Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 174: 3rd partner

In the center of the lake village is a small square, on which stands a totem pole carved from a whole linden tree.

The totem pole is divided into seven layers, and each layer is engraved with a pair of bizarrely carved beast-shaped totems. These totems are, from bottom to top, giant tortoise, wild deer, wolf, violent bear, lake trout, falcon, and, one-eyed. giant.

At this moment, around the totem pole, many villagers of Huzhong Village are sitting around. Most of them are female villagers, interspersed with some young boys who are not too old. After all, at this time, most men are busy outside rowing boats.

And in the center of the crowd was a young bard with a three-cornered hat with bright feathers on his head, a brown cloak covered in floral patterns, and a lyre in his hand.

The bard leaned against the totem pole, playing beautiful music with the lyre in his hand, and singing intoxicating songs with the slightly sad tune.

The young bard had a handsome face, a soft smile on the corner of his mouth, and a macaw that was nearly a meter long on his shoulders. Along with the music, his eyes are sometimes lowered, melancholy and melancholy; sometimes they are raised, conveying his sadness to the listeners around him with his eyes.

Whenever the girls and women in the village looked at him, their faces showed excitement and shyness. They put down the fishing nets woven in their hands and forgot the clothes they were mending. Everyone stared at him fascinatedly, wandering in his songs like a boat.


At this time, outside the crowd, there were two figures with great contrast, one tall and one short.

"You mean that this bard is our third companion?" Barrett asked suspiciously, frowning.

"Yes, that's him." The little mage beside the barbarian said with certainty, "His name is Felix, and he's a very good bard. You didn't see those villagers, you couldn't help being intoxicated by him. In fact, Felix is ​​very famous in the whole of Sanye City and its surrounding area. When I stayed in Sanye City, I heard him play at 'Conquest Square'. That There are thousands of audiences around him every time. Elegant ladies and young girls will fight for a position closest to him, but if Felix shows a little bit of unhappiness If he doesn't show his expression, they will stop arguing obediently and look at him with a heartbroken look."

Che, bard, that's all, he likes to win the hearts of women with his pretty face and his rhetoric. Barrett thought angrily in his heart.

"Why did you let a bard join in?" Barbarian said with some disdain. "How does he fight? Does he use his songs to influence monsters? Do those construct golems in the magic tower also understand music?"

"No, in fact Felix doesn't know how to fight. Maybe a goblin with a branch will chase him." Theodore Flash adjusted the pointed mage hat on his head, "But Felix He does have his own unique role. For example, to record our great adventure and sing it into a ballad to let more people know about it. That's his role in our small team."

"Record? Sing? Why do you need this?" Barrett wondered. Why is there a need for someone with a quill pen to keep recording during the battle? Doesn't that seem absurd?

"Cough, it's like this." The little mage actually showed a slightly embarrassed expression, "Didn't you tell me before, my name is destined to spread on this continent and be familiar to everyone. Wait for you to leave. After thinking about it carefully, I feel that what you said really makes sense..."

There's a bullshit, I just want more benefits.

"So, I want to speed up this matter - this matter that I am familiar with by everyone - a little bit. So, Felix is ​​the role." The gnome mage said seriously, "And, you You know, this adventure is very important to me! Only when I have complete control of the magic tower can I carry out other follow-up plans. Therefore, this adventure is controlled by me - Theodore Shining Gold - The master of magic, the first step in his rise, needs to be carefully recorded. I think that if Felix can experience it himself, it must be more intuitive than what I will repeat to him later, which will help him create better song."

Are you **** kidding me? Barrett looked at the gnome mage blankly. You also know that this adventure is very important, so why don't you bring an oil bottle? If there is any danger, I have to protect not only you, the great mage who will get tired if you cast a spell on it, but also the bard who can only play handsome but useless, and the big one on his shoulder. Parrot?

"Hey, big man, why don't you talk?" The master who controlled magic looked up at Barrett, and after discovering the latter's dissatisfaction, he comforted, "Don't worry, this journey won't be very dangerous. Big, I have full confidence in this, maybe after we enter the Mage Tower, as long as we report my name, the entire Mage Tower will be directly owned by I hope, Barrett I don't know what to say.

"Also, you will definitely be mentioned in Felix's songs. Think about it, how attractive it is that your name can be sung in various taverns."

Do not care……

After the minstrel finished playing, the square was quiet, and the surrounding audience was still immersed in the beautiful music and could not extricate themselves. It took three heartbeats for the audience to react, standing up and applauding the bard excitedly.

And our bard was accustomed to this, and saw him bow deeply and gracefully, and walked in the direction of Barrett step by step, over the women who wanted to pounce but didn't dare.

"Hello, brave Nord." There was a melancholy smile on the bard's face, "You must be the adventurer named 'Barritt' that Master Theodore said. From your strong appearance, you must be a very strong and trustworthy companion,"

The bard's melancholy smile made Barrit feel a little sick, and his compliment made the barbarian uncomfortable.

At this moment, the big parrot standing on the shoulders of the bard Felix suddenly spoke. "Put away your nauseating smile." Parrot's common language speaks eloquently, "I've told you many times that this kind of smile can only be used by women."

"Oh, I'm sorry." The smile on the bard's face disappeared, replaced by a silly, a little dull look, "My name is Felix, this is my partner..."

"My name is Phyllis." After the parrot interrupted the bard, he introduced himself politely, and Barrett nodded slightly, "I've heard of your name, Barrett."


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