, while the bust was still in his leather-lined pocket. On his left **** is the space ring 'Song of Saran', and on his right hand is a bronze ring matching the 'Engil's Resonating Battle Axe', as well as the bone ring given to him by Hate Gordo.

[Dragon Bone Ring: A ring made from the tailbone of the last section of the rainbow dragon's tail. 】

[Rainbow dragon can be called the most powerful dragon in the color dragon system. Their most notable talent is their remarkable resistance to magical energy such as ice, acid, electricity, and fire. In its infancy, the halo colors on the scales of rainbow dragons span the entire color spectrum. With the growth of time, their scales will gradually increase, and the color will become more and more gorgeous, and their resistance to magic will also increase with age. immunity.

However, such powerful dragons are not immune to necromantic spells, and sonic spells can inflict more serious damage on them. The Magic Empire once slaughtered this dragon due to its powerful magical resistance. Now, the rainbow dragon is basically invisible on the main material plane, and the remaining rainbow dragon hides in other planes. 】

[Additional attributes: 1. When worn, the resistance to all magical energy of necromancy and sound waves is +10%.

2. Sound wave spells will cause an additional 30% damage. 】

[Note: Sometimes, your most outstanding field will bring you the most terrifying disaster. 】

In addition to these things on the equipment, Alvin Mage also fulfilled one of his wishes because Barrett successfully brought out the Lich's Phrax.

For the mage, this wish is completely insignificant, but for Barrett, it solves a big problem that he is quite troubled by. This wish is - a free ultra-long-distance teleportation.


Barrett, who was packed up and in full condition, got on the unruly pony again, left Sanye City, and continued his adventure.

The destination of his trip is 'Angosa', also known as 'Eye of the Giant'. It's a remote and unknown little village hidden in the middle of the lake, but it's also a treasure burial site.

Barrett remembered his pact with the dwarf mage Theodore Shining-Gold—to accompany the little mage to occupy an ownerless mage tower. This adventure may sound scary at first, like an unreliable fire pit, but the gnome mage Theodore Shiningjin has been preparing for it for decades. His confident state could not help but affect Barrett.

What's more, even if this is a fire pit, it was the man who jumped in after being tempted by the word "treasure" himself, and he had to rely on others.

After several days of riding, Barret finally arrived at the "Giant Lake" before the time agreed with the little mage - June 4, 687 in the new magical calendar.

The barbarian sat on a basswood boat that was enthusiastic about the villagers, and set foot on this simple and small village again.

When Barrett arrived in the village, the dwarf mage Theodore Shinkin was in a clearing, teaching the village children to write Common language with charcoal and wooden boards, and when he saw his A slight smile appeared on the mage's serious face.

"You're finally here, big man." He took out some almond nougat from his space ring and distributed it to the group of children around him who were about the same size as him, "Let's play, you guys. It would be great if the love of learning could be like candy." He shook his head.

The dark-skinned children in the village, holding candy in their hands, dispersed happily. A little girl with braided horns accidentally fell somersault while running, and the candy in her hand fell to the ground, covered with dust and sand.

After the little girl got up and cried, a little boy next to him walked over, gave his candy to the little girl, picked up the dirty candy on the ground, patted the dust on it with his little hand, and gave the little girl his candy. smiled.

The two children left holding hands.

"I thought you wouldn't come back because you were afraid." The dwarf mage walked towards the barbarian, holding the staff. "It seems that you have a good grasp of your time. In three more days, it will be time for the treasure to open."

"Scared? You underestimate the appeal of the word 'treasure' to adventurers." Barrett smiled, "I'm just afraid that the magic tower you're looking for will be empty, nothing. So much so that we can have fun.”

"Hmph, there will be nothing in a magic tower of a powerful mage who is about to become a legend? You are indeed a Nord who knows nothing about magic." The little mage touched his beard and said, "The items inside must be It's so rich that you can't imagine it, but it has to be distributed according to our previous agreement."

"That couldn't be better." Barrett nodded.

"Oh, yes, in addition to you and me on this adventure, we have another companion," said the gnome mage, "a very good companion."


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