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Chapter 175: 1 maverick parrot

"Are you sure the so-called big name you've heard is me, not someone with the same name as me?" Barrett asked curiously. In fact, there are not many Nords who call him this name, but this is the Griffin Kingdom, and there are not too many Nords.

"Barrett Mungo, maybe someone has the same name as you, but if you add your surname and appearance, only a stupid ogre will mistake you." The blue and yellow macaw flew up , fell on the bard's head, and raised his neck gracefully so that he could barely look at Barrett, "Actually, my memory is better than most humans."

Appearance? "Have you seen me?" Barrett looked at the macaw, its sharp claws clasped lightly on the bard's head, scratching the bard's hair and causing the bard to shrank in a bit embarrassed neck.

"Yes, in an adventurer's camp called the Bay of Pigs." The parrot's eyes shone with wisdom, almost like a human being, "I went to the Bay of Pigs five years and six months ago, there It's a dirty and messy place. You're famous there, and I remember the first time I saw you, you were pressing an adventurer's head into a hot bowl of pork chop soup, the reason was that The sound of the adventurer drinking the soup was a bit loud, and it affected you. To be honest, I was very impressed by the sullen look on your face at that time."

"Cough, that's all in the past." Barret's face was slightly red. If it wasn't because I did too much at that time, it wouldn't have caused most of the Bay of Pigs to hate me later, "Don't worry, I've changed now." Just after the throat was attacked by Caesar and mortally wounded...

At this time, several young girls who came down from the totem pole in the distance interrupted the conversation of Barrett and others. They huddled around each other and approached the bard cautiously, with expressions of tension and excitement on their faces, and their smooth skin exposed like polished black jade.

Bard Felix had that disgusting melancholy smile on his face again. With a parrot on his head, he stroked the blond hair that was somewhat scattered in front of his forehead, and smiled at the approach of those admirers.

The girls' blushing faces were like grapes full of crystals. They stopped two steps away from the bard. After hesitating for a long time, they rushed up and offered them to the bard. the gifts in their hands.

Chic fishbone pendants, large mussel shells polished and engraved with figures, finely threaded shellfish, garlands of crab claw orchids and daffodil flowers, and a letter written in crooked handwriting on a wooden board letter:

"Dear Mr Felix:

You are the most talented bard Marcy has ever seen, and Marcy sleeps every day..."

The girl who delivered the letter blocked the wooden board with her hand, and glared at Barrett who was peeking, making the latter's expression a little embarrassed.

"Cough cough." The barbarian coughed awkwardly, turned his head and chatted with the dwarf mage without a word, "Well, the weather is good today."

"It's inexplicable, it's cloudy today!"

"...So what, I like cloudy days."

The bard politely accepted the gifts from the girls, and even hugged everyone, making the girls extremely excited.

The other women by the totem pole also jumped to come over after seeing the actions of the girls, and then Barrett suggested that they go to the lake to talk, so that fewer people would be disturbed.


On the lake of Giant Lake, layers of scales and waves rose with the wind, and three people and one bird walked slowly on the edge of the lake with slightly low tide.

"See, the half plane where the magic tower of Mage Keen is located is getting closer and closer." The dwarf mage Theodore Shinkin pointed to the mud that appeared by the lake due to the low tide, and a The little crab crawling on the mud said excitedly, "That's why the tide will ebb on this side of the village, and the other side will be flooded by the lake a little." (The phenomenon here does not consider the revolution or anything. )

"You mean that the retreat of the lake here is the result of the proximity of the demi-planes?" Barrett frowned, rubbing his smooth chin while thinking hard to the point.

"What do you think?" The dwarf mage looked at the barbarians with contempt. "Although the lake of Giant Lake is wide, it is still far from the level that can produce obvious tides."

"Oh, so it is." Barbarian said perfunctorily. In fact, he didn't understand at all, and he didn't care about this situation at all. He was going to change the topic that he could understand.

"Sorry, allow me to take the liberty of asking a question." Barret asked the parrot, "Are you a parrot who can speak and has good intelligence, or is it a druid of the elves with the ability to transform? I Remember that a powerful druid can even transform into a dragon, and it must not be difficult to become a parrot."

"If a druid wants to become a dragon, he must first obtain the approval of the corresponding dragon god. For example, if he wants to become a multicolored dragon, Tiamat must approve it; If you are a metal dragon, you have to agree with Bahamut's smile. As far as I know, Druids who have obtained such qualifications are extremely rare." This parrot is quite knowledgeable.

The gnome mage added, "Comparatively speaking, it is much easier for druids to obtain the approval of natural demigods, so most of them will become bears, leopards, or eagles or something."

And parrots?

"As for me..." The parrot's tone became more serious.

"Actually, it's just me performing ventriloquism." The bard Felix raised his head proudly, interrupted the parrot's words on his head, and made it flap his wings twice before he regained his footing.

"I don't have to speak, I can only make sounds through my belly," the bard said, "and Phyllis is actually my prop, and you think she said those words, but they were all from me. here."

"Ventriloquism? Are you serious?" Barrett was surprised again. The source of the sound his keen perception observed was indeed the giant macaw, not the young bard under the parrot's head.

"Don't believe me? Then I'll show you one!" The young man stood motionless, with a silly smile on his handsome face.

Barrett also stopped to look at Felix. After a long while, he finally couldn't help, "Well, has your performance started?"

The young man nodded, and Barrett looked again at the parrot on his head. The parrot named 'Phyllis' turned her head to look at the sky in embarrassment, her wise eyes showing helplessness.

"Oh, forget it, don't worry about him, there's something wrong with his brain," the parrot said, "Since we're going to take risks together in the future, let me introduce myself solemnly." The expression on the young man's face matched the expression on his face. got serious.

"I was originally a magic pet, and the original owner was 'Rosalyn', a third-level mage. She is not affiliated with the Magic Association, but a member of a loose mage organization called 'Magic Tides'. "The parrot's eyes showed nostalgia." Rosalyn found me in a jungle in the southern part of the Griffin Kingdom. I still remember that she put a berry in her hand and asked me softly~www.wuxiaspot .com~ If you eat it, you will become my familiar!', I didn't know Common Language at the time, so I swallowed the berries of course. After that, she shared it with me in a magical ritual She took the soul fragment and made me her familiar. My master has taught me a lot, maybe because I am a parrot, so my common language is not bad, and Elvish can also be proficient... …”

"My master died at the age of two hundred and four, because the magical ritual of being promoted to a middle-level mage failed, which severely traumatized her soul. Although we have been together for more than a hundred years, but I still feel that time is fleeting, maybe birds have a different concept of time than humans." The parrot sighed.

"After this, I followed a lot of masters, and one of them was a pirate. The pirate liked to call me 'Eight Rials', you know, it's not a good name, I didn't like it at all, so I secretly I ran out of the cage and followed a group of merchant ships back to land. After that, I changed master after master, and every time I regained my freedom, I found myself a new master, and so did this guy under my feet. That's how I found it."

"Why do you have to find yourself a master?" Barrett asked.

"Because, wisdom comes at a price." The parrot sighed softly again, "Do you think I will let a male parrot who doesn't understand anything ride on me and lay a bunch of eggs? No? , just thinking about it makes me shudder. And a parrot wants to live in the human world, after all, it needs a master."

The parrot Phyllis stroked the feathers on its wings with its sharp beak, and at this time it really looked like a bird.

"Hey, look, how's my ventriloquism going?" the young bard asked with raised eyebrows.


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