Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 176: Entering the Magic Tower

Three days later, Barrett and the others came to the south of the lake village 'Angsa' again.

Because of the low tide, a mudflat appeared here. Women and children in some villages would pick up the stranded clams, freshwater clams, big river mussels, small lake shrimps, and all kinds of unnamed clams in the mud and shallow depressions. name of fish.

These various kinds of fresh lakes are not uncommon for the villagers in Angusa, they just regard it as a kind of fun, one of the few fun.

In early summer, under the sunlight, the muddy mud emits a slightly fishy smell. With small baskets woven from reeds in their hands, the children stepped on the silt with their bare feet, widening their eyes to find the "treasures" buried in the silt.

The calluses on the soles of the feet can avoid the danger of being scratched by the edge of the clam shell, and the slippery mud squeezed between the toes of the small feet, making a "gurgling" sound.

A little boy dug out a big river mussel from the mud with his 'hum hum hum', but because of the force, he sat on the mud with his buttocks, the mud splashed, and the sweet laughter followed.

"Hey, little ones, get out of here and play elsewhere." The gnome mage who came from a distance shouted to the villagers in the mud, "Every kid who leaves can get a bunch of candy from me. Wipe your hands clean, I don't mind getting the candy dirty. As for women, go to Felix and get a warm hug, or a kiss, whatever you want, if your husbands don't mind."

"Haha, you have a better sense of humor than I thought." Barrett stood next to the gnome mage and praised him with a smile.

"Sense of humour?" Theodore Shining Gold raised his head suspiciously. "No, I'm not joking, I'm just stating a fact. Isn't this what we discussed before?"

"Agreed? Oh, I remember! I thought all that you said was just a joke." Barrett chased away a dragonfly that had landed on his short hair.

"I never joke." The little mage said solemnly.

"...Well, you're busy with your own business, don't pay attention to me."

When the children heard the shouts, they all ran over happily. There were also a few little ones who emptied the entire basket without any hesitation because they disliked the "treasure" in their hands being too heavy, and ran with the empty basket.

Compared with sweet candies, those lake freshness are worthless in their eyes.

It's a pity that the river clams and freshwater clams are still delicious. Simply stir-fry them with salt, ginger, small red peppers and peppers, and it is a very delicious dish. Barrett shook his head as he looked at the reborn shellfish.

It's just that the oil is relatively rare in the village, so the villagers use boiled and barbecued ingredients more often.

The river clams and freshwater clams simply boiled with water and salt are also very good, but the river mussels cannot be eaten like this. The meat of the mussel is too tough, and the bite is like tanned calfskin, which the barbarians don't like.

The children crowded around the dwarf wizards who were about their size, begging for candy. And the women crowded around the bard Felix, begging for "candy."

Barrett looked enviously at the young man surrounded by the opposite sex, his soft golden hair fluttered in the wind, a warm smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and a hint of distressing melancholy in his dark blue eyes.

A young and handsome fool that women of every age will love. Some of the older women even held the back of Felix's head with their hands and kissed them forcefully, making Barrett grin.

This barbarian somewhat admires this young bard, no matter how old the other party is, whether he is beautiful or not, he can treat him equally, without a trace of disgust.

Phyllis the parrot flew out of the crowd and landed on Barrett's shoulders, "Alas, ignorant women. If I were human, I wouldn't like this guy Felix."

"Why?" Barrett asked, expecting an answer from the parrot.

It seems that there are still "people" who know how to appreciate the true charm of men! The barbarian picked beauty and straightened his broad chest.

"Because he's empty here." The parrot tapped Barrett's head with his wings, "there's nothing in it except those songs and ballads. It's better to let this young man think about complicated things than to kill him. It's all difficult."

"...Oh." The barbarian responded in disappointment. Alas, when will people really realize that face and IQ are really not important to men.

"You like smart men?" he asked bored.

"It would be better if I knew magic," said the parrot. "I am a familiar after all."

"Like Master Theodore?"

"No, he's too old, it's better to be younger." The parrot raised his long tail feathers excitedly, "Smart, magical, younger, handsome or not, it doesn't matter, because my aesthetics and human beings Different. But it must be intellectual, the kind that can discuss some more esoteric issues. It is better to be stronger, because I am a magic pet, after all, I have to obey the master's orders."

Barrett turned his head away, not wanting to deal with this weird parrot with some hair.

After the villagers were sent away, there were many dirty little handprints on Theodore Shining Gold's robe, and Felix's lips were a little red and swollen from the kiss.

"Phyllis, Phyllis, how am I doing?" the young man asked the parrot proudly.

"Good job." The parrot nodded. "Only you can make them leave willingly without appearing too arrogant. This place belongs to them after all."

"Hehe." The young man smiled stupidly, "I can even taste the different tastes in their mouths. Lisa ate cheese in the morning, and her mouth was sweet; Olga likes to chew sorrel, and her tongue is sour. It's sour and shocking; Nina ate a few oranges before kissing me, and Martina and Nancy grabbed a few too..."

"Don't say it anymore, I just hope that their husbands won't know about it when they come back." Phyllis the parrot interrupted the young man's words, "Remember, no matter who you are with, you can't do anything further, you know? "

The young man nodded, "Then if those men found out, would they beat me as hard as they did in Sanye City?"

"It will break your ribs again."

"Oh, that's actually fine." The young man smiled stupidly, patted his shoulder, and motioned for the parrot to come back.

There is really something wrong with this guy's brain, Barrett commented in his heart.

The dwarf mage Theodore ignored the farce here. He took out a bottle of dark black and shiny magic ink from his space ring, and dragged the ink with his fingers, and began to draw the magic circle on the border of the mudflat. Theodore's drawing technique is very skilled, but the speed is a little slow.

Every time this little mage draws for a period of time, he needs to use magic spar to replenish his magic power. After a while, four or five small pieces of magic spar, the size of a plum, had lost all blue on the ground around him.

It really took the gnome mage half a day to draw the entire circle.

"Huh..." The little man sat on the ground and rested for a while, then got up and took out a pomelo-sized magic spar from between his hands and embedded it in the center of the circle.

"The historic moment is about to come!" the little man shouted excitedly, "I - Theodore Shining Gold - the master of magic, I will finally truly rise!"

Then he began to sing a tongue-in-cheek and long incantation. As the spell progressed, the magic power on the central spar began to spread along the black lines, and the huge magic circle on the ground also lit up little by little.

When the last syllable in the mage's mouth dissipated into the air, the entire array burst into a dazzling blue light, indicating that the nameless array had been activated.

Immediately afterwards, waves of waves invisible to the naked eye emanated from the array and swayed into the distance. The wave lasted for about a few minutes and then The next moment, Barrett suddenly felt an inexplicable tremor in the entire space.

With this tremor, a majestic and majestic magic tower slowly appeared on the lake not far away. The space around the magic tower is like a water surface, with layers of ripples, but no cracks. After the magic tower fully appeared, the surrounding space returned to its original appearance without any damage.

This scene can't help but make Barrett feel a lot more relieved. He is really sensitive to space cracks now.

The main body of the magic tower is a lavender cylinder, and the walls of the tower are covered with jagged dark purple crystals. At the top of the tower stood a strange magical symbol, which burned like a flame and was surrounded by two concentric rings, one large and one small.

This magic tower is not like an ordinary magic tower, it is a lonely tower. It is also surrounded by three auxiliary towers connected by tower bridges. The overall style of the sub-tower is similar to that of the main tower, except that the magic symbol on the top of the tower is not the same, and it only surrounds a ring.

" do we get there?" Barrett looked up at the magic tower in mid-air and asked in confusion.

"It's very simple, I have a magic trinket that can use flying, but it can only be applied to myself." The gnome mage said, "Wait for Felix and I to fly over first, and you and Felix find a boat to get there. Below the tower. Then I'll open the door of the magic tower with a key and a spell, and pull the two of you up with a magic rope."

"Are we going directly to the main tower?" Barrett asked again.

"Of course!" said the gnome mage. "As long as we control the core furnace that powers the entire magic tower, the rest is trivial."


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