Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 181: battle is over

"Ah!!!!!!" Little Gloomy Soul's arms were wide open, his long hair was raised high, and his cute little face became a little hideous with the startling scream.

The sudden shrill scream behind him made Barrett defenseless, and the sound wave went higher and higher, and plunged into his brain violently, causing his eyes to go black, and he fell to the ground unconsciously.

Barrett's fall stopped the piercing scream from the little ghost. She rushed down from the midair in a panic, and came to Barbarian's side very quickly.

"What's wrong with you, big uncle? Don't die!" Little Ghost's hands subconsciously rested on Barrett's chest, and a bit of icy coldness woke him up from his coma.

He felt that his heart was so cold that it was about to stop beating, "Cough, cough, hand!" Barrett said reluctantly while lying on the ground, and motioned for the little ghost to take his hand away.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." The little ghost's face was full of guilt, "Are you going to die? Big uncle, are you going to be killed by Eve?" The ethereal voice was full of weeping.

"No, cough, it's okay, cough, I can't die temporarily, temporarily." If you do this again, it's hard to say.

The screaming attack of the little ghost was much stronger than that of the ghost named 'Pamela', and it also caught Barret by surprise, otherwise he wouldn't be so embarrassed right now.

Of course, on the one hand, it may also be because of the accumulation and sleep in the 'resting place', which makes the little ghost more powerful; on the other hand, it is also because of the 'dragon tail ring' on Barrett's hand, which makes the sound waves sharp Call the attack more damage. In short, Barrett felt his head buzzing right now, as if he had been hit directly in the back of the head by a siege cone.

Damn, it's good I don't feed on my brain, Barrett lies on the ground and makes fun of himself.

However, the battle at this time is likely to continue, "Cough, small, be careful, the surrounding, the enemy." He told the little ghost.

The little ghost raised his head obediently, looked around and looked around, "This..." she said timidly, "it seems that everyone has fallen. The big green man, the little green man, leaning on crutches The little man, the big talking bird, and the good-looking big brother..."

"..." Well done, nice job! What can be said beyond that?

The barbarian with a very strong physique recovered four heartbeats on the ground, then turned over with clenched teeth, put his arms on the ground, and stood up from the ground first.

"Huh, cough cough, if you see a green-skinned guy trying to get up from the ground, use your little hand to touch his heart, you know." Barrett said to the little ghost surrounding him, "Just like you did to me just now, but harder, ahem, harder."

"Well, don't worry, Eve knows!" The little ghost nodded obediently and flew into the air again. She held her small fists in both hands, looking down vigilantly at the large group of monsters lying on the ground, watching any guy without long eyes dare to get up and taste her small fists.

Barrett stood there, gasping for a few breaths, then staggered towards the orc closest to him.

The sharp sword pierced the orc's heart smoothly, and it fell into an eternal slumber. Then Barrett went to find a second one. As long as the orcs and trolls are wiped out, the greenskin goblins are no threat.

The second orc was also silently stabbed to death. When Barret continued to walk towards the third orc, he accidentally discovered that blood seemed to flow out of the eyes, nose, and ears of the goblins along the way.

He squatted down and tried the pulses of the goblins next to him. Well, they all died. Although he knew that the physique of the little guy like the goblin was very low, the sudden death of such a large group still made him a little afraid of the attack power of the little ghost...

When Barret stabbed the sword into the heart of the third orc, the dying orc suddenly widened his eyes. Its hands used the last bit of strength to hold the sharp sword pierced into its heart tightly, and its eyes turned from violent to clear.

But the orc's eyes did not focus on Barret, but stared at an unknown distance. Its head struggled to lift up, shouted the only word in Orcish language, "Kagh! (Run! and then fell heavily to the ground, silent.

run? If you can get out, who is still talking nonsense with you in this ghost place. Barrett shrugged his shoulders, pulled out his sharp sword, and continued staggeringly looking for the next target.

During the silent killing, one of the strongest trolls came to life. It's body is not much different from Barrit's, but if you want to stand up straight, it will obviously be a lot taller than the barbarian.

The troll covered his head with his claws and stood up from the ground, his eyes closed and groggy as if he hadn't figured out the situation. And the little ghost side flew down from mid-air, and came to it in an instant.

The tall troll was like a hill in front of the little ghost. She was a little scared and stretched out her little hand to the ugly monster in front of her and touched the troll's heart.

The translucent little hand penetrated through the body and clenched the troll's heart fiercely. The troll's eyes widened in suffocation, and he saw the small attacker in front of him.

It roared angrily, and its huge claws frantically grabbed the little ghost with the sound of breaking the air. But no matter how hard it scratched and swiped, all the attacks were like hitting the air, penetrating the spirit body of the little ghost without any hindrance.

The little ghost who was frightened and stayed in place, found that the other party could not hurt him, and immediately came to the spirit. "Ugly bastard." She shouted angrily, pouting, "Let Eve beat you all down!"

The tall troll staggered two steps, trying to stay away from the little ghost with a face full of horror. But the little ghost followed it closely until the troll knelt on the ground as if suffocating, and was cut off by Barrett's sword. The green blood was sprayed out like a fountain, and an abstract and vivid oil painting was drawn on the ground full of withered and rotten leaves.

"How am I doing? Big uncle?" The little ghost floated to the barbarian again and began to take credit.

"Very good!" said Barrett perfunctorily. "Keep your eyes on the other monsters."

"Okay!" The little ghost flew into the air again, and the serious little face carefully searched for the next prey.

However, even if the troll's head is cut off, it cannot be regarded as a real death. The self-healing ability of this creature is extremely terrifying, and it will soon grow a new one. So, Barret had to hurry up and kill all the orcs, then gather all the trolls together, and burn them down with a fire.

At this moment, the gnome mage Theodore also woke up.

"Oh, my head! What the **** just happened?" he murmured, stroking his head while hanging from a branch.

The previous coma caused the little mage to fall from the tree. Fortunately, during the fall, the robe on his body was "kindly" caught by a thick branch, which avoided the risk of falling directly to the ground. The bard next to him was not so lucky. Looking at the big bag on his head, he knew that he would not be able to wake up for a while.

Barrett stepped forward and took the little mage off the tree branch. "Let's talk about the specific situation later. Help me set these trolls on fire first." He said to Theodore, "If you still If you can cast spells."

"Oh, oh, okay." The dwarf mage was on the tree with a dazed expression. After a long while, he began to slowly chant the long incantation.


When the last troll was burning like a torch, it fell to the ground wailing and gradually disappeared, Barritt noticed that a locked troll suddenly appeared on the ground not far away. treasure chest.

This treasure box appeared in front of him out of thin air, as if someone had thrown it out of the space ring. Gold-plated iron bars are hooped on the oak box, and a delicate animal tooth lock is hung on the front of the treasure chest.

The small lock will be cut off with a single sword, not so much as a seal, but to arouse people's curiosity about the things in the box.

"The battle is over?" Phyllis the parrot flew from out of nowhere and landed on Barrett's shoulder. "What is that? A box? When did it appear?"

"Just now, when the last monster fell." Barrett looked at the parrot on his shoulder. "Are you all right?" he asked.

The feathers on the parrot's body were very messy, and two long tail feathers were broken off at the tail. "Not very good." Phyllis said angrily, "The terrible sound wave blew me through the dense canopy, and then directly I hit a rock." It looked at its tail feathers sadly, "If that little girl is going to use this move next time, please let me know in advance."

"Cough, this, I will definitely supervise her severely." Barrit glared at the little ghost.

"Hee hee, sorry." The little ghost stuck out his tongue beside him, then flew towards the treasure chest again, and put his little hand directly into the inside of the treasure chest, touching and touching it curiously.

"And now we have more important things to do than this weird treasure chest." The parrot said again.

"What's the matter?" Barrett asked.

"The rescuer on the maple tree." The parrot looked into the distance, "I hope he won't break his neck when he falls."


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