Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 182: sean the herbal master

The rescued rubbed his neck, "Thank you! Thank you for the kind people, uh, and the kind birds and..." He looked curiously at the little ghost in the air, hesitating for a long time, but he didn't know how to describe it. .

After a few seconds of pause, the rescued simply skipped this step, "If you hadn't acted in time, I would probably have been eaten by those terrifying monsters..."

timely? No, the main thing is that your voice is loud enough.

And my wife, Erin, would be a widow. It hurts my heart to think that she'll be alone for life, or remarry that baker Wade, which is even more difficult for me. Either way, it's a bad ending. So, you not only saved my life, but my wife's tragic fate. "

The rescued muttered to himself with lingering fears, and his face was full of fearful expressions, whether it was because of those green-skinned monsters or because of the cook who baked bread.

"It's a trivial matter, and you don't need to worry about it." Barrett said, "Any traveler who encounters this kind of situation will come to the rescue." Not necessarily, "Speaking of which, why did you appear alone in this jungle? in?"

Barrett carefully observed the other party's expression, hoping to get some useful information from his answer.

"Oh, that's it. My name is Sean, 'Sean Sangster', and I'm an ordinary herbalist." The rescued introduced himself, "I come to this film every week because of my profession. Gather herbs in the jungle. To me, there are endless treasures!"

Treasure? That's true, I happen to have one on hand right now, and it's still locked, but the way it appears is a bit baffling. Barrett said in his heart.

The herbalist Sean took out a handful of brown, nut-like things from his satchel, "Look, the seeds of horse chestnut can cure stomach pains, and also have a very good miracle effect on dysentery!"

Then he took out several fluffy 'weeds', "Borage, this grass is also called 'grass of courage'. It can suppress pain, soothe the mind, eliminate anxiety, and give people courage! Of course, about the last One point, it may not always work." Sean said embarrassingly, and quietly wiped the green broken leaves on the corner of his mouth.

"You are a learned herbalist, no doubt about that..." said Barrett.

"I can't be called a master!" Sean waved his hand quickly, "I just know a little bit of basic knowledge about herbal medicine. In fact, there are many very effective herbal medicines around us, such as the broad-leafed car that can often be seen in the weeds. It has a good effect on hemostasis and wound healing. If you are bleeding from an injury, you can find a few leaves in the grass, chew it in your mouth, and apply On wounds, if the wound is not too severe, the blood will stop very quickly. Trust me, all remedies have psyllium in it..."

"It's really good to know this." This knowledge is very useful for adventurers, but Barrett still interrupts the other party's chatter.

He didn't want to talk too much about herbs, "It's just that, compared to these, I want to know, are you going to continue collecting herbs in the jungle now, or are you going to go back?"

I wonder if your home is a town, a village, or, a lair?

"Of course I'm going back!" The herbalist Sean said firmly, "Green herbs can heal and save people, but green-skinned monsters eat people! In fact, I have never seen so many monsters here before. , this jungle used to be peaceful, but there were occasional goblins and wolves, or big hares or something. The most dangerous creatures were bears, but that's about it. I've never had trolls, let alone trolls. So many orcs!"

So, these monsters appeared temporarily because of our arrival? Barrett thought to himself.

"Is the bunny delicious?" The little ghost in the air suddenly floated over and asked.

"Uh..., it's still delicious." Sean looked at the little ghost, and then at Barrett, confused by this question.

Barrett motioned for the little ghost to play by himself, not to disturb the conversation of the adults, and then said to Sean, "Cough, it's like this, we have been running around in the jungle for a long time, and we want to find a place to rest and rest. ,Not sure if this is possible……"

"Great!" Sean clapped his hands happily, "I was about to invite you to my house to express my gratitude to you! I just don't know how to speak. Besides, I'm not afraid of your jokes. , After encountering such a thing, I really don't dare to go back alone!"


On the way back, Barrett got a lot of useful information from the herbal master Sean.

Sean lives in a village called 'Greenwick'. There are about 800 households in the village. Most of the villagers are farmers, but there are also a large number of handicraftsmen, such as blacksmiths, tailors, shoemakers, potters, etc. In addition, there are some hunters and him. herbalist. "

The village is under the jurisdiction of a town called 'Reavik'. The lords of the city levied taxes in kind on the village every year, including wheat, corn, turnips, livestock, leather, weapons...

Although there are many types of objects collected, the quantity is still acceptable. And when one of the materials is insufficient, it can also be offset with other materials, which is quite reasonable.

During this period, Barrett also asked about 'Asha's Tears', but Sean, a herbalist who is very knowledgeable in herbal medicine, said that he had never heard of this name.

However, Sean told Barrett that if they wanted to inquire about something, it would be a good choice to go to the village and ask the village chief.

Yes, Barret nodded inwardly, every village seemed to have such an old man who knew a lot of secrets.

There was no more fighting on the way home, and the journey was quite peaceful. The young bard even sang a song about the forest softly, to make sure that the big bag on his head didn't affect his sunny voice.

On the way, Barrett and his party saw a rushing waterfall in the distance. The waterfall flies down and converges into a river. The river is wide and the water is fast, but a huge dead tree that collapsed across the river is just a natural single-plank bridge, just right.

They went around a hill again, came to the edge of a low cliff, and followed a few thick vines to the bottom of the cliff slowly. The scenery of the jungle disappeared at the bottom of the cliff, replaced by an empty hill with only a small patch of trees.

Barrett couldn't help but admire the herbal master beside him. Not to mention, it is not easy to climb up and down the cliff every Although the height of the cliff is not high, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

Just when he wanted to get more words out of Sean's mouth, Phyllis the parrot suddenly flew over his shoulder and said a word to him, "Map!"

map? Barritt took out the old parchment map, spread it out with both hands, and found that compared with the previous map, it automatically displayed a lot of content.

A large jungle, at this time five small points are in this area. A village marked as 'Greenwick' was not far from the crowd's path. But the town described by the herbalist did not appear on the map.

"What does that mean?" Barrett asked Phyllis the parrot. He had to admit that although this parrot did not come from an intelligent species, it could be regarded as the sharpest one in the team.

"It means a lot," the parrot said. "For example, when we arrive or learn about some places, the specific locations of those places seem to be automatically marked on the map."

"But that town didn't."

"There are two possibilities." The parrot said softly on Barrett's shoulder. "The first one, although we have learned a lot about the situation in the town, but we haven't come into contact with the people or things that are really related to the town."

"What about another possibility?"

"Don't forget that this is probably a mythical enchantment between virtual and real," said the parrot, "and it's easier to make it only exist in people's minds than to actually build a town. Of course, these are all Just guessing."

After half a day, Barrett and his party finally arrived at the village under the guidance of Sean.


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